
Marriage Under Parental Pressure
Marriage Under Parental Pressure
6 min
Nobody can prepare you for anything that is against the law of freedom. Especially when you are an adult irrespective of where the childhood was; irrespective of how the conditions back then, where one lives in this particular moment and there is no obligation to carry the load of the past. There is absolutely no need. When I say need, what I mean is something that you cannot dispense away with. If this thing is happening to you, there surely is choice involved in it. And if it is your choice, it can be reversed.
सर, क्या आप शादी के खिलाफ़ हैं?
सर, क्या आप शादी के खिलाफ़ हैं?
26 min
बहुतों को लगता है कि अगर ये सब हटा दिए नियम कायदे तो इंसान तो कुत्ता-बिल्ली बन जाएगा, नहीं बनेगा। तुम्हें क्या मनुष्यता पर भरोसा नहीं है? हमारे पास जब उच्चतम हो पाने की संभावना है तो तुम्हें क्यों डर लग रहा है कि हम कुत्ता-बिल्ली बन जाएँगे, क्यों डर लग रहा है? शिक्षा दो न उन्हें कि वो अपनी चेतना को बढ़ा पाएँ, उसी चेतना के बढ़ने से कृष्ण कहते हैं कि जो नहीं होना चाहिए फिर नहीं होता, संन्यास संयम सब आ जाते हैं जब आत्मज्ञान आ जाता है। तुम्हें क्यों लग रहा है कि लड़के-लड़कियाँ बिल्कुल वाहियात हो जाएँगे पागल हो जाएँगे हर जगह बस सेक्सुअल वायलेंस चल रहा होगा ये वो?
महँगी शादियों पर मर मिटा भारत
महँगी शादियों पर मर मिटा भारत
52 min
भारत दुनिया के सबसे बीमार देशों में है, सबसे कुपोषित देशों में है। और कोई देश शादी, व्याह पर पर उतना नहीं खर्च करता, जितना भारत करता है, वेडिंग इंडस्ट्री कहीं उतनी बड़ी नहीं है, जितनी भारत में है। हमें सीधा-सीधा संबंध नहीं दिखाई दे रहा, हमारी दुर्दशा में और हमारे फ़िजूल खर्चों में? छोटा-मोटा फ़िजूल खर्चा नहीं है ये कि बस एक जाकर के कहीं से आप एक शर्ट खरीद लाए जिसकी आपको ज़रूरत नहीं थी। ये दुनिया में कोई नहीं करता। और ये हमें करने के लिए मजबूर किया जा रहा है ― पैसे के भौंडे प्रदर्शनों के द्वारा, ग्लैमर (ठाठ-बाट) दिखा-दिखाकर के और अरमान जगा-जगाकर के हमें मजबूर किया जाता है।
Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
1 min

In our country, most people marry because that is sometimes the only way of getting some good sex—good and assured sex. Otherwise, the fellow would either have to spend a lot of money or a lot of time, or both, and then still return empty-handed. Isn’t that so?

Now, if

जल्दी से शादी करा के विदा कर दो || नीम लड्डू
जल्दी से शादी करा के विदा कर दो || नीम लड्डू
2 min

लड़की को पढ़ाई के लिए दो-सौ किलोमीटर दूर भेजना हो तो यही माँ-बाप और भाई कन्नी काट जाते हैं, और ब्याह कर वो दो-हज़ार किलोमीटर दूर जा रही हो इन्हें कोई फ़र्क नहीं पड़ेगा। और पढ़ाई के लिए जाएगी तो किसी यूनिवर्सिटी के हॉस्टल में रहेगी, सुरक्षा में रहेगी, हॉस्टल

Are You Against Marriage?
Are You Against Marriage?
3 min
We are all born married to our desires, despair, and desperation. A woman or a man is not responsible for making us feel bonded or suffocated. It is the feeling of attachment, loneliness, and dependency that troubles you. Get rid of these, and then, if someone comes into your life, it’s alright. If you feel like marrying them, do it; if not, don’t.
Live-in Relationship or Marriage?
Live-in Relationship or Marriage?
11 min
There is not much difference between a live-in relationship and marriage. When you are living with somebody, that person gains enormous power to affect your life in all kinds of ways, and you too gain that power. You cannot do justice to that responsibility if you are not a spiritually evolved person. Be very, very conscious of your personal space. It is sacred; not everybody must be allowed to enter it.
प्रेम विवाह बेहतर है या आयोजित?
प्रेम विवाह बेहतर है या आयोजित?
11 min
जो प्रेम का वास्तविक अर्थ नहीं समझते, वो विवाह चाहे घरवालों के कहने पर करे या फिर अपनी मर्ज़ी से करे, उसने ले-देकर चुनी तो माया ही है। हम प्रेम समझने को तैयार नहीं होते, प्रेम-विवाह करने को बड़े उतावले रहते हैं। ये जो पूरी विवाह की व्यवस्था को रच रहा है, वो कौन है? वो भीतर बैठा मन है। उस मन को हम समझते हैं क्या? उसको नहीं समझा तो उसके द्वारा रची गई व्यवस्था पर भरोसा कैसे कर लिया?
बहन-बेटी की शादी कराने की इतनी आतुरता?
बहन-बेटी की शादी कराने की इतनी आतुरता?
7 min
कोई नहीं कहता कि बहन को पढ़ाना है, लिखाना है। ‘आचार्य जी, भाई हूँ, धर्म निभाना है, बहन को स्वावलम्बी बनाना है। बहन अपने पैरों पर खड़ी हो, आज़ाद हो जाए’, कोई आता ही नहीं। क्या समस्या है? ‘बहन की शादी।’ अरे! बहन से पूछ तो लो, शादी वगैरह ये उसका निजी मसला है। निजी कुछ समझते हो? *प्राइवेट*, *पर्सनल* (व्यक्तिगत) *मैटर* (मसला) है ये। या तुम ज़बरदस्ती उसको कहोगे कि ले इसके साथ बाँध रहा हूँ, अब एक कमरे में घुस जा, सुहागरात मना?
क्या है बिग फैट इंडियन वेडिंग?
क्या है बिग फैट इंडियन वेडिंग?
21 min
भारतीयों में आनंद की कमी अक्सर देखी जाती है। जो पैसा आनंद और विकास में खर्च होना चाहिए, वो कभी खर्च नहीं होता। बचत की आदत से भड़ास बिग इंडियन फैट वेडिंग में निकलती है। पच्चीस साल तक ज़िंदगी में कुछ नहीं रहता, तो सारी भड़ास एक रात में निकल जाती है। शादियों में जो पैसा खर्च करते हो, उसका आधा भी लड़की की ज़िंदगी, मन, व्यक्तित्व बनाने में लगा दो, तो लड़की भी तर जाएगी, आप भी तर जाओगे।
बाल शोषण रोकने के उपाय
बाल शोषण रोकने के उपाय
17 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: प्रणाम आचार्य जी। सबसे पहले तो मैं आपको बहुत ज़्यादा थैंक्यू बोलना चाहती हूँ। ढाई साल से मेरी डिप्रेशन की दवाइयाँ खत्म हो चुकी हैं। मैं नहीं ले रही हूँ जब से आपसे कनेक्ट हुई हूँ। शुरुआत में आपकी बात नहीं समझ आती थी, तो कई बार मैंने आपके

Wasting Life on an Unworthy Person?
Wasting Life on an Unworthy Person?
11 min

Questioner: I was in a relationship with a person from the last eight years. Last three years while being with me, he was also seeing and dating other women. I have always been honest and loyal to him. After knowing that he is so mean, so dishonest, why am I

सही जीवन साथी कैसे चुनें?
सही जीवन साथी कैसे चुनें?
8 min
तुम्हें अपनी पसन्द नहीं अपनी कमज़ोरियाँ देखनी होगी, ये स्वीकार करना होगा कि भीतर एक बन्धन है जिसको सुधार की ज़रूरत है और फिर जिससे रिश्ता बनाने जा रहे हो, उसकी ओर देखो और पूछो ‘क्या इस इंसान में वो क्षमता है, ताकत है कि वो मेरे भीतर की दुर्बलताओं को, अँधेरे को, अज्ञान को ठीक कर पाये?' शादी भी आन्तरिक प्रगति और एक बेहतर इंसान बनने के लिए ही करो |
Why Do You Want to Get Married?
Why Do You Want to Get Married?
6 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, Pranaam. Currently, there is a lot of pressure on me to get married. I am completely confused about this decision, I am not mentally prepared for it right now. I feel incompleteness in my life, and I want to settle things in my life.

There is a

Why Do You Want to Get Married?
Why Do You Want to Get Married?
6 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, Pranaam! Currently there is a lot of pressure on me to get married. I am completely confused about this decision; I am not mentally prepared for it right now. I feel incompleteness in my life, and I want to settle things in my life.

There is a

One Mistake, and You Are Gone || AP Neem Candies
One Mistake, and You Are Gone || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: If material attracts you, sooner than later, women too would be a dominant factor in your life. And if you are chained to women, then sooner than later you will have to go after material also. That is why people start earning more aggressively and more helplessly after

ये दो चीज़ें ज़िंदगी बना देंगी, या बिगाड़ देंगी || (2020)
ये दो चीज़ें ज़िंदगी बना देंगी, या बिगाड़ देंगी || (2020)
31 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: पिछले तीन साल से आपको सुन रहा हूँ और अब कुछ महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेने हैं — नौकरी चुननी है और विवाह संबंधित कुछ फैसले लेने हैं। और आप कहते हैं कि शादी और नौकरी, ये किसी की ज़िंदगी या तो बना सकते हैं या बिगाड़ सकते हैं। आपने एक

How to Choose the Right Partner?
How to Choose the Right Partner?
4 min
Be very, very alert about cohabitation. Just don’t start living with anybody. Be very, very conscious of your personal space. It is sacred; not everybody must be allowed to enter it. I am not merely talking of the body; the mind is much, much more sacred than the body. The purity and such things of the body probably do not matter so much, but the mind must be kept virgin. Be very cautious.
Is Marriage Your Real Problem?
Is Marriage Your Real Problem?
29 min
Don’t unnecessarily hassle your spouse. He or she is probably as clueless as you are. He needs your support. She needs your light. Take care of yourself, and then you will be able to take care of everybody.
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies
3 min
Human beings spend five years, seven years in courtship, knowing fully well that the objective is just one, but neither the man nor the woman—assuming it’s a man-woman relationship—would dare confess it to the other. Especially not in India. Read more....
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
25 min
Love is serious, hard work. And love is not really fun. You need to learn to have fun in hard work. And that’s love. In love, you start loving the hard work and the hardship that comes your way. Read more....
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
5 min
There is nothing wrong in marriage if it is based on the foundation of wisdom and an awakened state. The institution of marriage becomes a problem because it emerges out of a mind seeking security leading to permanent enslavement. Marriage, when entered out of ignorance, can become an irreversible trap that dictates one’s life. Marriage is beautiful and wonderful if it is based on wisdom because then it redeems and gives one wings to fly, breaking oneself from the clutches of patterns and security.
Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
15 min
Cheating a partner happens on three planes. Physical plane where the foundation of relationship has just been fulfilling one’s bodily needs, emotional plane where a partner is supposed to please other partner and on spiritual plane where a partner’s attention is withdrawn from the Higher Self to one’s own lower self. It’s quite rare that relationships are based on a higher plane where both the partners have come together to push each other to get close to ‘Something’. The thing is although we have moved out of the jungle, but within we are animals.
Managing Expectations in Relationships: A Path to Harmony
Managing Expectations in Relationships: A Path to Harmony
10 min

Question: Acharya Ji, before marriage, every relationship that I had has been very natural. I never did anything to be good with them. But once I got married, it is not coming that natural. My expectation from relationships seems to have risen.

Please guide.

Acharya Prashant:

Where there is desire,

Why to Get Married: Is It Your Choice or a Scripted Expectation?
Why to Get Married: Is It Your Choice or a Scripted Expectation?
14 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, recently I had a small argument with my parents regarding marriage. They have been pushing me for the last seven years, trying to somehow convince me to get married. I’ve got kind of really sick of it. I’m trying to push it, saying that I don't need

कहीं उनका किसी से कुछ चल तो नहीं रहा? || आचार्य प्रशांत कार्यशाला (2023)
कहीं उनका किसी से कुछ चल तो नहीं रहा? || आचार्य प्रशांत कार्यशाला (2023)
14 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: मेरे पति एक ऐड इंडस्ट्री (विज्ञापन उद्योग) में काम करते हैं। तो उनका पूरा समय जवान और सुन्दर महिलाओं के साथ बीतता है। जिसके वजह से मैं बहुत स्ट्रेस (तनाव) में रहती हूँ, पजेसिव (अधिकारात्मक) हो जाती हूँ, इनसिक्योर (असुरक्षित) हो जाती हूँ। तो मैं सारे हथकंडे अपना चुकी

Only rape matters? || Neem Candies
Only rape matters? || Neem Candies
1 min

A woman is not allowed to work after marriage—nobody cares. It doesn’t make headlines at all.

A woman has unsafe work environment—doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make headlines.

A woman dies during childbirth—who bothers?

Public spaces are not women-friendly—who bothers?

Women themselves are getting conditioned to look at themselves as mere

Who is the right person for marriage? || Neem Candies
Who is the right person for marriage? || Neem Candies
1 min

You already have enough troubles, right? We don’t want to invite another trouble into your house, into your bedroom, do you? But yes, if someone can bring joy and Truth to you, invite them right into your heart, and then marriage is inconsequential. With the right person, you marry—wonderful! You

The only way to improve relationships || Neem Candies
The only way to improve relationships || Neem Candies
1 min

If the two persons who are in this social arrangement of marriage are also spiritual friends, then they rise above the social arrangement. The social arrangement by itself is a recipe for disaster. But when the social arrangement is purified, consecrated by the spiritual touch, then the poison in it

The effect of spirituality on married life || Acharya Prashant (2019)
The effect of spirituality on married life || Acharya Prashant (2019)
4 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, a lot of changes have happened in my lifestyle and in my relationship with my wife after I have started watching your videos and reading your books. We spend a lot of time alone now. We don’t get into escapes easily, don’t get into such entertainment activities

Marriage by another name || Neem Candies
Marriage by another name || Neem Candies
1 min

Even if you get married, what do you do? You bring a man or a woman to your house, or you move to his house, sharing a common bed and gaining the authority to slip your hand inside somebody’s pants. Even the courts of law call that as consummation of

How to choose the right partner for marriage? || Acharya Prashant (2018)
How to choose the right partner for marriage? || Acharya Prashant (2018)
4 min

Acharya Prashant : Companionship is wonderful. Be with one person, ten persons, anybody who helps your mind be centred. Being with such a person or a group of persons is wonderful. If marriage is another name for beautiful companionship, marriage is wonderful.

But, what matters is not the social institution

They aren't bachelors, they are wannabe husbands || Acharya Prashant, with Delhi University (2023)
They aren't bachelors, they are wannabe husbands || Acharya Prashant, with Delhi University (2023)
18 min

Questioner (Q1): Hello, sir. Good evening. My name is Poorak Singh. And so, my question is regarding being single in India. Sir, your movement promotes antinatalism, which led to a lot of people remain single and go against marriage. So, if we talk about in India, singles have to face

Save your marriage || Neem Candies
Save your marriage || Neem Candies
1 min

The best way to save a marriage is to forget that you are married. Till the time you remain married, the marriage is doomed to fail.

If you want to redeem your wife, drop the wife and you will get a lover.

If you want to save your husband, drop

Love, marriage and happiness
Love, marriage and happiness
7 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, I am a Hindu and I want to marry a Muslim girl. I love her, but my family is not supporting. Nobody agrees with me. What should I do?

Acharya Prashant (AP): I think even you don’t agree with marrying her.

Q: I do, Sir.


How to relate better to one's wife? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
How to relate better to one's wife? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
16 min

Question: If there is a fight going on with my wife, and she gets angry, and I too get angry. Won’t that create more friction?

Acharya Prashant: You know what, you don’t get angry when fighting with your spouse, because you assume that she is not as strong as you.

On leaving behind money for one’s children, and other responsibilities
On leaving behind money for one’s children, and other responsibilities
16 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, should one not leave money for his children? Is that not my responsibility towards my family?

Acharya Prashant (AP): By giving them X or Y tangible things, would you really be able to do them some good? You have a son, and that son becomes an

Why all this in weddings? || Acharya Prashant at Mithibai College Mumbai (2022)
Why all this in weddings? || Acharya Prashant at Mithibai College Mumbai (2022)
10 min

Questioner: Why are some social norms told to be followed that don’t make any sense? For example, we apply mehendi (Henna) in marriage, what’s the use?

Acharya Prashant: Kid, when I was your age I would ask much the same question and I had actually never imagined that the questions

Is marriage your real problem? || Neem Candies
Is marriage your real problem? || Neem Candies
1 min

Drop the idea that the marriage is the problem, and then you will be able to look at her as an individual. Drop the image that she must be a wife, and then you will be able to look at her more sympathetically, more intimately.

Look at your husband like

Dealing with toxic partners || Acharya Prashant, Vedant Mahotsav at IISc Bangalore (2022)
Dealing with toxic partners || Acharya Prashant, Vedant Mahotsav at IISc Bangalore (2022)
22 min

Questioner (Q): I have been listening to your videos for a week and I can see a lot of difference in my personal life. And I was fortunate enough to live in Bangalore and was able to come here. I’ve been facing problems in my personal life for the last

Searching for the right partner? ||Neem Candies
Searching for the right partner? ||Neem Candies
1 min

If you are just looking for decent looks and somebody to accompany you to the movies, then anybody would do. But if you are looking really to not make a waste of your life, and if you are looking for someone who just refreshes you, gives you freedom from all

Weddings - why we all love them! || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Ropar (2023)
Weddings - why we all love them! || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Ropar (2023)
26 min

Questioner (Q): Namaskar, Sir. My question is related to Indian weddings. Since in the last two months only — November and December — we saw there was some wedding season on every consecutive day. There were some processions and a lot of noise. And even social media was flooded with

The Perfect One for marriage || Acharya Prashant, on Rumi (2017)
The Perfect One for marriage || Acharya Prashant, on Rumi (2017)
14 min

The man who married a harlot, on living dangerously.

The prince of Tirmidh said one night to his court-jester Dalqak, 'You have taken to wife a harlot in your haste. You should have mentioned the matter to me, then we might have married you to a respectable woman'.

Said the

Before you enter a new relationship || Neem Candies
Before you enter a new relationship || Neem Candies
1 min

“Why am I with someone?” That question has to be asked. If that question has been honestly asked and reasonably answered, then you cannot go wrong, whether you marry or not, whether you remain with someone or not.

And mind you, these are not really permanent decisions to be made.

Marriage truths no one admits ||Neem Candies
Marriage truths no one admits ||Neem Candies
1 min

Companionship is wonderful. Be with one person, ten persons, anybody who helps your mind be centered. Being with such a person or a group of persons is wonderful.

If marriage is another name for beautiful companionship, marriage is wonderful. But what matters is not the social institution of marriage but

Does one need to get married to live with one’s lover? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Does one need to get married to live with one’s lover? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
12 min

Question: Why do I need to get married? Why do I need to take a certificate from somebody regarding my love, regarding my decision to live with someone? Why does it need to be certified by someone?”

Acharya Prashant (AP): Pulkit (questioner), it’s a very good question that you are

Thinking of staying unmarried?  || Neem Candies
Thinking of staying unmarried? || Neem Candies
1 min

When a great scientist, or a devoted politician, or a committed author decides to remain unmarried, it is wonderful. But only then. First of all, figure out something great to be immersed and absorbed in. If you can figure that out, then you get the licence to remain unmarried. Only

Unmarried men must hear this || Neem Candies
Unmarried men must hear this || Neem Candies
1 min

I have nothing against marriage. I have a lot to do with the mind of man. The mind that rushes towards security, the mind that wants to possess and hold captive another living being, I want to talk of that mind.

Marriage will decide the kind of work that you

शादी के लिए लड़की नहीं मिल रही! || आचार्य प्रशांत, बातचीत (2021)
शादी के लिए लड़की नहीं मिल रही! || आचार्य प्रशांत, बातचीत (2021)
13 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: एक जानकार हैं, स्कूल टीचर हैं। तो आपसे इस तरीक़े से वार्तालाप होगी, मैंने उनको बताया था तो मैंने कहा कुछ परेशानी है? बताऍं। तो उन्होंने कहा— मैं स्कूल टीचर हूँ और स्कूल टीचर से कोई शादी नहीं करना चाहता। मेरी शादी कब होगी? क्षमा चाहती हूँ उनके सवाल

शादी का निर्णय लेने में उलझन || आचार्य प्रशांत, केदारनाथ यात्रा पर (2019)
शादी का निर्णय लेने में उलझन || आचार्य प्रशांत, केदारनाथ यात्रा पर (2019)
18 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, जो ‘इच्छा’ होती है वो मुझे आज तक पता ही नहीं चला कि मेरी आखिर इच्छा है क्या। जैसे कि मैट्रिक पास किया और सब दोस्त आईएससी किए, हम भी कर लिए। फिर सब इंजीनियरिंग का तैयारी करना शुरू किए हम भी किए साथ में। इच्छा नहीं