
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant

3 min
836 reads
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant: You have had the relationship since eight years and then, one fine day you find that your partner has been sleeping with somebody else. And you are so outraged that you break up. What does that tell about the relationship? That the physical part was absolutely central to that relationship.

It’s just that one feels a little guilty, a little ashamed of accepting that 99.99 percent of our relationships are just sexual. So, we cover it up with fancy names. Covering it up with fancy names, we somehow manage to convince ourselves as well that the relationship is not just physical. But all that self-deception falls into pieces when you have instances like these. You know, instances of cheating and such things. It was just physical. That’s how animals relate, don’t they? Yeah, we are animals!

We are animals. And animals can get extremely violent if they discover their mate being stolen away. There was one board I once read. It said ‘How to be cautious of dogs?’ It particularly warned against disturbing dogs on two or three occasions. One: when they are having their food; second: when they are fighting among themselves, when they are angry; third: when they are mating. Don’t disturb them at that point. Even the most emaciated kind of dog will leap at your throat like a lion if it is in the process of lovemaking. That’s how our relationships are as well. We are fundamentally animals. But we are very cunning animals. Animals do not try to obfuscate their intentions. Dogs do it on roads, and no dog first allures the bitch with gifts or promises, or rounds, or stuff over the fire or holy chants. All that doesn't happen. The dog knows what it wants, the bitch knows what it wants and they just get over it quite quickly. Done and dusted!

Human beings spend five years, seven years in courtship, knowing fully well that the objective is just one, but neither the man nor the woman—assuming it’s a man-woman relationship—would dare confess it to the other. Especially not in India. And especially, not if you are a woman. You cannot tell the man, “You know, all I want is your body”. Here is a hint, the man won’t be offended even if he is an Indian. It’s far better to be honest. Very, very rare are relationships on a higher plane. We have moved out of the jungle but within we remain animals. And it’s not been a long time since we migrated out of the jungle, right? Look at the entire evolutionary history, we are pretty recent immigrants. So, the jungle is very much alive and kicking within us. See! (indicating towards the sound of a dog barking in the background)

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant.