
Meditation: A Simple Honesty Beyond Methods and Routines
Meditation: A Simple Honesty Beyond Methods and Routines
7 min

Meditation is the submergence of the ego in its essential nature. It is at the root of all self-knowledge and wisdom. However, most often, what we call meditation is just escapism—using some ‘method of meditation’ to superficially soothe our restlessness or gain temporary and deceptive relief from stress.

True meditation

Meditation: A Simple Honesty Beyond Methods and Routines
Meditation: A Simple Honesty Beyond Methods and Routines
7 min

Meditation is the submergence of the ego in its essential nature. It is at the root of all self-knowledge and wisdom. However, most often, what we call meditation is just escapism—using some ‘method of meditation’ to superficially soothe our restlessness or gain temporary and deceptive relief from stress.

True meditation

How Long Should You Meditate?
How Long Should You Meditate?
13 min
It’s unfortunate that today, methods of meditation are being mistaken for meditation itself. Meditation is what makes us human—it must be continuous, 24x7. No method can be continuous or 24x7. Meditation is a way of life, a beautiful love affair. Just as the body cannot wait to breathe, consciousness cannot wait to meditate—it’s a madness of love, not dry, ritualistic, or time-bound.
मेडिटेशन कैसे करें?
मेडिटेशन कैसे करें?
7 min
मेडिटेशन "करा" नहीं, "जीया" जाता है। "करने" वाला मेडिटेशन तो झुनझुना है, कि गए और तीस मिनट मेडिटेशन करके आ गए। जो तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी चल रही है, उसी में देखो कि तुम्हारे संदर्भ तथा संबंध में ऊँचे-से-ऊँचा लक्ष्य क्या हो सकता है। अपने बंधन पहचानो और देखो कि उनके कारण कितना दुख है। उसे मिटाना ही लक्ष्य बनेगा तुम्हारा। और फिर उसकी प्राप्ति के लिए पूरे जीवन को झोंक दो, यही ध्यान है।
'ध्यान' का असल अर्थ || (2018)
'ध्यान' का असल अर्थ || (2018)
5 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, ध्यान में रहना और वैसे ही अपनी ज़िंदगी बिताना अगर सही तरीका है, तो हम लोग अपने तरीके से, जितना भी हमलोगों को पता है उस हिसाब से या आपको जैसे सुनते हैं, तो कोशिश करते हैं। पर लगता है कि कुछ हो नहीं रहा या हमसे

Excerpts from Articles
आश्रित महिलाएँ और अध्यात्म
जो आश्रित महिलाएँ हैं, इनको सबसे बड़ी सज़ा यह मिलती है कि इनका अध्यात्म की तरफ़ बढ़ने का रास्ता बिल्कुल रोक दिया जाता है। परमेश्वर की ओर कैसे बढ़ोगे अगर पति ही परमेश्वर है? जो कैद में है, उसके लिए साधना है — दीवारों को तोड़ो और बाहर आओ। बाहर निकलकर कोई नया ज्ञान, कला, या कोई कुशलता सीखो।
Leadership and Spiritual Insights from the Bhagavad Gita
My concern is the way we are. My concern is the face of the human being. My concern is the little sparrow. I'm not here to tell people what God has said. I'm here to take care of the sparrow. That's my concern. And the sparrow cannot be taken care of unless we go to the Gita. Hence, the Gita.
How to Raise a Daughter?
Please be an observer and a compassionate witness. Keep watching, watch from a distance. Meddling is not needed. Being a parent of a girl child today is a humongous opportunity. You have the chance to give rise to a new world—if you can truly raise one girl as a free girl.
The Female Body, Chastity and 'Rape Culture'
Rape is happening all over the place. A husband raping a woman is not something new. Public apathy—nobody reporting the rape—that is again not something new. What is new is the woman standing up. And not just standing up in a way that displays raw courage, but standing up in a way that displays something deeper. She is challenging the very notion of female honor.
इंसान हो तो ज़िंदगी से जूझकर दिखाओ
दुनियादारी सीखो, भाई! और मुझसे अगर प्रेम है या कोई नाता है, इज्जत है, तो मेरी अभी स्थिति क्या है, वो समझो। प्रेम अगर है, तो प्रेम यह देखता है ना कि सामने वाला क्या चाहता है, उसकी क्या जरूरत है? प्रेम आत्म-केंद्रित थोड़ी हो जाएगा कि "मैं अपने तरीके से!" अपने तरीके से है, तो फिर प्रेम नहीं है, स्वार्थ है ना!
What Makes a Woman Beautiful?
The woman is not beautiful; the man is not beautiful either. Truth and compassion are beautiful. The compassionate one stands head and shoulders above the gorgeous woman or the handsome man. And this is possible only when love and appreciation for the right, gender-independent values are fostered in both the man and the woman.
Living Without Illusions: A Lesson on Expectations and Reality
It is not that the way the world is, the ignorance, the stupidity, the suffering, the perverseness of it all. It's not that that hurts or surprises you. What shocks is that adverse things come from people you think of as decent, respectable and wise. It is not events or people, therefore, who are shocking you, it is the expectations that you hold of them.
Science and Spirituality Always Go Hand in Hand
The most common thing in spirituality and science is 'an honest urge to know the Truth.' Science observes the external universe, and spirituality observes the mind. These two have to be in tandem. The one thing that enables true knowledge in any field is honesty and integrity.
How to Break Free from the Trap of Seeking External Validation?
The relationship can be very strong, but the strength of the relationship may not necessarily be an auspicious thing. You can have a very, very strong relationship with the external, and yet it could be from a very wrong center. And what do we mean by wrong? The center of inner ignorance.
कॉमेडी हो तो ऐसी
हमारी ज़िंदगी में तो लगातार वही सबकुछ हो रहा है जो होना नहीं चाहिए। आप लोगों को हमारी ज़िंदगी का ही आईना दिखा दो न। हम सब अपने गधों को अपनी पीठ पर बैठाकर चल रहे हैं। इतनी जोर की हँसी आएगी कि मज़ा आ जाएगा। कुछ ऐसा है जो बेमेल है, विसंगत है, और हमारी ज़िंदगियाँ मूर्खता की ही एक अंतहीन कहानी हैं। ये एब्सर्डिटी दिखाओ न लोगों को, खूब हँसेंगे।
How Influencers Fool Us So Easily
We have reserved critical thinking only for problems related to science and technology, but not for life itself. Why can’t the same spirit of inquiry be present in everything? Without the filter of thought and inquiry, you will be enslaved and exploited. So, pause at every sentence, analyze, and refuse to move on until you are satisfied.
Kids and Anxiety: What’s Going Wrong?
If a kid has been continuously told that the world is everything, how will an untouched point remain within? The world, as we know, is quite fickle, while our real nature is stability or permanence. It is this dichotomy that pushes us into stress and anxiety. A big portion of the mental health problem can be addressed if we provide the right value system to the kid—the right literature.
Astrology: A Myth People Believe
It has been extremely conclusively proven, demonstrated that astrology is not a science at all. It's a conjecture. It's a belief system. Belief system with no material basis at all.
Why Do We Hide Things In Relationships?
Cultures place too much value on conforming to relationship stereotypes. These dogmas and rigid opinions do not easily accept reality. And so, to please them, you become a habitual liar. But good relationships are founded on freedom; they are not based on obligations, and they are not afraid of reality. In good company, the other might frown, but less on what you did, and more on what you hid.
How Can The Common Man Make Better Decisions In Life?
First of all, we have to realize what our life is like. You know, I can’t change something without firstly understanding its processes and its actuality. I must know what this thing called my life is. We keep living without knowing a thing about life. And we’re blinded by names and identities.
ध्यान में सर्जरी || आचार्य प्रशांत (2020)
ध्यान में सर्जरी || आचार्य प्रशांत (2020)
25 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: मैं एक सर्जन (शल्य चिकित्सक) हूँ। क्या ध्यान में होने से सर्जरी सफल हो सकती है?

आचार्य प्रशांत: ध्यान में होने पर ही सर्जरी सफल हो सकती है। नहीं तो ध्यान का फ़ायदा क्या? ध्यान का अर्थ ही होता है कि मन के पास भटकने के लिए कोई ठिकाना,

ध्यान में काल के पार का अनुभव || आचार्य प्रशांत (2019)
ध्यान में काल के पार का अनुभव || आचार्य प्रशांत (2019)
14 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, मैं काफ़ी समय से मेडिटेशन (ध्यान) कर रही हूँ। पिछले कुछ दिनों से कभी-कभी ऐसा होता है कि कुछ समय के लिए टाइमलेसनेस (कालहीनता) का अनुभव होता है। मैं ऐसा क्या करूँ कि ये अनुभव पूरे दिन रहे?

आचार्य प्रशांत: अगर आपको पता न होता कि मेडिटेशन

ऐसा ध्यान करना व्यर्थ जाएगा
ऐसा ध्यान करना व्यर्थ जाएगा
40 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, आप अपनी किताब में कहते हैं कि ध्यान की विधियों से कुछ नहीं होगा, लेकिन क्या कुछ देर बैठ कर अपने विचारों को देखना सही नहीं है? क्या इससे कुछ पलों का चैन नहीं मिलेगा?

आचार्य प्रशांत: सटीक उदाहरण नहीं दे रहा हूँ पर इशारा समझना। चुपचाप

Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
8 min
The ego says that my first priority is to remain, exist, and after that comes everything else. Even the Truth must be subservient to my first priority. So, liberation is alright as long as it is a second of liberation. Peace is alright as long as it is five minutes of peace. But if silence threatens to take over the entire life, if peace starts dominating noise to the extent that the noise might be completely annihilated, then the ego rejects. The ego wants Truth, but only a modicum of Truth. The ego wants peace, but only a sliver of peace.
How to Utilise One's Time During the Corona Lockdown Period?
How to Utilise One's Time During the Corona Lockdown Period?
5 min

Questioner: How do I utilise my time better during this self-isolation period so that my devotion in him is strengthened and what are the things that I need to keep a check upon during this free time?

Acharya Prashant: All right. Keep a check upon yourself. There’s nothing else to

Don't Chase, She Is Yours (What Is It that Slips Away?) || AP Neem Candies
Don't Chase, She Is Yours (What Is It that Slips Away?) || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: Observing the daily ordinary actions of the mind, that is the only way. Observing it as an impartial observer. There is no other method that is going to work because all other methods are ‘isolations.’ The method does something to life . The method excludes life; the method

Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
11 min
When Shankaracharya says “Dissolve the mind by concentrating it in the Supreme Self” , what he is saying is that your mind is anyway always concentrated and the type of concentration that you have will not help. This verse just tells you that whatsoever you are concentrating on is going to disappoint you. The mind is always concentrated in all the worldly and miscellaneous things. It is beyond the mind to concentrate on the Truth. Because the Truth is not an object. So, concentration doesn't help, it is not a matter of concentrating, it is a matter of seeing the futility of concentration.
How to Surrender?
How to Surrender?
5 min

Acharya Prashant: So, you are asking, ‘How to surrender’?

If I say you can surrender by jumping from that hill top, you won’t take the advice, right? It would be foolish advice if I say that. If I say, you can surrender by jumping into leaping flames, that is again

All About Emotions
All About Emotions
14 min

Questioner 1: Namaskar Acharya Ji! My question is, how should I control my emotions, so that they don’t become too extreme in positive as well as in negative situations. Actually, it happens to me every time that whenever I achieve my goal, I feel so happy. But if I fail,

Tao Te Ching: You Are a Lao Tzu When Lao Tzu Is Not Your Ideal
Tao Te Ching: You Are a Lao Tzu When Lao Tzu Is Not Your Ideal
4 min
If you want to really get to somebody, get to the Truth, do not get to the expression of one particular Lao Tzu. That is just one particular expression. And that was Lao Tzu’s expression. It can never be your own expression. Connect instead to the Source from where Lao Tzu drew his words. Do not connect to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is not original. Lao Tzu is an expression. The original is the Centre from where a thousand Lao Tzus emerge.
The Myth of Acceptance
The Myth of Acceptance
31 min

Questioner : I have strong ego resistance and my ego resistance is health issues. Sometimes, I wake up at 4’o clock with this heavy migraine and today I woke up with this eye infection and these things, they come and go.

So, I believe it is ego resistance to my

Meditativeness is a way of being
Meditativeness is a way of being
3 min

Question: Dear Sir, we have been talking about how to use the ‘higher’ desire of brahman as a broom to clean up all the desires and then to burn the broom itself. Do you think I should simply sit back and read without this burning desire, this lust for knowledge,

Constant remembrance of I am takes me beyond what I think I am || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Constant remembrance of I am takes me beyond what I think I am || Acharya Prashant (2015)
10 min

Questioner: Nisargadatta Maharaj says to be constantly in the “I am” realization. What does that mean? What is this “I am” realization? This he said was the mantra that his Guru gave him and this was also the advice that he would give to all his listeners. He used to

Anything done in awareness is good
Anything done in awareness is good
2 min

Question: Dear Sir, when I review the discussions that take place in the clarity sessions, most of them are beyond my ordinary imaginations. The experiences or the words mentioned in these sessions sound very pure and pious but very difficult to attain. Why is it so?

Answer: The Sunday discussions

From chaos to zeroness - the ascending levels of consciousness ||Acharya Prashant, on Lao Tzu (2015)
From chaos to zeroness - the ascending levels of consciousness ||Acharya Prashant, on Lao Tzu (2015)
19 min

The highest virtue is not virtuous Therefore it has virtue The lowest virtue holds onto its virtue Therefore it has no virtue The highest benevolence acts without purpose The highest righteousness acts with purpose The highest ritual acts, but since no one cares, it raises its arms and use force

Witnessing is freedom from the unnecessary || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Witnessing is freedom from the unnecessary || Acharya Prashant (2015)
7 min

Question: You have said, “Awareness is untouched by problems. No matter what, good or bad, be aware.” On the other hand you also talk of complete immersion. These two seem to be contradictory.

Speaker: First of all, be a little immersed so that you do not misquote me. I have

Meditativeness, not meditation || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Meditativeness, not meditation || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
2 min

Questioner: Does meditation have something to do with attention?

Acharya Prashant: Meditation. What do you call as meditation? What do you mean by meditation?

Listener 1: Concentrating on something.

AP: So you mean some techniques that you may have read somewhere. They may be helpful but they are not the

To know what you already know
To know what you already know
2 min

Question: I read somewhere that when a person dies, the stream, of which it was a manifestation, still goes on. What is the process of this stream and how does it manifest itself?

Sir, is there life after death? What sort of knowledge passes on at the time of enlightenment?

क्या आचार्य प्रशांत एनलाइटन (प्रबुद्ध) हैं?
क्या आचार्य प्रशांत एनलाइटन (प्रबुद्ध) हैं?
11 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: प्र: तो आचार्य जी, अंजन, अंजनों के घर्षन से निरंजन निकल रहा है, ऐसा कुछ हो रहा है?

आचार्य प्रशांत: निरंजन क्या है कि जो निकलेगा?

प्र: या फिर मतलब उसमें...

आचार्य प्रशांत: निरंजन कुछ है कि जो निकलेगा?

प्र: यहाँ पर आप इतनी देर से एक्सप्लेन (समझा) कर

जिंदगी: मौज का मेला या विचारों का खेल?
जिंदगी: मौज का मेला या विचारों का खेल?
27 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: नमस्कार सर। सर, दुनिया में दो तरह के सिद्धांत चलते हैं — एक ये कि जवान लोग कहते हैं कि खाओ-पियो बिंदास जियो, और दूसरी ये कि बुज़ुर्ग या दार्शनिक लोग कहते हैं कि जीवन क्या है इसको समझो, अपना पुरुषार्थ दिखाओ, अपनेआप को जानो, इस तरह की बातें।

5 Meditation Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
5 Meditation Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
6 min

How many hours do you spend meditating each day?

This is a trick question!

Whether you are “meditating” one hour per day or six, you are not truly meditating. This is because meditation is not something you do to escape life.

सच की साधना बाद में करना, पहले झूठ से रिश्ता तो तोड़ो || आचार्य प्रशांत (2018)
सच की साधना बाद में करना, पहले झूठ से रिश्ता तो तोड़ो || आचार्य प्रशांत (2018)
10 min

प्रश्नकर्ता: आचार्य जी, साक्षीभाव से साधना के विषय में कहा जाता है कि किसी एक विशेष चीज़ पर आपका ध्यान लगा होना चाहिए, जैसे विपश्यना ध्यान जिसमें अपनी आती-जाती साँसों के प्रति होश पूर्ण रहा जाता है, लेकिन आप हमें जिस चीज़ के प्रति सचेत रहने को कहते हैं वो

Don’t become a prisoner of meditation practices
Don’t become a prisoner of meditation practices
14 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): (Reads question) Mohit Sharma from the USA, “Pranam Acharya Ji, I am paying attention to what and how I do. I have observed four states of mind. Is it natural to observe this? Are these all the same or different? And by doing it, will I go

Tools and techniques for awareness || Acharya Prashant, at IIT Delhi (2020)
Tools and techniques for awareness || Acharya Prashant, at IIT Delhi (2020)
4 min

Questioner (Q): Can you please introduce us to some tools or practices which can help us in maintaining and focusing our awareness on the path of that endless work you hinted about the inner work?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Actually, all my life, I have never really used any specific definite

Strange sounds and thoughts during meditation?
Strange sounds and thoughts during meditation?
7 min

Questioner (Q): I have a question on my practice.

So, when I notice thoughts arising or the sounds of the cars, when I notice them in my awareness, I will ask, “To whom is this arising?” And sometimes I’ll go, "Oh! They will just disappear and won't bother me." And,

It is possible to think without being lost in thought || (2016)
It is possible to think without being lost in thought || (2016)
3 min

Questioner (Q): The mind’s function is to think. So, what does it mean to be really free from the mind?

Acharya Prashant (AP): It means that even when you are thinking, thinking has not become too important for you.

It’s like this—In the morning, I get up from my bed

Are psychedelic drugs helpful in spirituality? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Are psychedelic drugs helpful in spirituality? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
7 min

Questioner: Recently, I came across an article on psychedelic drugs. I was surprised to know that a large part of the spiritual community consumes such psychedelic drugs, and claims that it has helped them immensely to remain in a peaceful state.

I was even more surprised to find that many

Do not meditate for peace, meditate in peace || (2016)
Do not meditate for peace, meditate in peace || (2016)
5 min

Questioner (Q): Is meditation required?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is meditation?

Q: It’s like concentrating on breathing.

AP: Have we not already talked of concentration?

To concentrate is to force the mind to a particular object, and the mind doesn’t like being forced. So, if mediation is about concentration then

Yoga Is The Intensity Of Your Want To Live Without Fear
Yoga Is The Intensity Of Your Want To Live Without Fear
59 min

श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला।

समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि।।

śhruti-vipratipannā te yadā sthāsyati niśhchalā

samādhāv-achalā buddhis tadā Yogam avāpsyasi

When your mind, now perplexed by what you have heard, stands firm and steady, then you will have attained Yoga or Self-Realization.

~ Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 2, Verse 53)

Acharya Prashant: We

What is each experience craving for? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
What is each experience craving for? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
5 min

Question: Acharya Ji, I cannot really wrap my head around this when I say, “Okay fine, at this point that I am greedy for experiences, and I want to go out and may be get a massage for myself.”

So once I have understood that I am greedy for new

Liberation, meditation, Heart, and free will || (2020)
Liberation, meditation, Heart, and free will || (2020)
9 min

Questioner (Q): What is liberation?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is bondage? There is nothing called liberation, nothing at all. It’s just that because there is bondage, hence there is liberation. In the absence of bondage, you are liberated from liberation as well.

Q: Is meditation the only way to attain

Which meditation technique should I practice? || Acharya Prashant (2011)
Which meditation technique should I practice? || Acharya Prashant (2011)
4 min

Question: I have been reading Osho’s book ‘Vigyan Bhairav’ and in this book Lord Shiva explained 112 meditation techniques to keep the mind in present. However, Osho has also said that, “meditation is a quality of being that you bring to the act”.

I am confused as Osho has

What is the 'Who am I' method? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
What is the 'Who am I' method? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
8 min

Acharya Prashant: The ‘Who am I’ inquiry is a simple method. In fact, the simplest of methods. So simple that it cannot even be called a method. And it is often misunderstood. *‘*Who am I’ is not a question. It cannot be a question because we are already full of

The myth of meditation and concentration || On Vivekachudamani (2018)
The myth of meditation and concentration || On Vivekachudamani (2018)
11 min

चित्तमूलो विकल्पोऽयं चित्ताभावे न कश्चन । अतश्चित्तं समाधेहि प्रत्यग्रूपे परात्मनि ॥

cittamūlo vikalpo’yaṃ cittābhāve na kaścana ataścittaṃ samādhehi pratyagrūpe parātmani

This apparent universe has its root in the mind and never persists after the mind is annihilated. Therefore, dissolve the mind by concentrating it on the Supreme Self, which is

Does meditation help in liberation? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Does meditation help in liberation? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
9 min

Question: What role does the word ‘meditation’ has in us increasing our chances of Liberation?

Acharya Prashant Ji:

If ‘meditation’ is Freedom from bondage, if that’s what your meditation honestly is, then obviously meditation will help in Liberation. But if meditation is just another thing, then what does it have

How to know that one is meditating rightly?
How to know that one is meditating rightly?
22 min

Questioner (Q): How does one know that she is meditating rightly? Secondly, I know that one should not be dependent on others and one's happiness should always come from within. Yet, my emotions erupt and I react due to the actions of the other person. So, how to stay detached

Real vs fake meditation || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
Real vs fake meditation || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
18 min

Questioner (Q): My question is about meditation. My problem is that whenever I sit to meditate, you come to my mind and your videos come into mind, in which you say, “No, that's not spirituality. Sitting and closing your eyes or breathing—that's not spirituality.” But in some way or the

The right company for the mind
The right company for the mind
8 min

Acharya Prashant: Being in the right environment itself is Satsang. Satsang does not necessarily mean a gathering. Satsang means realizing what affects the mind and acting accordingly. Give the mind the right food, give the mind the right companions. The right companions of all kinds: right books, right food in

How should one meditate?
How should one meditate?
2 min

Question: Dear Sir, how should one meditate? I don’t even know where and how to start?

Answer: Let me answer in a few ways.

The very question you are asking is a step in that direction. This question is a result of an acceptance of the limitation of mind; otherwise

Does meditation lead to a passive life? || Acharya Prashant (2017)
Does meditation lead to a passive life? || Acharya Prashant (2017)
6 min

Questioner: When we meditate regularly, we start losing let’s say the desires, or I want to do this and goals and everything. But, then it’s kind of equal to, to become passive in life. So, can you say something about that? Because being passive also feels like…

Acharya Prashant: You

Which method of meditation is correct? || On Vivekachudamani (2018)
Which method of meditation is correct? || On Vivekachudamani (2018)
9 min

Questioner (Q): I have a question on these four commonly quoted methods: śama (restraint), dama (taming, subduing), daṇḍ (chastising, punishment), and bheda (division, difference). None of these methods seem to work. What to do? How to understand these methods correctly?

Acharya Prashant (AP): There are an infinite variety of methods,

What is effortless action? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
What is effortless action? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
3 min

Acharya Prashant: It is true, where there is no action, there is no effort, but is it also true where there is no effort there is no action?

Is that true as well?

There is something called effortless action as well.

It is true where there is no action there

The false promise of fulfillment through experience || (2014)
The false promise of fulfillment through experience || (2014)
5 min

Questioner (Q): Sir, does fulfillment come by experiencing everything completely?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is everything? Do you have to go somewhere and experience it, or is it anyway happening daily? Whenever somebody says, “I need to go out and experience”, then he is directly suggesting that, “Right now life

How to practice dhyāna? || Neem Candies
How to practice dhyāna? || Neem Candies
1 min

It is a very common and a very harmful misconception to take dhyāna as something. Dhyāna is nothing. Dhyāna is not an object. Dhyāna is not a thing. Dhyāna is not a routine, not a practice, not an exercise. Dhyāna , rather, is on all these things. Dhyāna is what

Do you have the Buddha nature?
Do you have the Buddha nature?
2 min

Do you have the Buddha nature? Moo. Neither “Yes” nor “No”. If you say, “Yes”, then you mean that you, as you are, you as you think you are, have a Buddha nature. No, no way! The way we have built ourselves up, the way we have conceptualized ourselves, there