
उम्र बढ़ने भर से बड़े हो गए?
उम्र बढ़ने भर से बड़े हो गए?
21 min
उम्र बढ़ जाने से तुम व्यस्क नहीं हो जाते। उसके लिए यहाँ दिमाग में कुछ होना चाहिए। कोई एक होता है जो बड़ा हो पाता है। कोई-कोई होता है जो वास्तव में बड़ा हो पाता है। उसको कहते हैं-खिलना, अपनी पूर्णता को प्राप्त होना। कोई-कोई होता है, बाकी तो सब ऐसे जैसे हमारे ऑफिस में डहेलिया है, ये लगे हुए हैं।
जानने और करने में दूरी क्यों?
जानने और करने में दूरी क्यों?
16 min
जानना तुम्हारा स्वभाव है, करना तुम्हारी प्रकृति है। जब तुम कहते हो, ‘मैं काम कर रहा हूँ’, तो तुम ये मान के चलते हो कि जो कुछ हो रहा है, उसमें तुम्हारी भी कोई सत्ता है। तुम करने वाले हो ही नहीं। जो होना है, सो तो हो ही रहा है, “अनहोनी होनी नहीं, होनी होय सो होय”। जानो! तुम मात्र जानने वाले हो।
निर्णय, समझ, गलतियाँ
निर्णय, समझ, गलतियाँ
11 min
मोह इतना सघन हो जाता है कि तुम सत्य से इनकार करने लगते हो। बात सीधी है, कचरा है लेकिन उसके साथ बहुत रहे हो, उससे पहचान जोड़ ली है, तो अब कचरे को कचरा नहीं बोलोगे। क्योंकि कचरे को कचरा बोला तो खुद को कचरा बोला; पहचान जोड़ ली है न। यही अहंकार है– पहचान जोड़ लेना और फिर जिस वस्तु से सम्बद्ध हो, उसके सारे गुण अपने ऊपर ले लेना। चोट पड़ रही हो कर्मफल की, और सहारा मिल रहा हो गुरु का ग्रन्थ का, ये दोनों जब एकसाथ हो रहे हों तो फिर नासमझी छूट जाती है।
योद्धा चाहिए, बच्चे नहीं
योद्धा चाहिए, बच्चे नहीं
19 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी अकेलापन महसूस करती हूँ और पुरानी बातें याद आती हैं। इस पर आपने कहा था कि विद्रोह पूर्ण करना पड़ता है। हम जहाँ रहते हैं, जहाँ काम करते हैं, ये सारी जगह एक होती हैं तो विद्रोह पूर्ण करना पड़ता है।माताजी के गुजरने और घर के

क्या बच्चे पैदा करना प्रेम का प्रतीक है?
क्या बच्चे पैदा करना प्रेम का प्रतीक है?
4 min
"प्रेम प्रेम सब कहैं, प्रेम न चीन्है कोय। जा मारग साहब मिलै, प्रेम कहावै सोय।" या जा मारग डायपर मिले प्रेम कहावै सोय? जिस मार्ग पर चलकर साहब से मुलाकात हो जाए, उस मार्ग का नाम है प्रेम (आकाश की ओर इशारा करते हुए) । या प्रेम उस मार्ग का नाम है जो *मैटरनिटी* (प्रसूति) वार्ड की ओर जाता है?
अमीर औलादों की महँगी गाड़ी, आम आदमी का सस्ता खून
अमीर औलादों की महँगी गाड़ी, आम आदमी का सस्ता खून
20 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: नमस्ते आचार्य जी। मेरा नाम है सुष्मिता भट्टाचार्य और मैं जर्मनी के म्यूनिख शहर में रहती हूँ, और यहाँ पर में बच्चों के स्कूल में पढ़ाती हूँ। मेरा आज का सवाल जो है वो इस सत्र से रिलेटेड नहीं है।

मेरा आज का सवाल है हाल ही में पुणे

The Gap Between Understanding and Action
The Gap Between Understanding and Action
6 min
Understanding expresses itself through action. And understanding knows no other expression. Words are a very poor substitute for the right action and that is what Gibran is talking of here. He says that which is understood claim for its final expression as action in life. The poet often lets his understanding become his words. To that extent, there is a flow but if the words remain mere words and do not turn into life then there is no freedom yet. The imprisonment continues. Live what you love, otherwise, the punishment is tremendous.
Why Do People Commit Suicide?
Why Do People Commit Suicide?
9 min

Questioner: Why do people commit suicide?

Acharya Prashant: They still have a lot of hope. They feel that suicide would redeem them. They have not given up everything. They are still carrying a lot of hope. If I do not know what is beyond life, how can I enter that

Are There Any Benefits to Gossiping?
Are There Any Benefits to Gossiping?
12 min
So many love affairs are actually based on not much more than gossip. What do the couples mostly do? Do they discuss wisdom? Do they discuss the renaissance enlightenment? They gossip and they gossip like hell. But that gossip is so fruitful; they get sex. Kids are born and mind you, rarely would you find a man and a woman who would be able to trust each other without gossiping, without engaging in small talk, loose talk.
आइ.आइ.टी की डिग्री, पर्वतारोहण का खिंचाव, मन मे द्वंद || आचार्य प्रशांत (2020)
आइ.आइ.टी की डिग्री, पर्वतारोहण का खिंचाव, मन मे द्वंद || आचार्य प्रशांत (2020)
5 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: मैं एक मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार से हूँ और बचपन से ही बहुत कम महत्वाकांक्षी रहा हूँ। खेल-खेल में ही मैंने जेईई का एग्ज़ाम क्रैक किया (परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की) और आइआइटी खड़गपुर में इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स इंजीनियरिंग (अभियान्त्रिकी) करने का मौका मिला।

इंजीनियरिंग के दूसरे वर्ष में ट्रैकिंग (पर्वतारोहण) करने का मौका

जीवन जीने की कला
जीवन जीने की कला
21 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, किसी भी काम को करने में मन क्यों नहीं लगता है?

आचार्य प्रशांत: अभी कल ही एक लड़का आया था मुझसे मिलने। वो मध्य प्रदेश के सागर जिले में खाद्य विभाग में काम करता है। नया लड़का है, अभी-अभी नौकरी का एंट्रेंस क्लियर किया है और डेढ़-दो

‘ना’ बोलने में झिझक
‘ना’ बोलने में झिझक
7 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, जब कोई कुछ बोलता है, तो न चाहते हुए भी ‘ना’ नहीं बोल पाता हूँ।

आचार्य प्रशांत: ‘ना’ तो तुम बोलते हो, ऐसा तो नहीं है कि ‘ना’ नहीं बोल पाते।

ऐसा नहीं है। ‘ना’ तो हम बोलते हैं, वहाँ हमारा गणित होता है। हमें अच्छे से

ऐसी जवानी चाहिए
ऐसी जवानी चाहिए
4 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: नमस्ते आचार्य जी। मैं आजकल देख रहा हूँ कि युवाओं में बहुत हीनभावना बढ़ रही है और समय मिलता है, देश छोड़ देते हैं, आत्म गौरव जैसी चीज़ नहीं है। मैंने उपनिषद् का एक श्लोक पढ़ा था, वो मेरे जहन में बैठ गया है। मैं पढ़ना चाहता हूँ।


Desire, Love and Maturity
Desire, Love and Maturity
7 min
Maturity is when you can transcend your body, and by the body, I mean the bodily compulsions. That includes your thoughts, your feelings, and everything because they are all bodily. You very well know how chemicals in the body translate into thoughts and feelings. Read more...
How to Be Your Own Light?
How to Be Your Own Light?
7 min
Don't be bothered when others say you've lived a failed life or made wrong decisions. Let them talk. You will know you're right, just as clearly as you know when your thirst is quenched. You were thirsty, you drank water, and even if the world tells you you're still thirsty, you know the truth. Trust your own experience. Live life in your own light, for that is the only right way.
Empowered Decision Making for Student Life: Acharya Prashant
Empowered Decision Making for Student Life: Acharya Prashant
8 min
This age, when you are in your late teens or early twenties, is the time when life is constantly and rapidly changing around you, without giving you a moment to take stock of things and feel assured, even briefly, that things will stay as they are. Because they do not continue as they are now, everything is unpredictably changeable. What does one do? One needs some anchor, something unchanging, or else there’s too much insecurity. If everything can change and one’s existence depends on these things, it feels deeply unstable.
How to Overcome Challenges in Decision Making?
How to Overcome Challenges in Decision Making?
4 min
We are actually afraid that the decision will prove to be ‘wrong’. Is it the decision-making that terrifies us or the thought that my decision may turn out to be wrong? My real fear is that ‘I do not know what is right and wrong. Because all my life I have lived according to the criterion provided by others. I have no understanding of how to live intelligently and how to decide for myself. Another reason that we feel afraid in decision making is that we feel accountable, we feel a certain obligation, we feel that if our decision is wrong, what answers we will provide to others? We are not really afraid of the event as such. Rather, we are afraid that what kind of face will we show to others?
Good Intentions Don't Matter; Awareness Does
Good Intentions Don't Matter; Awareness Does
8 min

Questioner: What we get from outside especially in the childhood, is the love, affection, care of our parents, family. How can that contribute to our ego?

Acharya Prashant: There is a saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” People’s intentions are good, but they end up doing

How to Get One's Ex-Girlfriend Back?
How to Get One's Ex-Girlfriend Back?
9 min

Acharya Prashant: ‘How can I get my ex-girlfriend back?’ The question comes from Shubham. Shubham you will have to die (audience bursts into laughter) . There is no other way, you will have to die.

You know, it was Kabir Sahab who said: ये तो घर है प्रेम का, खाला

When you are really sure, all your energy rises into action || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2012)
When you are really sure, all your energy rises into action || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2012)
3 min

Acharya Prashant: Energy arises when you know what you are doing. Life is inert and boring when you do not know what you are really doing. You have no interest in doing anything.

All of you are sitting here. There are many of you who are looking here and

Responsibility is the fruit of maturity || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
Responsibility is the fruit of maturity || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
28 min

Listener : Sir, we have heard this thing and understood it well that with maturity comes responsibility. My question is on the next statement which I will state now that, “Responsibility also given before time and before maturity, have the tendency to spoil that person to whom it is given,

Live fully, die fully, and then come alive, again, and again || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Live fully, die fully, and then come alive, again, and again || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
11 min

Listener: Can we do music, study and exercise together, successfully?

Speaker: Sagar is asking, can I be into music, studies and exercising simultaneously.

No, never simultaneously! Never simultaneously. I would not really enjoy if you are exercising right now? Or if you are singing right now. Right now there can

How to help others see the truth? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
How to help others see the truth? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
10 min

*T ***o personally meet or connect with Acharya Prashant: click here. **

Question: Sir, is it possible to help those who are deeply blind, even if they do not agree or acknowledge that they are blind? Is it possible to help such people?

Speaker: Alok is asking that

Don't be so serious; nothing is too important || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Don't be so serious; nothing is too important || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
4 min

Speaker: How many of you feel this way that when the time is there, the opportunity is there, you feel blank? The mind experiences a blackout. Do you understand a blackout? There is nothing. And when the moment is gone then the thoughts arise. In the moment of action, you

Detachment is the fruit of maturity || Acharya Prashant (2014)
Detachment is the fruit of maturity || Acharya Prashant (2014)
11 min

Speaker: You see we are outrageously arrogant when it comes to small things, we are so fond of claiming that which we do not have, but we are absurdly humble when it comes to claiming that which we really have. You don’t have a large house but you would not

How to become a child again? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2015)
How to become a child again? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2015)
4 min

Question: Sir, how to become a child again?

Speaker: The child is there, let it loose. Why do you cage it? Why do you suppress it? Why must you act so mature and grown up? Why must your face be so thoughtful? Why must you appear so serious and absorbed?

Don't try to achieve; just live in achievement || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Don't try to achieve; just live in achievement || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
5 min

Speaker: Achievement will happen, but the mind will remain non-achiever.

Achievements will happen, great achievements will happen, greater than what you have ever dreamed of, greater than your greatest goal but you will not be an achiever, and it is a beautiful thing. Achievements are just happening and I am

Tell the mind the valuable is safe || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Tell the mind the valuable is safe || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
15 min

Student: Sir, how to get rid of unwanted thoughts in the mind?

Speaker: The unwanted thought? What is your name?

Student: Avnish

Speaker: Avnish is asking how to get rid of the unwanted noise of thought in the mind. How many of you have experienced this, that there is so

संस्था में स्वंयसेवियों का जीवन कैसा है? || आचार्य प्रशांत, केदारनाथ यात्रा पर (2019)
संस्था में स्वंयसेवियों का जीवन कैसा है? || आचार्य प्रशांत, केदारनाथ यात्रा पर (2019)
14 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी प्रणाम। मैं आपके द्वारा लोगों को लाभ पाता देखता हूँ। इस शिविर में भी बहुत से लोग ऐसे हैं जो लाभान्वित हुए हैं, और अपनी कृतज्ञता भी व्यक्त करते हैं और साथ में संस्था के जो स्वयं सेवक हैं उनके कार्य को भी देखता हूँ, तो मेरा

Brain and Intelligence || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2012)
Brain and Intelligence || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2012)
19 min

Acharya Prashant: We can live in two kinds of worlds. How? Even as I am speaking to you, some of you are listening, and the others might be thinking and wandering and lost in imagination, Right? Do you see that? You have to be together in this. Is that alright?

To know your real responsibility, know who you really are || IIT Kharagpur (2022)
To know your real responsibility, know who you really are || IIT Kharagpur (2022)
17 min

Questioner (Q): We encounter these nodes in the path of our lives where we have to make decisions. The majority of us have a lot of duties associated with our life, and these duties also come with some demands associated with how we must act. For example, right now I

Those who really want to change their life, are prepared to pay with their death || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Those who really want to change their life, are prepared to pay with their death || Acharya Prashant (2015)
5 min

Question: I often find my life revolving around petty issues, issues around ‘me’, mine’. And there is a deep frustration because of this. I feel that I want something more. Is that just an ideology, or there is something more to it?

Speaker: Life is not something, cast in stone.

Do not give false treatments to your restlessness || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Do not give false treatments to your restlessness || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
6 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): If you are peaceful, if you are joyful, if you are centered, if you do not always feel like running after achievement, then no change is needed. Everything is alright.

Look at this. When you are running after achievement, what is this that you are saying? "I

Money and growth will not fill your internal hollow || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
Money and growth will not fill your internal hollow || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
3 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): Wonderful! A nice question has come to us. Our friend is saying that greed is making people work. If you remove greed from people’s life, they will not grow. So, I'm asking him, what is growth?

Questioner (Q): Growth is evolution. Like we have evolved into a

The only way to improve relationships || Neem Candies
The only way to improve relationships || Neem Candies
1 min

If the two persons who are in this social arrangement of marriage are also spiritual friends, then they rise above the social arrangement. The social arrangement by itself is a recipe for disaster. But when the social arrangement is purified, consecrated by the spiritual touch, then the poison in it

Can one be related without attachment? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Can one be related without attachment? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
7 min

Questioner : Is it possible to be related without attachment?

Shri Prashant : The question covers the wider issue of relationships. What are relationships? What is the place of attachment in relationships?

Relationships could come from three different, distinct sources. There could be three different basis of relationships.

The lowest

Is dissatisfaction necessary for progress? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Is dissatisfaction necessary for progress? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
4 min

Disatisfied how do you feel? Tell me.

Listener: Sir, I feel afraid, I feel insecure, and a lot of questions.

Speaker: Right, you feel afraid, you feel insecure and a lot of questions – can we call them doubts? You feel doubtful.

Look at the flow that is coming to

Don't fight the mind; just relax in realization || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Don't fight the mind; just relax in realization || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
6 min

Listener: How can we get rid of past and future worries that distract our present and dis-illuminate our path?

Speaker: Kushagra is asking how can we get rid of our past and future worries that distract our present and dis-illuminate our path. Path goes to where?

Listener: Future.

Speaker: So,

Before you declare somebody asleep, wake up ! || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Before you declare somebody asleep, wake up ! || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
4 min

Speaker: Amit says, ‘Assuming that I have to go to a place where there are all foolish men, how can I retain my individuality there?’ First of all the individual does not have to go anywhere. ‘Have to’ implies compulsion. ‘Have to’ implies that there is somebody else who is

Right age for giving birth? || Neem Candies
Right age for giving birth? || Neem Candies
1 min

Law just says that there is a legal age—eighteen, twenty-one and such things. First of all, giving birth requires that there has to be mental maturity.

Unfortunately, 99% of the world’s population is not at all mentally mature enough to be parents. The funny thing is that the 1% who

When this changes, that changes || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
When this changes, that changes || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
2 min

Question: Is it possible to change ‘that’ (the outer world) by changing ‘this’ (the mind)?

Acharya Prashant: Yes! They are related. When the quality of the mind changes, the world also changes. Haven’t you heard this? *‘Jaisi drishti waisi shrishti ’*? Change ‘this’ (the mind) and ‘that’

How to control my thoughts? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
How to control my thoughts? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
5 min

Questioner: Sir, you always say to live with the thoughts. But at any second there are so many thoughts in mind so how to control it, sir? How to control the mind?

Acharya Prashant: Who will control them? If one is in a dream and the dream is a very

Why do people fall in love? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Why do people fall in love? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
6 min

Student- Why do people fall in love?

Speaker- We talked about the child and we said that the child’s brain is like a sponge. Right?

We tried to look at the child in terms of some kind of physical properties of the brain. Let’s extend it further and see what

Before you understand others, silence your mind || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Before you understand others, silence your mind || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
5 min

Shri Prashant: This is a camera (holding a smartphone in hand, pointing towards the camera) and let’s say that there is something written over here (pointing at the wall) . I want to let it come to me through this camera and I record it using this camera and the

Why cant I speak in front of others? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
Why cant I speak in front of others? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
7 min

Question: How can we overcome our fears?

Speaker: For quite a while I have been inviting questions. Did you think just now of asking this question, or was this question written on your page since the beginning?

Listener 1: Since the beginning.

Speaker: Since the beginning. You did not raise

How did some sages attain wisdom at a very young age? || IIT Kanpur (2020)
How did some sages attain wisdom at a very young age? || IIT Kanpur (2020)
5 min

Questioner: How did sages like Ashtavakra and Adi Shankara attain wisdom at such an early age of fourteen or eight? You have said in many of your videos that unbearable pain coming from falseness is the starting point of the journey towards the Truth. How can someone have this kind

How does one play a game that he knows he is bound to lose? || (2015)
How does one play a game that he knows he is bound to lose? || (2015)
4 min

Questioner: Dear Sir, I am writing this mail with a very heavy heart. It is on account of my affection for my father, that I had to get into the filth of society and family. But now that I am into it, I find myself unable to be a part

To know what I am not is to know myself || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
To know what I am not is to know myself || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
24 min

Shri Prashant: The question asked is why must one understand the ego?

So, what is the ego? What have you understood? Forget the rules.

Listener 1 : Something which lets us develop ourselves. If we do not have ego, we cannot develop.

SP: Put it in very simple language,

An attached mind cannot love || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
An attached mind cannot love || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
9 min

Question: Sir, love is not attachment. Attachment means habit and if it is so, the person you love becomes an object. But if we are not attached to that person we love, then we see that person like others, and it is our habit to hurt others for our own

In love you are free to obey and disobey || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
In love you are free to obey and disobey || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
6 min

Question: What should be the place of our parent’s views in our decision making?

Acharya Prashant: Who will decide the importance given to anybody’s views? Parents views or anybody’s views? Who will decide that? You will decide that. Even if I give you some answer right now, who will decide