The ones glad with the fullness of Knowledge || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
संप्राप्यैनमृषयो ज्ञानतृप्ताः कृतात्मानो वीतरागाः प्रशान्ताः ।
ते सर्वगं सर्वतः प्राप्यधीरा युक्तात्मानः सर्वमेवाविशन्ति ॥
saṃprāpyainamṛṣayo jñānatṛptāḥ kṛtātmāno vītarāgāḥ praśāntāḥ
te sarvagaṃ sarvataḥ prāpyadhīrā yuktātmānaḥ sarvamevāviśanti
Attaining to Him, seers glad with fullness of knowledge, perfected in the Self, all passions cast from them, tranquilised, these, the wise, come to the all-pervading … read_more