Living in the Present

लिविंग इन द मोमेन्ट (Living in the moment) - एक खतरनाक झूठ
लिविंग इन द मोमेन्ट (Living in the moment) - एक खतरनाक झूठ
21 min
लिविंग इन द ट्रुथ होता है। द मोमेंट इज़ जस्ट अ स्टोरी, फैंटास्टिक स्टोरी कुछ नहीं है। मोमेंट कुछ है ही नहीं, लिविंग इन द प्रेज़ेंट फिर भी बोल सकते हो क्योंकि वो प्रेज़ेंट का मतलब हो जाएगा सत्य 'वर्तमान', दैट विच इज़ प्रेज़ेंट, उपस्थित जो सचमुच है। वो तो फिर भी हो जाएगा। लिविंग इन द प्रेज़ेंट का मतलब ये नहीं होगा कि लिविंग इन दिस मोमेंट, लिविंग इन द प्रेज़ेंट का मतलब हो जाएगा लिविंग ट्रुथफुली, लिविंग ट्रुथफुली।
'इस पल में जिओ’ का क्या अर्थ?
'इस पल में जिओ’ का क्या अर्थ?
17 min
आप उपनिषदों को खोलेंगे, आप शास्त्रों को खोलेंगे, उनमें 'बीइंग इन द मूमेंट' जैसी कोई बात नहीं है। ये 'बीइंग इन द मूमेंट' कंज़म्प्शन (उपभोग) को बढ़ावा देता है। इसीलिए एक इंडस्ट्रियल एज (औद्योगिक युग) में ये बहुत प्रचलित मुहावरा है— ‘खा रहे हो तो खाओ न, क्यों विचार करते हो कि क्या आगे होगा, क्या पीछे होगा?’ भले ही उधार लेकर खाना पड़े।
इसी क्षण (Present moment) में रहने की बात
इसी क्षण (Present moment) में रहने की बात
10 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, जब हम हेयर एंड नाउ और प्रेजेंट मोमेंट (यहीं और अभी, और वर्तमान के क्षण) की बात करते हैं तो उसमें भी हमारा माइंड (दिमाग) तो एक्टिव (सक्रिय) रहता ही है हर चीज़, मेमोरी (स्मृतियाँ) तो कलेक्ट (एकत्र) हो ही रही है न। डिसीज़न मेकिंग (निर्णय लेने)

वर्तमान में जीना: अध्यात्म या औद्योगिक छलावा?
वर्तमान में जीना: अध्यात्म या औद्योगिक छलावा?
8 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: कोई काम करते हैं या कोई बुक पढ़ते हैं, तो मन उस समय नहीं होता, वो भविष्य या भूतकाल में चला जाता है। ज़्यादातर प्रेज़ेन्ट (वर्तमान) में नहीं रहता है। तो क्या करें कि वो अधिकांशतः वर्तमान में ही रहे?

आचार्य प्रशांत: क्या करोगे तुम वर्तमान में रहकर?


What Is the Purpose of Life?
What Is the Purpose of Life?
10 min
You see all time movement is in the brain but the mind is brain plus something else, what is that? It's Intelligence, and intelligence operates in the present and in present there is no purpose. Do not run after purpose. Just be present. Presence, not purpose. Presence is intelligence, purpose is conditioning. So, there is no purpose in life except what is happening right now. And this right now is called presence. Whatever you will call as the purpose of your life will essentially be your conditioning.
Excerpts from Articles
What Makes a Woman Beautiful?
The woman is not beautiful; the man is not beautiful either. Truth and compassion are beautiful. The compassionate one stands head and shoulders above the gorgeous woman or the handsome man. And this is possible only when love and appreciation for the right, gender-independent values are fostered in both the man and the woman.
How to Raise a Daughter?
Please be an observer and a compassionate witness. Keep watching, watch from a distance. Meddling is not needed. Being a parent of a girl child today is a humongous opportunity. You have the chance to give rise to a new world—if you can truly raise one girl as a free girl.
Why Do We Hide Things In Relationships?
Cultures place too much value on conforming to relationship stereotypes. These dogmas and rigid opinions do not easily accept reality. And so, to please them, you become a habitual liar. But good relationships are founded on freedom; they are not based on obligations, and they are not afraid of reality. In good company, the other might frown, but less on what you did, and more on what you hid.
Astrology: A Myth People Believe
It has been extremely conclusively proven, demonstrated that astrology is not a science at all. It's a conjecture. It's a belief system. Belief system with no material basis at all.
Living Without Illusions: A Lesson on Expectations and Reality
It is not that the way the world is, the ignorance, the stupidity, the suffering, the perverseness of it all. It's not that that hurts or surprises you. What shocks is that adverse things come from people you think of as decent, respectable and wise. It is not events or people, therefore, who are shocking you, it is the expectations that you hold of them.
Science and Spirituality Always Go Hand in Hand
The most common thing in spirituality and science is 'an honest urge to know the Truth.' Science observes the external universe, and spirituality observes the mind. These two have to be in tandem. The one thing that enables true knowledge in any field is honesty and integrity.
How Can The Common Man Make Better Decisions In Life?
First of all, we have to realize what our life is like. You know, I can’t change something without firstly understanding its processes and its actuality. I must know what this thing called my life is. We keep living without knowing a thing about life. And we’re blinded by names and identities.
आश्रित महिलाएँ और अध्यात्म
जो आश्रित महिलाएँ हैं, इनको सबसे बड़ी सज़ा यह मिलती है कि इनका अध्यात्म की तरफ़ बढ़ने का रास्ता बिल्कुल रोक दिया जाता है। परमेश्वर की ओर कैसे बढ़ोगे अगर पति ही परमेश्वर है? जो कैद में है, उसके लिए साधना है — दीवारों को तोड़ो और बाहर आओ। बाहर निकलकर कोई नया ज्ञान, कला, या कोई कुशलता सीखो।
Leadership and Spiritual Insights from the Bhagavad Gita
My concern is the way we are. My concern is the face of the human being. My concern is the little sparrow. I'm not here to tell people what God has said. I'm here to take care of the sparrow. That's my concern. And the sparrow cannot be taken care of unless we go to the Gita. Hence, the Gita.
How to Break Free from the Trap of Seeking External Validation?
The relationship can be very strong, but the strength of the relationship may not necessarily be an auspicious thing. You can have a very, very strong relationship with the external, and yet it could be from a very wrong center. And what do we mean by wrong? The center of inner ignorance.
इंसान हो तो ज़िंदगी से जूझकर दिखाओ
दुनियादारी सीखो, भाई! और मुझसे अगर प्रेम है या कोई नाता है, इज्जत है, तो मेरी अभी स्थिति क्या है, वो समझो। प्रेम अगर है, तो प्रेम यह देखता है ना कि सामने वाला क्या चाहता है, उसकी क्या जरूरत है? प्रेम आत्म-केंद्रित थोड़ी हो जाएगा कि "मैं अपने तरीके से!" अपने तरीके से है, तो फिर प्रेम नहीं है, स्वार्थ है ना!
कॉमेडी हो तो ऐसी
हमारी ज़िंदगी में तो लगातार वही सबकुछ हो रहा है जो होना नहीं चाहिए। आप लोगों को हमारी ज़िंदगी का ही आईना दिखा दो न। हम सब अपने गधों को अपनी पीठ पर बैठाकर चल रहे हैं। इतनी जोर की हँसी आएगी कि मज़ा आ जाएगा। कुछ ऐसा है जो बेमेल है, विसंगत है, और हमारी ज़िंदगियाँ मूर्खता की ही एक अंतहीन कहानी हैं। ये एब्सर्डिटी दिखाओ न लोगों को, खूब हँसेंगे।
The Female Body, Chastity and 'Rape Culture'
Rape is happening all over the place. A husband raping a woman is not something new. Public apathy—nobody reporting the rape—that is again not something new. What is new is the woman standing up. And not just standing up in a way that displays raw courage, but standing up in a way that displays something deeper. She is challenging the very notion of female honor.
Kids and Anxiety: What’s Going Wrong?
If a kid has been continuously told that the world is everything, how will an untouched point remain within? The world, as we know, is quite fickle, while our real nature is stability or permanence. It is this dichotomy that pushes us into stress and anxiety. A big portion of the mental health problem can be addressed if we provide the right value system to the kid—the right literature.
How Influencers Fool Us So Easily
We have reserved critical thinking only for problems related to science and technology, but not for life itself. Why can’t the same spirit of inquiry be present in everything? Without the filter of thought and inquiry, you will be enslaved and exploited. So, pause at every sentence, analyze, and refuse to move on until you are satisfied.
सांसारिक काम करते हुए अध्यात्म के साथ कैसे रहें?
सांसारिक काम करते हुए अध्यात्म के साथ कैसे रहें?
14 min
सांसारिक कर्म आप कर ही नहीं रहे हैं। सांसारिक कर्म हो रहे हैं अपनेआप। मूल भ्रम यही है कि सांसारिक कर्म करने वाले आप हैं। इन्द्रियाँ हैं, मस्तिष्क है, बुद्धि है, अंतःकरण है, स्मृति है, ये सब अपना काम करना बख़ूबी जानते हैं। आप न जाने किस दंभ में हैं कि ये सब काम दुनिया के आप कर रहे हैं!
Why Does the Mind Wander? - Part 1
Why Does the Mind Wander? - Part 1
8 min

Questioner: Why does the mind wander when we sit to study? How to control the mind?

Acharya Prashant: What’s your name?

Questioner: Aman.

Acharya Prashant: Aman is asking, “How to control the mind.” What he is saying is we sit down to study, right? And the mind wanders here and

Why Does the Mind Wander? - Part 2
Why Does the Mind Wander? - Part 2
15 min

Acharya Prashant: You see you are a human being. It is neither possible nor advisable for you to just give up on the past. The body is nothing but a flow of the past stretching over time. So, you cannot just wish away the past. It won’t happen.

If the

Why the Rājasika Mind is better than the Tāmsika Mind?
Why the Rājasika Mind is better than the Tāmsika Mind?
4 min

Acharya Prashant: That's why the rājasika mind is better than the tāmsika mind. The rājasika says, “I’m not alright. I need to do something to become better. I feel inferior. I feel incomplete. I need to rise. I need to achieve.” That’s the rājasika mind. The rājasika mind at least

Why can't I live in the present? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Why can't I live in the present? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
4 min

Speaker: The question asked is that why can’t the brain be in the present? Because the present is not. You see, your mind makes sense of the world around. Your mind continuously makes sense of this world all around. But can your mind make sense of this moment? This moment

In watching all change, you find the unchangeable || Acharya Prashant (2013)
In watching all change, you find the unchangeable || Acharya Prashant (2013)
21 min

Speaker : Before we chase something and want to be consistent in our chase, it’s very important to understand whether consistency is a worthy thing at all. Is that not important? Before you chase something, won’t you want to know whether the thing is worth chasing or not? Otherwise, you

All displacement from the Present is suffering || Acharya Prashant (2014)
All displacement from the Present is suffering || Acharya Prashant (2014)
16 min

Question: Is acceptance of everything that comes in life is same as living in the present?

Speaker: What is acceptance? What are these things that come to life? What do you mean by ‘my life’? What do you mean by ‘acceptance’?

Listener 1: ‘Acceptance’ means that the things that are

The falseness of the so called 'Power of Now' || Acharya Prashant (2015)
The falseness of the so called 'Power of Now' || Acharya Prashant (2015)
16 min

Question: Sir, people these days emphasis on the idea of the ‘Power of now’. But you say that the present is different from the now. Please elaborate.

Speaker: This whole talk about the power of now is a great sham. It is deep materialism disguised as spirituality. The present is

ज़ेंन के अनुसार ध्यान कैसे करें?
ज़ेंन के अनुसार ध्यान कैसे करें?
19 min

आचार्य प्रशांत: देखते हैं दुनिया को; उसमें पहली डुएलिटी (द्वैत) तो पैदा होने के साथ ही आ जाती है। पहली डुएलिटी है कि — ये मैं हूँ और ये रहा संसार, और ये दोनों अलग-अलग हैं। पैदा होने के कुछ ही समय बाद शरीर का बोध आ जाता है, और

Beware the cult of 'The present moment' and 'mindfulness'
Beware the cult of 'The present moment' and 'mindfulness'
14 min

Questioner (Q): How can we, in daily life, go closer to the Truth? Is that through sitting, walking, working, meditation, by living mindfully in the present moment? Isn’t mindfulness taught by the Buddha himself?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Which Buddha are you referring to (asking the questioner)? The Buddha of the

How do I stay in the present? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
How do I stay in the present? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
3 min

Question: Sir, my question is, ‘How to focus on the present?’

Acharya Prashant: Do you need to focus on the present?

Listener: Sir, that is my only problem. When I study, all the shortcomings of my past keep coming to my mind.

AP: Present is there. You don’t need to

The ugliness of planning || (2013)
The ugliness of planning || (2013)
3 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): You may plan to go and meet somebody, will you also plan how to hug him and what all to say to him? Will you also plan that?

Now, what is essential, the time at which you meet him, or the time that you spend with him?

How can I remain in the present without any expectations from the future? || (2016)
How can I remain in the present without any expectations from the future? || (2016)
3 min

Questioner: When I am busy in doing certain activities that I enjoy doing, there are expectations from the future, but no frustrations at present. What is this state? Can it remain forever?

Acharya Prashant: If this can happen, it is a very welcome thing. There are certain actions that produce

Remember your old self? ||Neem Candies
Remember your old self? ||Neem Candies
1 min

You might be twenty-five today; where is the one who was twenty yesterday? Isn’t he gone? How can you stop the other from departing when you couldn’t prevent even your own old self from departing?

Remember your old self, the one that was there at the age of five, ten,

Go with the flow! || Neem Candies
Go with the flow! || Neem Candies
1 min

“Enjoy the moment! Go with the flow!” What is that flow? Where is it coming from? Why should I go with it? Why don’t you just pause and ask, which flow are we talking of?

The tsunamis are coming to take you away, and the great master is teaching you:

Living in the present can be a big problem || Acharya Prashant (2022)
Living in the present can be a big problem || Acharya Prashant (2022)
9 min

Questioner (Q): Most often we are asked to live in the present and be here and now and mindful. Can you talk to us about that?

Acharya Prashant (AP): The same thing, I mean, when we were talking about what to do with knowledge, I said it depends on the

Let 'Direct observation' not become a convenient excuse || (2015)
Let 'Direct observation' not become a convenient excuse || (2015)
11 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): There is this question about direct observation and how the world when ‘directly’ observed appears muddled up, appears quite confusing. There is a question that what is all this. One of the aspects of the question is, ‘What is love? When I look at the world around,

For those who worry a lot || Neem Candies
For those who worry a lot || Neem Candies
1 min

Worrying is nothing but an unauthorized concern for results. First of all, it is a concern for results. Secondly, it is an unauthorized concern for results. You are trying to speculate about something you are not authorized to think about. You have no authorization, no locus standi to think about

The myth of being in the present  || Neem Candies
The myth of being in the present || Neem Candies
1 min

Attentiveness can only be to that which is present. The past is a filler. Do not blame the past. If you have nothing right now with you, then as a filler, past and future would flow in. Do you want to blame them?

The present is not merely engagement in

What is the Present? || Acharya Prashant (2013)
What is the Present? || Acharya Prashant (2013)
10 min

Speaker : What is the present? We keep on talking of the present, what is the present?

The present is the source, present is nothing but the Truth.

The present is that from which everything emanates. The present is all, there is nothing but the present and the present is

How to pass the exam of life? ||Neem Candies
How to pass the exam of life? ||Neem Candies
1 min

The mark of the one living rightly is that he doesn’t have the need to think too much. Thought, in some way, is a compensatory mechanism: what you couldn’t do right you want to think right. But you cannot think right what you have done wrongly, or can you?


Immerse yourself in the right action || Neem Candies
Immerse yourself in the right action || Neem Candies
1 min

Immerse yourself in the right action, and then where is the space and the time to worry? Surely you are stealing time away from work so that you can indulge in worries and anxieties and fancies of all kinds.

Young people fantasize, don’t they? Some fantasize about beautiful, pretty, exciting

Neither exact, nor perfect; just life, simple and direct || (2013)
Neither exact, nor perfect; just life, simple and direct || (2013)
5 min

Questioner: What is the exact way to live life?

Acharya Prashant: Are we right now living inexactly? Is there something wrong right now? You want to correct it?

What do you mean by exact? What is missing that you want to achieve? What exactness are you running after? When you

Learn from your past || Neem Candies
Learn from your past || Neem Candies
1 min

The past is a great resource. It is not to be wasted away or thrown away or forgotten. If you do not really decode your past, you are bound to repeat your past. Forget all the propaganda coming from the neo-spiritual circles that say that the past is something to

Working for the salary cheque || Neem Candies
Working for the salary cheque || Neem Candies
1 min

When you say that you go to your workplace for a purpose, is the purpose ever the work? The purpose is the salary cheque. In fact, if work could be bypassed and you could straightaway reach the salary cheque, then who would want to work? Is work the purpose really?

This is why you are deceived || Neem Candies
This is why you are deceived || Neem Candies
1 min

Why do the regular events of life succeed in deceiving you? Because you are not available to them; because you are not looking at them as they are; because you are not listening to what they are really saying right now. Instead, you are carrying images and echos—images of scenes

Forget all talk of this moment, and then you are living in the moment || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Forget all talk of this moment, and then you are living in the moment || Acharya Prashant (2016)
4 min

Listener 1: Sir we talked about ‘now’. We look at the past, conditioning starts getting activated. If we look at the future, fear gets activated. But if we look at the ‘now’, because there is only this moment, this ‘now’, so can we say that this moment is timeless? It’s

Are you frightened? || Neem Candies
Are you frightened? || Neem Candies
1 min

Let’s assume for a while that your worries about the future are founded in facts. Let’s say some grand evil army is invading your little fortress and you can see them all coming with your binoculars, and you are estimating that they will reach you in another four hours. They

Immortality is a depth in the moment || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Immortality is a depth in the moment || Acharya Prashant (2016)
8 min

Question: Is it real that human beings can live forever?

Acharya Prashant: It depends on what you think of human beings. If you think that they are born, then they will die.

L1: I mean the human body.

AP: The body never dies!

L1: The body never dies?

AP: Never

Planning is a dirty escape from the present || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Planning is a dirty escape from the present || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
4 min

Speaker: Be present to life and that is sufficient, improvement will come. It will happen on its own. You know, there are people who when they want to reduce weight make great plans. When it comes to the moment of exercising and jogging, then I am absent. After that, what

Thinking about the future || Neem Candies
Thinking about the future || Neem Candies
1 min

Worrying is the other name of hope. When you think negatively about the future, you call it worry. When you think positively about the future, you call it hope. So, worrying is just as equally bad as hoping.

Conserve your energy. Train your thoughts. Discipline your little self. Time is

Win small, but win daily || Neem Candies
Win small, but win daily || Neem Candies
1 min

You don’t have to think of the final victory. The final victory will always be a gift immense beyond your imagination or desire. You have to think of your current daily battles. You have to think of your little daily victories. If you think of the final victory, all you

Why don’t people change? || Neem Candies
Why don’t people change? || Neem Candies
1 min

The old would either turn into the new or will have to go away. And if it is not turning into the new, then it will keep you too old. If you are moving towards the new, now there can be no carrying of the old. Either the old will

The only solution to anxiety || Neem Candies
The only solution to anxiety || Neem Candies
1 min

There is a subtle pleasure in worrying. Surely you are stealing time away from work so that you can indulge in worries and anxieties and fancies of all kinds.

The opposite of this self-centered worry is immersion in action. Immerse yourself in the right action, and then where is the

Living in the Present, Resistance, Concentration, Compassion and Pity
Living in the Present, Resistance, Concentration, Compassion and Pity
6 min

A. Living in the Present

The Present is not an object of thought. To live in the Present, first of all you must know what is really ‘Present’. You know what is meant by Present? What really is ‘Presence’? Living in the Present means living in the Truth, because only

योजना बनाकर जिएँ या सहज भाव से? || आचार्य प्रशांत, आई.आई.टी दिल्ली में (2020)
योजना बनाकर जिएँ या सहज भाव से? || आचार्य प्रशांत, आई.आई.टी दिल्ली में (2020)
6 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी नमस्कार। आपकी शिक्षाओं की वजह से मेरी निजी ज़िन्दगी में काफ़ी परिवर्तन आया है और एक चीज़ जो मैंने सीखी है वह है वर्तमान क्षण में जीना, जो आपने बहुत दिन पहले शुरुआती दिमाग वाली बात बतायी थी, वह निजी ज़िन्दगी में बहुत अच्छी तरह से काम

आपका क्या स्वार्थ है, आचार्य जी? || आचार्य प्रशांत के नीम लड्डू
आपका क्या स्वार्थ है, आचार्य जी? || आचार्य प्रशांत के नीम लड्डू
3 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, ये जो कुछ भी आप कर रहे हैं इसमें भी, क्या इसमें आपका कोई स्वार्थ है? और अगर है, तो क्या स्वार्थ है?

आचार्य प्रशांत: देखो, स्वार्थ तो पूरा-पूरा है, मैं क्यों कहूँ कि इसमें मेरे लिए कुछ नहीं है? तुम्हारे लिए किताबें पब्लिश (प्रकाशित) होती हैं,

वर्तमान में कैसे केन्द्रित रहें? || आचार्य प्रशांत (2018)
वर्तमान में कैसे केन्द्रित रहें? || आचार्य प्रशांत (2018)
24 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, मेरी परेशानी यह है कि मैं वर्तमान में केन्द्रित नहीं रह पाता। जैसे कभी अतीत की चिंता, कभी भविष्य की चिंता। और जो वर्तमान में चल रहा होता है वह भी ख़राब हो जाता है। दिमाग में ही कुछ-न-कुछ चलता रहता है, लेकिन उसे लागू नहीं कर

बदल डालो आज की रात || नीम लड्डू
बदल डालो आज की रात || नीम लड्डू
1 min

कल की सुबह अलग हो सकती है अगर आप आज की रात बदल डालें। आज की रात तो बदलने में कोई रुचि दिखा नहीं रहे, कल की सुबह यूँही अलग कैसे हो जाएगी भाई? कैसे?

बिलकुल एक नया भविष्य आ सकता है अगर तुम वो ना रह गए हो जो

जीवन बदलेगा! जान तो लगाओ! || नीम लड्डू
जीवन बदलेगा! जान तो लगाओ! || नीम लड्डू
2 min

मैं इंदिरापुरम की ओर से निकल रहा था, तीन-चार साल पहले की बात है। अचानक मेरी गाड़ी के सामने दौड़ता हुआ एक मुर्गा आ गया। वो छूट कर भागा, वो सड़क की तरफ़ आ गया कि, ‘गाड़ी से कुचल कर मर जाऊँगा तो मर जाऊँगा, पर इसके साथ रहना मंज़ूर

असली सिकंदर तो एक ही है || नीम लड्डू
असली सिकंदर तो एक ही है || नीम लड्डू
1 min

सिकंदर दुनिया में सिर्फ़ एक ही है असली; कौन? जो घड़ी को हरा दे। वरना बहुत बड़े-बड़े बादशाह हो गए, सब से जीत लेते हैं, किससे हार जाते हैं? घड़ी से; घड़ी से जीत कर दिखाओ तो बात है! समझ में आ रही बात?

वो टिक-टिक लगातार याद रहे। कलाई

अतीत कड़वा है, तो वर्तमान मीठा कैसे हो?
अतीत कड़वा है, तो वर्तमान मीठा कैसे हो?
8 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: सर जी, कृपया बताएँ कि अतीत के कड़वे अनुभवों के साथ वर्तमान को मिठास से कैसे जिया जाए?

आचार्य प्रशांत: बाबा, अतीत के कड़वे अनुभव होते ही इसीलिए हैं ताकि तुम वर्तमान को मिठास से जी सको। देखो तुम्हारे प्रश्न में एक मान्यता, एक अज़म्पशन है। वो अज़म्पशन ये

नए साल के दस संकल्प
नए साल के दस संकल्प
5 min

आचार्य प्रशांत:

एक डायरी बनाओ, उसमें नियम से रोज़ रात को लिखा करो कि दिन के कितने मिनट मुक्ति के लिए बिताये। बिल्कुल साफ़ हिसाब। और उसमें लिखा करो कि कितने काम थे कि जो तुम्हें नहीं करने चाहिए थे पर प्रकृति करवा गई, ईमानदारी से। इन सारे कामों का

सत्य ही वर्तता और वर्तमान ही सत्य || आचार्य प्रशांत (2014)
सत्य ही वर्तता और वर्तमान ही सत्य || आचार्य प्रशांत (2014)
17 min

प्रश्न: ‘एकमेव अद्वितीय्म’ में कहा गया है कि सृष्टी बन जाने के बाद अब भी वह सद्वस्तु वैसी की वैसी ही है, इसे कैसे समझे?

आचार्य प्रशांत: सृष्टी बन जाने के बाद, सृष्टी बन जाने के पहले इन सब संद्धर्भो में नहीं बात कि जा सकती है सद्वस्तु की। तुम

वर्तमान में जीना माने क्या? || (2013)
वर्तमान में जीना माने क्या? || (2013)
10 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: क्या ये वर्तमान में जीने की बात हो रही है?

आचार्य प्रशांत: सैद्धांतिक रूप से हाँ। लेकिन, जब आप कहते हैं नाउ (अभी), तो उससे आपका आशय क्या है? मन के लिए नाउ जैसी कोई चीज़ होती नहीं है। शब्दों में आप भले ही कह दें: ‘अभी’, ‘वर्तमान’, लेकिन