There is Only One God Today, and You Know the Name || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant

5 min
90 reads
There is Only One God Today, and You Know the Name || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant: The heroes down the centuries and history, I repeat, had clearly identifiable targets. You have to fight mankind. It’s a very helpless situation. Today's teacher or hero or prophet or messiah, whatever you want to call him, has to fight everybody. Just about everybody. He has to fight all those who are outside his social circle. More dangerously, he has to fight those who appear like his accomplices, his supporters. And even more dangerously, he has to fight off the effect that the company of the world has upon him. So, he has to fight himself as well. Krishna was never affected by Kans because there was just one Kans in the faraway city and Krishna was happily coming up in an innocent village. Today the cult of Kans is everywhere. If today a Krishna were to be born, he would find, he would find that his father, and his mother, are all brethren of Kamsa. He would find that the water of Yamuna is polluted with sans hood. There is nothing but Kanseverywhere. Whom to fight?

Raddha comes to Krishna. And after being with her for a few months, Krishna discovers that Radha is an agent of Kamsa. What will Krishna do now? The ancient Krishna had it just too easy. Today it’s going to be far more difficult. Hanuman turning upon Rama. Lakshman conspiring with Meghnath. And Krishna goes to fight Kans and Chanur and in the thick of the battle, he discovers that Raddha is campaigning for Chanur. And Krishna is teaching Arjuna. And Arjuna is appearing like an absorbed student. And just then the back of Krishna is speared down. And with the light going out of his eyes Krishna turns back and sees Yudhishthir. In his last moment he turns to Arjuna and Arjuna has a naughty smile on his lips. That’s the final chapter of Gita were it is to be written today. Whom to fight? The enemy is not outside anymore. The enemy is there right in your house. Your friend is the enemy, your wife is the enemy, your lover is the enemy, your student is the enemy, and your teacher is the enemy. And when you look into the mirror, you are your worst enemy.

These are nice, cute stories Sandeep, but they are all behind us. All the monkeys will chase down Rama if he goes to them to seek help today. The monkeys have all been bought over by Ravana. All the monkeys.

Man is a God who is a slave of desire and desire worships power.

The monkeys too have been overwhelmed by the power of Ravana. Why would they support Rama? And even if it breaks your heart, you must see clearly that it would be impossible to find a Sita today. The Sita of Ramayana is extinct. Today, if you can have a poor copy of Sita, and if she’s abducted and carried away to Lanka, she would herself chase Ravana. And compel him and beget him to marry her. And today's Rama, Sandeep, would find himself subject to an overwhelming, excruciating desire, to not to wage any battle upon anybody. Bharat is not allowed to keep Rama's sandals on the throne and worship them and run the kingdom that way. It’s against the system and the constitution. The system does not allow you to run the kingdom as if it were the property of your elder brother. No, not possible.

Just as when the night is about to end, it is the darkest hour of the night. Similarly, man's history is going to end now and this is the darkest hour of history. History continues only as long as you have chance events. For history to be stored, you must have unpredictability. Can there be history if everything is predictable? If everything is predictable, then you can have at most a milometer and a dashboard. You cannot have history. Man's utmost control, man's absolute autocracy over existence, is soon going to end history itself. After that, it would be man and man's desire. And history is about to end and this is the darkest hour of history. It would be very difficult to fight anybody. The evil lurks everywhere. All around you, within you. And everybody is evil. There are no quantum separations.

When you look at the Kurukshetra, you see a definite differentiation, don’t you? What is the definite differentiation? On one side you have Duryodhana and on the other side, you have Arjuna. There is a very clear distinction. And so, Krishna knows whom to fight. Now, Krishna has the luxury to afford the sides. A battle is on and Krishna looks at the battle and Krishna knows, “I can pick one of the two, I can afford that choice.” Today, you cannot afford that choice. There is only Duryodhan. He won the Mahabharat long back. There is Duryodhan one fighting Duryodhan two. What does Krishna do? Whom does Krishna support? And if Krishna appears in Kurukshetra, Duryodhan one and Duryodhan two would tie up and chase away Krishna.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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