Vedant - Gita Collection

ज़िन्दगी की किताब कैसे पढ़ें?
ज़िन्दगी की किताब कैसे पढ़ें?
15 min
जो सीखने को तैयार है, उसके लिए तो समूचा अस्तित्व ही गुरू है। पर तुममें पहले सीखने की वो महत् आकांक्षा तो उठे। पहले तुम ये मानो तो, कि जीवन बड़ा सूना है, बड़ा व्यर्थ जा रहा है, तुम्हारे भीतर एक छटपटाहट तो उठे। तुम तो झूठे संतोष में जी रहे हो, तुम तो माने बैठे हो कि ये तो ठीक है, मुझे पता ही है। हाँ! हाँ! ऐसा होना चाहिए, वैसा होना चाहिए, सब ठीक है। मस्त रहो! बस ऐसा है, सन्तुष्ट रहो, “संतोषं परमं धनम्।” जिसमें तड़प नहीं है, उसके लिए तो अध्यात्म की शुरुआत ही नहीं हो सकती।
I Am Either Absolutely Everything, or Nothing at All
I Am Either Absolutely Everything, or Nothing at All
11 min
I alone am! Nothing else. One could either have consciousness that is related to just these three states, a gross consciousness for which the material is supreme, an emotional mind, a thinker, analytical person who lives in ideas, or somebody who has been able to go beyond these two but is yet restless with this ‘I am'. One’s consciousness could rest in these three states or it could find a peaceful and relaxed home in just nothing. Call it either just nothing or call it absolutely everything — An all pervasive ‘I am', all pervasive ‘I am'.
मुक्त पुरुष और अहंकारी में भेद
मुक्त पुरुष और अहंकारी में भेद
12 min
अहंकार है, कुछ नहीं भी करो तो भी तुम लगे ही हुए हो, रत हो, उद्यमी हो। और नहीं है अगर अहंकार तो जो करना है करो, तुमने तब भी कुछ नहीं किया।अहंकार रहित कर्तृत्व को ही कहते हैं अकर्तृत्व। अकर्ता और कोई नहीं है; अकर्ता और कर्ता में यही अंतर है कि करते दोनों हैं, एक इसलिए करता है कि कुछ मिल जाएगा और एक बस यूँही करता है।
Ashtavakra Gita: Live in the World, Don’t Be Worldly
Ashtavakra Gita: Live in the World, Don’t Be Worldly
4 min
What is the world? You will see the world exactly as you are. As the subject changes so do the world. As the subject becomes lighter and lighter, the world also keeps becoming lighter and lighter. And as the subject dissolves totally, the world too, in its present form dissolves totally.
Don't Discard Opinions, Discard the Opinionated Mind
Don't Discard Opinions, Discard the Opinionated Mind
6 min

नाना मतं महर्षीणां साधूनां योगिनां तथा । दृष्ट्वा निर्वेदमापन्नः को न शाम्यति मानवः ॥

nānā mataṃ maharṣīṇāṃ sādhūnāṃ yogināṃ tathā dṛṣṭvā nirvedamāpannaḥ ko na śāmyati mānavaḥ

Where is that man who having observed the diversities of opinions amongst the seers, sages, and yogis, and thus becoming completely indifferent, does not

How to Identify the Real Master?
How to Identify the Real Master?
26 min
It is not others that you have to be cautious of. You have to be cautious of that within you which gets influenced by others, which does not know others but gets influenced by others. It does not live in knowing. It lives in indoctrination. How to know the real master? See, who is treating your disease. How do you know a doctor? Not by his degrees but by his ability to treat you.
The World of the Worldly Man Hates the Truth
The World of the Worldly Man Hates the Truth
20 min
Look on such things as friends, land, money, property, wife, and bequests as nothing but a dream, a magician’s show lasting three days, five days. Read more....
What Is Meant by ‘Leaving the World’?
What Is Meant by ‘Leaving the World’?
10 min

Acharya Prashant: Leaving what is not, That is all right, but that leaving is not done with an objective to get joy. Had the thing been so transactional that you could leave one thing and as an exchange offer get another thing, then everybody would have taken the deal. Were

The Only Way to Help the World Is to Leave the World Alone
The Only Way to Help the World Is to Leave the World Alone
6 min
The world’s problems are solved by those who do not contribute to those problems. The world’s problems are not solved by those who take the world seriously. The world’s problems are actually solved by those who know that the world does not mean anything; hence they leave the world to itself. Read more....
How to Know that One Is Not the Body?
How to Know that One Is Not the Body?
25 min

Questioner: My question is about the relationships we share with our near ones. I find so many limitations in every relationship I have. What to do in situations where my parents do not understand me? What should I do to make them understand me?

Acharya Prashant: First of all, you

Why Help Others be Liberated?
Why Help Others be Liberated?
8 min

Questioner: You have said that individual liberation is not possible: that either we go together, or nobody can go. So, we have to help others to cross over. But I can’t help even the people close to me; they are caught up in routine work or indulge in entertainment; no

Ribhu Gita: How Patience and Consistency Lead to Spiritual Growth
Ribhu Gita: How Patience and Consistency Lead to Spiritual Growth
7 min
Great things are there in Ashtavakra Gita and Ribhu Gita. But, when will they happen with me?" Are you really ready? You aren’t even prepared to acknowledge, "I haven’t done one bit to deserve the great things." Do you know who Ashtavakra was and how he lived? Read about their determination, and ask, "Do I deserve to ask for the ultimate?" You read what Saints and Prophets achieved and feel tempted, but why must you get that? What have you left? What price have you paid? And yet, you demand Samadhi, like calling a helpline saying, "I made the advance payment.
Why are You so Angry Over Yourself?
Why are You so Angry Over Yourself?
18 min

Acharya Prashant: Latha is saying, why does she get angry so often even over small matters? Especially with some people, she is unable to control anger and she says she tried to change her attitude but hasn’t been quite successful. She is saying, now, how to change myself. Because anger

Awaken the Poet within, else Life remains Asleep
Awaken the Poet within, else Life remains Asleep
6 min

Questioner: My question is, why is creativity, like poetry, dying these days? And poetry is a part of literature. And how much contribution of literature is there on the way to Adhyatma?

Acharya Prashant: See, the more you will lose touch with yourself, the more material your world will get.

Attain Fulfillment in Life While Being in Worldly Relations: Ribhu Gita Wisdom
Attain Fulfillment in Life While Being in Worldly Relations: Ribhu Gita Wisdom
11 min
The one who will abide as ‘Brahm-Self’ will only take care of the genuine interests of the other. She will not act to fulfill her own little insecurities. A mother who abides as Brahm will be really a divine mother, now the daughter will truly prosper. And a father who does not abide as the ‘Brahm-Self’ will be a very dangerous father because he will ask his son to do things that the father likes, not things that are really good for the son. Brahm does not extract any flesh from anybody. Brahm does not say, “I gave you birth, so now you do what I'm asking you to do.” Brahm says, “To really give birth is to give freedom and if I cannot give you freedom, then I'm very dangerous for you.” That is why abiding as Brahm is even more necessary in a family.
No Success, Money, or Pious Deeds Will Save You: Rishi Ashtavakra
No Success, Money, or Pious Deeds Will Save You: Rishi Ashtavakra
8 min
You go to a Dattatreya, or a Ribhu, or an Rishi Ashtavakra—they all will be quick to denounce virtues as much as they denounce vices because they focus on the actor and not the action. They focus on the doer and not on the deeds. Because they do not focus on the deeds, so for them, pious deeds are only as good or bad as profane deeds. For them, pious deeds or profanity both belong to the same dimension. They are talking of something beyond that dimension.
Dream and Reality: How the Ego Builds Its False Foundation
Dream and Reality: How the Ego Builds Its False Foundation
10 min

Questioner: Sir, is the root here the ego? And if the ego is without any support, how can it still continue to nourish samsara (world)?

Acharya Prashant: Yes, you could say the root is the ego.

Then you are saying, “If the ego is without any support, how can it

How Does Wisdom Literature Define the Conciousness?
How Does Wisdom Literature Define the Conciousness?
10 min

Acharya Prashant: I am beyond the three fold bodies, I am beyond the consciousness, that is Brahm! Consciousness, ‘चेतना’ in the context of wisdom literature, especially Indian wisdom literature, refers to a relaxed state of understanding versus a turbulent state of thought. Consciousness can refer to both.

Consciousness can refer

Grace waits only for your consent
Grace waits only for your consent
7 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, if the decisions that one takes in one’s life is a matter of choice, then what is Grace?

Acharya Prashant: Grace is that which is available free of cost, grace is that which comes to you unconditionally, grace is not something that you receive unconditionally. There’s many

क्या मैं धर्म अनुसार आचरण कर रहा हूँ?
क्या मैं धर्म अनुसार आचरण कर रहा हूँ?
15 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: नमस्ते आचार्य जी। मेरा नाम गवाक्ष जोशी है। मैं आइआइटी कानपुर में पीएचडी का छात्र हूँ। और विद्युत अभियान्त्रिकी विभाग से। मेरा प्रश्न धर्म को लेकर है। मैं हितोपदेश मित्रलाभ पढ़ रहा था! तो एक श्लोक आया था मेरे सामने, जिसका अर्थ ये था — भोजन, निद्रा, भय और

देश दुर्दशा में है - भारत में रहूँ, या छोड़ दूँ?
देश दुर्दशा में है - भारत में रहूँ, या छोड़ दूँ?
25 min

प्रश्नकर्ताः धन्यवाद, सभा में उपस्थित सभी लोगों का अभिनन्दन! मैं डा. कुमार मनोज, मैं आधुनिक चिकित्सा में यूरोप से प्रशिक्षित एक चिकित्सक हूँ। और फिलहाल मैं दिल्ली के एक शासकीय चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय में मनोरोग विभाग में कार्यरत हूँ। मैं जब भारत वापस आया तो मैं अपने भारतीय समाज की सेवा

How to differentiate right thinking from wrong thinking? || Acharya Prashant,on Shri Ashtavakra Gita
How to differentiate right thinking from wrong thinking? || Acharya Prashant,on Shri Ashtavakra Gita
17 min

śuddhamadvayamātmānaṁ bhāvayanti kubuddhayaḥna tu jānanti saṁmohādyāvajjīvamanirvṛtāḥ-Ashtavakra Gita(18-43)

Translation: The stupid one thinks of himself, and lives in the confusion of concepts.The wise one knows himself and lives in the joy of clarity.

Speaker: The question is: If one doesn’t meditate upon the aatman and still be redeemed, then what to

Being Body Conscious? But, You Are Not the Body
Being Body Conscious? But, You Are Not the Body
29 min

देहाभिमानपाशेन चिरं बद्धोऽसि पुत्रक । बोधोऽहं ज्ञानखंगेन तन्निष्कृत्य सुखी भव ॥

dehābhimānapāśena ciraṃ baddho'si putraka bodho'haṃ jñānakhaḍgena tanniṣkṛtya sukhī bhava

O son, you have become habitual of thinking “I am body” since long. Experience the Self and by this sword of knowledge cut that bondage and be happy.

~ Chapter

मंदिरों में जाने के लाभ और नुकसान
मंदिरों में जाने के लाभ और नुकसान
13 min

विहाय चैरिणं काम्मर्थं चानर्थसंकुलं, धर्ममप्येतयोर्हेतुं सर्वत्रादरं करु। ~ अष्टावक्र गीता

अर्थ: जब तक जीवन स्वार्थों के पीछे भाग रहा है तब तक जीवन में आनन्द का होना ना-मुमकिन है।

आचार्य प्रशांत: “विहाय चैरिणं काम्मर्थं चानर्थसंकुलं, धर्ममप्येतयोर्हेतुं सर्वत्रादरं करु।”

‘काम को छोड़कर, जोकि शत्रु है। अर्थ को छोड़कर, जो अनर्थ से

शास्त्र या अहम्: कौन बड़ा है?
शास्त्र या अहम्: कौन बड़ा है?
51 min

आचार्य प्रशांत: क्या करना है, क्या नहीं करना है। क्या होना है, क्या नहीं होना है। दिशा कौनसी लेनी है, नहीं लेनी है इसका निर्णय अहंकार ही करता है। और आप ये नहीं कह सकते कि अहंकार ने अपने लिए गलत निर्णय करा। कोई और देखें, तो कह देगा कि

संसार की नश्वरता समझ नहीं आती? || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
संसार की नश्वरता समझ नहीं आती? || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
11 min

ईक्षेत विभ्रममिदं मनसो विलासं दृष्टं विनष्टमतिलोलमलातचक्रम्। विज्ञानमकामुरुधेव विभाति माया स्वप्नस्त्रिधा गुणविसर्गकृतो विकल्प:।।“

यह जगत् मन का विलास है, दीखने पर भी नष्टप्राय है, अलातचक्र (लुकारियों की बनेठी)– के समान अत्यन्त चंचल है और भ्रम मात्र है— ऐसा समझे। ज्ञाता और ज्ञेय के भेद से रहित एक ज्ञानस्वरूप आत्मा

जो जीवन को मृत्यु जाने, वो मृत्यु के पार हुआ || आचार्य प्रशांत, आजगर गीता पर (2020)
जो जीवन को मृत्यु जाने, वो मृत्यु के पार हुआ || आचार्य प्रशांत, आजगर गीता पर (2020)
16 min

अन्तरिक्षचयाणां च दानवोत्तम पक्षिणाम्। उत्तिष्ठते यथाकालं मृत्युर्बलवतामपि।।

दानवश्रेष्ठ! आकाश में विचरणे वाले बलवान पक्षियों के समक्ष भी यथासमय मृत्यु आ पहुँचती है। ~ आजगर गीता, श्लोक १६

दिवि सञ्चरमाणानि ह्नस्वानि च महन्ति च। ज्योतींष्यपि यथाकालं पतमानानि लक्षये।।

आकाश में जो छोटे-बड़े ज्योतिर्मय नक्षत्र विचर रहे हैं, उन्हें भी मैं यथासमय

विषयों से मुक्ति के दो उपाय || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
विषयों से मुक्ति के दो उपाय || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
9 min

गुणानुरक्त्तं व्यसनाय जन्तो: क्षेमाय नैर्गुण्य मथो मन: स्यात्। यथा प्रदीपो घृत्वर्तिमश्रन् शिखा: सधूमा भजती ह्यन्यदा स्वम्।। पदं तथा गुणकर्मानुबद्धं वृत्तीर्मन: श्रयतेऽन्यत्र तत्त्वम्।।

विषयासक्त मन जीव को संसार-संकट में डाल देता है विषयहीन होने पर वही उसे शान्ति में मोक्ष पद प्राप्त करा देता है। जिस प्रकार घी से भीगी हुई

आप कौन हैं? || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
आप कौन हैं? || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
12 min

दृष्ट्वा मां त उपव्रज्य कृत्वा पादाभिवन्दनम्। ब्रह्माणमग्रत: कृत्वा पप्रच्छ: को भवानिति।।

“मुझे देखकर सनकादि ब्रह्माजी को आगे करके मेरे पास आये और उन्होंने मेरे चरणों की वन्दना करके मुझसे पूछा कि आप कौन हैं?”

~ हंस गीता, श्लोक २०

इत्यहयं मुनिभि: पुष्टस्तत्त्वजिज्ञासुभिस्तदा। यदवोचमहं तेभ्यस्तदुद्धव निबोध मे।

प्रिय उद्धव! सनकादि परमार्थतत्त्व

बुद्धि के तीन तल || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
बुद्धि के तीन तल || आचार्य प्रशांत, हंस गीता पर (2020)
16 min

श्री भगवान् उवाच सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणा बुद्धेर्न चात्मन:। सत्त्वेननान्यतमौ हन्यात् सत्त्वेन चैव हि।।

भगवान श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं — प्रिय उद्धव! सत्त्व, रज और तम — यह तीनों बुद्धि (प्रकृति) के गुण हैं, आत्मा के नहीं। सत्त्व के द्वारा रज और तम — इन दो गुणों पर विजय प्राप्त कर

घरवालों की दृष्टि संपत्ति पर हो तो || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
घरवालों की दृष्टि संपत्ति पर हो तो || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
12 min

यस्यामिमे घण्नरदेव दस्यव: सार्थ विलुम्पन्ति कुनायकं बलातू। गोमायवो यत्न हरन्ति सार्थिकं प्रमत्तमाविश्य यथोरणं बवृका:।।

अर्थ: महाराज, उस जंगल में छ: डाकू हैं। इस वणिक समाज का नायक बड़ा दुष्ट है। उसके नेतृत्व में जब यह समाज वहाँ पहुँचता है, तब ये लुटेरे बलात उसे लूट लेते हैं।

~ परमहंस गीता

गृहस्थ हो भी गए हो, तो भीतर आत्मस्थ रहो || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
गृहस्थ हो भी गए हो, तो भीतर आत्मस्थ रहो || आचार्य प्रशांत, परमहंस गीता पर (2020)
12 min

यथा ह्नुवत्सरं कृष्यमाणमप्यदग्धबीज क्षेत्र पुररेवावपन-काले गुल्मतृणवीरुद्धिर्गह्नमिव। भवत्येवमेव गृहा श्रमः कर्मक्षेत्र यस्मिन्न हि कर्माण्युत्सीदन्ति यदयं कामकरण्ड एष आवसथ:।।

“जिस प्रकार यदि किसी खेत के बीजों को अग्नि द्वारा जला न दिया गया हो तो प्रतिवर्ष जोतने पर भी खेती का समय आने पर वह फिर झाड़-झंखाड़, लता और तृण से आदि

कौन है जीवन्मुक्त? कौन हैं क्षेत्र-क्षेत्रज्ञ? || आचार्य प्रशांत, जीवन्मुक्त गीता पर (2020)
कौन है जीवन्मुक्त? कौन हैं क्षेत्र-क्षेत्रज्ञ? || आचार्य प्रशांत, जीवन्मुक्त गीता पर (2020)
33 min

तत्व क्षेत्रं व्योमातीतमहं क्षेत्रज्ञ उच्यते। अहं कर्ता च भोक्ता च जीवनमुक्त: स उच्यते।।

पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, आकाश इन पंच तत्वों से बना ये शरीर ही क्षेत्र है तथा आकाश से परे अहंकार ही क्षेत्रज्ञ है। ये ‘मैं’ ही समस्त कर्मों का कर्ता और कर्म फलों का भोक्ता है, इस

न संदेह न संशय || आचार्य प्रशांत, ऋभुगीता पर (2014)
न संदेह न संशय || आचार्य प्रशांत, ऋभुगीता पर (2014)
12 min

सर्वभावं न सन्देह : सर्वं नास्ति न संशय:। सर्वं तुच्छं न सन्देह : सर्वं माया न संशय:।।

All is thought. There is no doubt of this. All is not. And there is no doubt of this. All is trifling. And there is no doubt of this. All is illusion. And

JeevanMukti - Your Highest Possibility || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
JeevanMukti - Your Highest Possibility || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
9 min

Questioner (Q): I am seeing that the mind lives in a hierarchy. So, there are some social reformers and then there are some spiritual mystics. Is there any difference between them, if both of them are working from the right centre?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No, you cannot be a true

Truth is not for those who want pleasure || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2019)
Truth is not for those who want pleasure || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2019)
10 min

वाग्मिप्राज्ञामहोद्योगं जनं मूकजडालसम् । करोति तत्त्वबोधोऽयमतस्त्यक्तो बुभुक्षभिः ॥ १५-३॥

vāgmiprājñāmahodyogaṃ janaṃ mūkajaḍālasam । karoti tattvabodho’yamatastyakto bubhukṣabhiḥ ॥ 15-3॥

This awareness of the Truth makes an eloquent, clever and energetic man dumb, stupid and lazy, and therefore Truth is avoided by those whose aim is pleasure. || 15.3 ||

Question: Acharaya

Wise dumbness, Sharp stupidity, Creative laziness || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
Wise dumbness, Sharp stupidity, Creative laziness || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
15 min

वाग्मिप्राज्ञामहोद्योगं जनं मूकजडालसं।

करोति तत्त्वबोधोऽयम-तस्त्यक्तो बुभुक्षभिः॥ 15.३ ॥

vāgmiprājñānamahodyogaṁ janaṁ mūkajaḍālasam karoti

tattvabodho'yamatastyakto bubhukṣabhiḥ || 15.3 ||

This awareness of the Truth makes an eloquent, clever and energetic man dumb, stupid and lazy, so it is avoided by those whose aim is enjoyment.

~ Ashatavakra Gita, Chapter 15, Verse 3

What is the state of the liberated one? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashatavakra Gita (2014)
What is the state of the liberated one? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashatavakra Gita (2014)
14 min

शून्या दृष्टिर्वृथा चेष्टा विकलानीन्द्रियाणि च ।

न स्पृहा न विरक्तिर्वा क्षीणसंसारसागरे ॥ 17.९ ॥

śūnyā dṛṣṭirvṛthā ceṣṭā vikalānīndriyāṇi ca

na spṛhā na viraktirvā kṣīṇasaṃsārasāgare || 17.9 ||

In him for whom the ocean of samsara (world) has dried up, there is neither attachment nor aversion. His gaze is vacant, his

How much money does one really need?
How much money does one really need?
9 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, please explain what Shri Ramakrishna meant by the following:

“One day a Marwari gentleman went to Sri Ramakrishna and asked him for permission to present him with some thousands of rupees. But the master had nothing but a stern refusal for this well-meant offer. He said,

Who is really a wise man? || Acharya Prashant, on Sage Ashtavakra (2014)
Who is really a wise man? || Acharya Prashant, on Sage Ashtavakra (2014)
25 min

prakṛtyā śūnyacitto yaḥ pramādād bhāvabhāvanaḥnidrito bodhita iva kṣīṇasaṁsmaraṇo hi saḥ.

(Ashtavakra Gita 14.1)

Translation: He indeed has his recollections of worldly life extinguished – who becomes void-minded spontaneously, who thinks of sense objects only by chance, and who is, as it were, awake though physically asleep.

Question: Why is it

To take the body seriously is to allow the world to control you || Acharya Prashant on Ashtavakra
To take the body seriously is to allow the world to control you || Acharya Prashant on Ashtavakra
11 min

नाहं देहो न मे देहो बोधोऽहमिति निश्चयी।

कैवल्यं इव संप्राप्तो न स्मरत्यकृतं कृतम्॥ ११.६ ॥

nāhaṃ deho na me deho bodho'hamiti niścayī

kaivalyamiva saṃprāpto na smaratyakṛtaṃ kṛtam

Neither I am this body, nor this body is mine. I am pure knowledge. One who knows it with definiteness gets liberated in

Don’t accompany the thief! || Acharya Prashant, on Jesus Christ and Sage Ashtavakra (2017)
Don’t accompany the thief! || Acharya Prashant, on Jesus Christ and Sage Ashtavakra (2017)
9 min

The thought ‘I am the doer’ is the bite of the poisonous snake.

To know ‘I do nothing’ is the wisdom of faith. Be joyful .

Ashtavakra Gita

(Chapter 1, VERSE 8)

Acharya Prashant: Ashtavakra Gita has been quoted.

“The thought ‘I am the doer’ is the bite of the

Remember by Heart, and let the memory forget || Acharya Prashant, on Shri Ashtavakra Gita (2014)
Remember by Heart, and let the memory forget || Acharya Prashant, on Shri Ashtavakra Gita (2014)
16 min

आचक्ष्व शृणु वा तात नानाशास्त्राण्यनेकशः। तथापि न तव स्वास्थ्यं सर्वविस्मरणाद् ऋते॥

– अष्टावक्र गीता (अध्याय-१६ सूत्र-१)

Translation: Even after hearing from many scholars or reading many scriptures, you will not be established in self, as after forgetting every single thing.

Speaker: The question is: What does ‘forgetting’ imply?

Whatever we

Why does mental disease exist? || Acharya Prashant, on Avadhuta Gita (2017)
Why does mental disease exist? || Acharya Prashant, on Avadhuta Gita (2017)
1 min

Question: Manish Bansal has asked, Acharya Ji, The Avadhuta Gita says, “svarupa-nirvanam anamayoaham”, then why do we get hurt? Why do we get sick?

Acharya Prashant:

The fundamental does not get hurt and the fundamental does not get sick.

That in you which is central, fundamental, incorruptible, unbreakable can neither

How to abide in the Shiva Truth? || Acharya Prashant, on Ribhu Gita (2018)
How to abide in the Shiva Truth? || Acharya Prashant, on Ribhu Gita (2018)
1 min
Seeing all change, I stay as I am || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2019)
Seeing all change, I stay as I am || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2019)
6 min

समाध्यासादिविक्षिप्तौ व्यवहारः समाधये । एवं विलोक्य नियमं एवमेवाहमास्थितः ॥ १२-३॥

samādhyāsādivikṣiptau vyavahāraḥ samādhaye । evaṃ vilokya niyamaṃ evamevāhamāsthitaḥ ॥ 12-3॥

Seeing the transitions between abnormal states of incorrect perception and the meditative states as a (natural) rule,

I stay as I am. (12-3)

~ Ashtavakra Gita (Chapter-12, Verse-3)

Question: Acharya

Choicelessness is only for those who choose rightly || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
Choicelessness is only for those who choose rightly || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
12 min

समदुःखसुखः पूर्ण आशानैराश्ययोः समः । समजीवितमृत्युः सन्नेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ ५-४॥

samaduḥkhasukhaḥ pūrṇa āśānairāśyayoḥ samaḥ । samajīvitamṛtyuḥ sannevameva layaṃ vraja ॥ 5-4॥

Know yourself equal in pain and in pleasure, equal in hope and in disappointment, equal in life and in death, and complete as you are, you can go

What is meant by ‘I am awareness alone’? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
What is meant by ‘I am awareness alone’? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashtavakra Gita (2018)
10 min

कूटस्थं बोधमद्वैतमात्मानं परिभावय । आभासोऽहं भ्रमं मुक्त्वा भावं बाह्यमथान्तरम् ॥ १-१३॥

kūṭasthaṃ bodhamadvaitamātmānaṃ paribhāvaya । ābhāso’haṃ bhramaṃ muktvā bhāvaṃ bāhyamathāntaram ॥ 1-13॥

Meditate on this: ‘I am Awareness alone, Unity itself.’ Give up the idea that you are separate, a person, that there is within and without.

~ Ashtavakra Gita

What is the Self and the non-self? || Acharya Prashant, on Avadhuta Gita (2016)
What is the Self and the non-self? || Acharya Prashant, on Avadhuta Gita (2016)
24 min

येनेदं पूरितं सर्वमात्मनैवाअत्मनात्मनि । निराकारं कथं वन्दे ह्यभिन्नं शिवमव्ययम् ।।२।।

yenedaṃ pūritaṃ sarvamātmanaivātmanātmani । nirākāraṃ kathaṃ vande hyabhinnaṃ śivamavyayam ॥ 2॥

All that exists in the world of forms is nothing else but the Self, and the Self alone. How, then, shall the Infinite worship Itself? Shiva is one divided

How does the wise one perceive the world? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashthavakra Gita (2018)
How does the wise one perceive the world? || Acharya Prashant, on Ashthavakra Gita (2018)
9 min

निराधारा ग्रहव्यग्रा मूढाः संसारपोषकाः एतस्यानर्थमूलस्य मूलच्छेदः कृतो बुधैः १८ ३८॥

nirādhārā grahavyagrā mūḍhāḥ saṃsārapoṣakāḥ etasyānarthamūlasya mūlacchedaḥ kṛto budhaiḥ 18-38


Without any support and eager for the attainment of freedom, the fools only keep up the world!

The wise cut at the very root