
How To Avoid Distraction?
How To Avoid Distraction?
14 min
You say you want something, but you are distracted easily. Ask yourself, "Why am I attracted to anything?" Unless you find that, you are just a plaything in the hands of situations. If you really know, then knowing itself decides for you. Then there is no question of indecision or distraction because there are no options left.
Why Is Our Attention-Span Declining?
Why Is Our Attention-Span Declining?
9 min
It is primarily not about the span of attention. The important thing is not really for how long you can hold your attention on an object. The important thing is, what is the quality of the object you are attending to, and the nature of the human consciousness is such that, only very specific type of objects can really hold your attention for long.
Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
11 min
When Shankaracharya says “Dissolve the mind by concentrating it in the Supreme Self” , what he is saying is that your mind is anyway always concentrated and the type of concentration that you have will not help. This verse just tells you that whatsoever you are concentrating on is going to disappoint you. The mind is always concentrated in all the worldly and miscellaneous things. It is beyond the mind to concentrate on the Truth. Because the Truth is not an object. So, concentration doesn't help, it is not a matter of concentrating, it is a matter of seeing the futility of concentration.
I don’t love it, but my parents want me to concentrate on it || Acharya Prashant, at IIT-D (2023)
I don’t love it, but my parents want me to concentrate on it || Acharya Prashant, at IIT-D (2023)
10 min

Questioner (Q): If my parents tell me to concentrate on my studies but I fail to do so, does it mean that I don’t find it worth concentrating on or interesting enough?

Acharya Prashant (AP): The question that I must first of all address is, why must a twenty-two or

Attention is independent of action || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Attention is independent of action || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
2 min

Questioner: Sir, as you said that if the person is free he will be joyful, he is joyful in every task he is doing. So, how will he choose the task?

Shri Prashant: No, he will not feel joy in every task he is doing, the joy is irrespective of

Concentrate on the real battle, and ignore the random ones || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Concentrate on the real battle, and ignore the random ones || Acharya Prashant (2019)
4 min

Questioner: I get very tensed whenever I face any conflict. I find that definitely there is an underlying fear that I will lose something, which causes anxiety. But, just being able to pinpoint doesn’t help much.

Very often, my mind says that I should let go of, whatever I am

What can I do to be more attentive? || Acharya Prashant, on youth (2013)
What can I do to be more attentive? || Acharya Prashant, on youth (2013)
3 min

Speaker: The question is, ‘What should we do to be more attentive?’

First of all, I understand that why Aman is asking this question in this language; because all our lives we have seen that we get something only by doing.

So, Aman thinks that attention is to do something.

Attention and concentration
Attention and concentration
2 min

Question: Sir, can I be in attention even when mindis distracted? Does attention also depend on whether I am loving the thing that I am doing or not?

Answer: Prashant,

Attention is a quality of the mind. Attention is the deep desire of the mind to understand. Understanding means settling

What is Tapasya? What is concentration? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
What is Tapasya? What is concentration? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
7 min

Question 1: What is ‘*Tapasya*‘ (austerity)? Why is ‘*Tapasya*‘ necessary?

Acharya Prashant (AP): In the cold areas of the country, it becomes important, especially in winters, to let the sunlight in. Quilts etc. are kept out in the open so that they receive the Sun treatment. The Sun must beat

Find something overwhelmingly beautiful, and you wont need to concentrate || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Find something overwhelmingly beautiful, and you wont need to concentrate || Acharya Prashant (2015)
3 min

Question: Why can’t I concentrate on anything?

Shri Prashant: Because those things are not worth concentrating. When you will meet something that deserves all your immersion, then you will not be left to ask this question. So, till the time you are not meeting that, it is good that

Living in the Present, Resistance, Concentration, Compassion and Pity
Living in the Present, Resistance, Concentration, Compassion and Pity
6 min

A. Living in the Present

The Present is not an object of thought. To live in the Present, first of all you must know what is really ‘Present’. You know what is meant by Present? What really is ‘Presence’? Living in the Present means living in the Truth, because only

Can Thought Truly Be Selfless?
Can Thought Truly Be Selfless?
13 min
Thought is a servant; thought is a shadow. The shadow cannot betray its owner, its master. So, what changes is the nature of the ego itself, not the nature of thought. So when we say, for example, selfless thought, that primarily implies that the ego has improved, loosely put. Since I have become better, so have my thoughts. Now, I cannot remain the same and say my thoughts have become selfless, and if I do that, then I'm being pretentious and just fooling myself.
Connection Between Thoughts and Wrong Relationships
Connection Between Thoughts and Wrong Relationships
13 min
I’m already bad, and through the thought process, I make a choice that makes my condition worse. I will always choose a woman who does me no good. And if a woman exists, coincidentally, who can be of real help to me, the job of thought will be to push that woman aside. Ditto for the other combination. As a woman, you don’t want a man who will challenge your most fundamental beliefs.
Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
1 min

People talk of personal time as opposed to professional time, right? They forget that the profession that they have chosen has also been chosen by the person. So, even that which they are mistakenly calling as professional time is only personal time.

Our lives have only personal time. To be

Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
5 min
The mind chatters only about little and inconsequential things. First of all, the matter would be a petty one; secondly, irrespective of how long the chatter is, the matter can never be brought to an end; so it is inconsequential. The mind loves to engage itself with itself. The mind loves to roll in its own stuff. Give the mind a proper purpose. Let the entire body, your entire system, everything in your existence be focused, be channelized towards the right purpose in life.
J. Krishnamurti's 'The Observer Is the Observed' Explained by Acharya Prashant
J. Krishnamurti's 'The Observer Is the Observed' Explained by Acharya Prashant
8 min
'The observer is the observed; an honest observation dissolves them both.' Or, 'The observer is the observed, and both are false.' We lay a lot of emphasis on the world, assuming it to be the Truth. If the world is an entity independent of everything, then it has to be the Truth, right? Truth is that which is independent of everything.
Is Meditation Really as Beneficial as People Claim?
Is Meditation Really as Beneficial as People Claim?
13 min
Meditation is a way of life. Meditation is the most beautiful love affair you can have. People talk of romance, why not romance the truth? Romance is your unending date with the truth. You see, when you are on a date, it’s not as if you are looking at the other person all the time. Especially if you are meeting that person frequently. It could be a working date then. “Fine let’s meet somewhere, let’s sit across a table, you have your own laptop, I have mine and we work.“ And that’s a date.
Knowing When To Exercise Patience And When To Pursue Goals Aggressively
Knowing When To Exercise Patience And When To Pursue Goals Aggressively
4 min
Choose the goal extremely wisely and then it does not matter whether you are failing or succeeding or what. Obviously, you do not want to keep failing continuously. So, you look at the process of living, the process through which you wanted to move towards whatever you chose. And then you make continuous improvements in the process. But all this talk of improvement and everything make sense only if, first of all, the goal is right.
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
9 min
Swami Vivekananda was an ordinary man—Narendra, and he too had his ordinary pursuits. It was the magical touch of Paramhans, that turned him into Vivekananda. And he wasn't too eager either. Many times, he ran away from Ramakrishna. It is a gigantic task, it doesn't just happen on its own. If you leave the youth to how they are, it is not liberation that would happen.
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
29 min
The mind is the entire set, the whole universe of objects that the ‘I’ has a relationship with. Not the entire set of everything that is there in the universe. One does not have a relationship with everything. But whatsoever one develops a relationship with becomes mind. An object untouched by the self, the ego is just an object. But the moment the object is touched by ‘I’, it becomes vishay or mind. And, mind is an accumulation, a congregation of objects that it is in relationship with.
When You are Alright, then the Sound of Your Footsteps Is Compassion
When You are Alright, then the Sound of Your Footsteps Is Compassion
9 min
When you are not bothered about the other, that is when you are totally compassionate. When you are not trying to change the other, that is when you become an agent of change. Compassion is not about thinking all the time of others. You cannot try to be compassionate. When you are alright, then the sound of your footsteps is compassion. That is what compassion is.
Is Your Mind Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy?
Is Your Mind Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy?
10 min
The mind is both your best friend and your worst enemy. It’s your friend when it operates with intelligence and attention, but when there is no attention, when there is no care or love, then intelligence does not function. And then, the mind is your worst enemy. A prisoner knows no joy, no freedom, no love. Your own sleep keeps you imprisoned. The moment you wake up, you are free.
Mind Work Ends When True Realization Takes Hold
Mind Work Ends When True Realization Takes Hold
18 min
Realization is extremely powerful. You cannot realize and not act. It is impossible. You cannot realize and not act. Action follows realization. So if you come and say, “I realize, I understand but I cannot act,” then you are mistaken; you actually do not realize at all! The action after realization is not time-bound; it does not even have a time lag. It is instantaneous and spontaneous.
How to Set Goals in Life?
How to Set Goals in Life?
20 min
A goal that is too far away in time is a false goal. The goal has to be extremely immediate. By having a false goal, you give yourself the luxury of not doing the right thing right now. By placing your goal five years into the future, you have given yourself the freedom— the false freedom— to do any random stuff right now.
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
17 min
You have ample gurus who come over and say, “You know, you do this and then you can do whatever you want to do.” Now the moment you hear this kind of philosophy that Yoga will help you do better whatever you want to do, I suppose one must run away. Because that’s exactly antithetical to Yoga. Yoga is not about doing whatever you want to do; it’s the ego that says that, not the dedicated, devoted, wise mind. That does not come from there.
How Do We Know Anything about Life? Where Do Our Thoughts Come from?
How Do We Know Anything about Life? Where Do Our Thoughts Come from?
8 min

Questioner: It’s well known that simple living and high thinking are what we should aim at, but how do we know what is simple living and high thinking?

Acharya Prashant: You talked of simple living and high thinking, and you said that it's well-known that simple living and high thinking

To Understand the Mind, Observe Without Concluding
To Understand the Mind, Observe Without Concluding
17 min
Just know that this is what is there in the mind. And that is the appropriate mental activity. The mind is the machine, well tuned, nicely designed for both analysis and observation. Use it for observation. You use it only for analysis and comparisons. Use it for observation. And if the observation is honest, then the object of observation will drop.
What Is Creativity?
What Is Creativity?
4 min
Creativity is the action of a fresh and free mind. With a fresh mind, whatever you do is creative. We have equated creativity with brilliance and dynamism, whereas it can be very ordinary. It’s like love—where something totally new comes from nowhere, where one is not overly concerned about results, and where one is not caught in mundane distractions. It's an expression of freedom and fearlessness.
Alasinga Perumal - Swami Vivekananda's most loved disciple
Alasinga Perumal - Swami Vivekananda's most loved disciple
3 min

We all know Swami Vivekananda. But have you heard about 'Shri Alasinga Perumal'?

Probably not. But if Alasinga Ji had not been there, Swami Vivekananda would never have been able to give that historic speech in Chicago, due to which he brought fame to Vedanta and Hinduism throughout the world.

How to be in a Peaceful State of Mind?
How to be in a Peaceful State of Mind?
14 min
Peace is your destiny, everybody's destiny but that destiny is a timeless destiny. You do not reach there after ten years, you are there right now. And because you are there right now, hence this drama of not being there can continue endlessly.
How to Control the Mind?
How to Control the Mind?
13 min
Mind control is not about suppressing the mind; it is about supporting it to take the right route and reach the right destination. The mind does not really need control; it needs peace. But the mind is a little foolish. If the mind were not foolish, why would it leave its peaceful state, which is its natural state?
Relax and Let the Mind Observe Naturally
Relax and Let the Mind Observe Naturally
5 min
When you are relaxed, then there is no need to observe. Observation is not a need. It cannot happen because you are telling yourself to observe. It cannot happen out of some purpose. When you are internally relaxed, then a subtle observation is automatically happening.
Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
8 min
The ego says that my first priority is to remain, exist, and after that comes everything else. Even the Truth must be subservient to my first priority. So, liberation is alright as long as it is a second of liberation. Peace is alright as long as it is five minutes of peace. But if silence threatens to take over the entire life, if peace starts dominating noise to the extent that the noise might be completely annihilated, then the ego rejects. The ego wants Truth, but only a modicum of Truth. The ego wants peace, but only a sliver of peace.
The Key to Progress || Neem Candies
The Key to Progress || Neem Candies
1 min

A lot of progress, even in the material sense, happens only by inviting pain. That which we call as discipline, even in the loose sense, is nothing but an invitation to pain. Is there discipline without pain? You have to get up at some point in the morning—doesn’t that involve

Which direction to take in life? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Which direction to take in life? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
3 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, which direction to take in life?

Acharya Prashant: What is it, that matters to you?

The direction in which you must go is determined by where you will feel the pain.

And if you feel no pain, no discomfort, why must you go in any direction?


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How to Respond to Life's Problems?
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To be at Rest is to be at the Destination even in the Middle of the Journey
To be at Rest is to be at the Destination even in the Middle of the Journey
11 min

Questioner: Sir, when you say rest, what do you mean by that, because something is always going-on, in the periphery, some or other activities are always being carried out?

So what is rest?

Acharya Prashant: Rest is to realize that none of those activities, which continue on the periphery, have