Mundaka Upanishad

Mundaka Upanishad: The Actual Journey Is in the Destination
Mundaka Upanishad: The Actual Journey Is in the Destination
18 min
Those who are anywhere close to the Truth know what is being said. The journeying fructifies only when one is at the destination in the beginning itself. Be at the destination right in the beginning, and then the journey will be successful. But if one is traveling to reach the destination, one will never reach because the traveler is designed to not reach. If he were to reach, why would he be a traveler?
Mind as the Arrow, Teachings of the Upanishad as the Bow
Mind as the Arrow, Teachings of the Upanishad as the Bow
12 min

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धनुर्गृहीत्वौपनिषदं महास्त्रं शरं ह्युपासानिशितं संधयीत । आयम्य तद्भावगतेन चेतसा लक्ष्यं तदेवाक्षरं सोम्य विद्धि ॥

dhanurgṛhītvaupaniṣadaṃ mahāstraṃ śaraṃ hyupāsāniśitaṃ saṃdhayīta āyamya tadbhāvagatena cetasā lakṣyaṃ tadevākṣaraṃ somya viddhi

Take up the bow of the Upanishad, that mighty weapon, set to it an arrow sharpened by adoration, draw the bow

All this is Brahman alone || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
All this is Brahman alone || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
17 min

ब्रह्मैवेदममृतं पुरस्ताद्ब्रह्म पश्चाद्ब्रह्म दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरेण । अधश्चोर्ध्वं च प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम् ॥

brahmaivedamamṛtaṃ purastādbrahma paścādbrahma dakṣiṇataścottareṇa adhaścordhvaṃ ca prasṛtaṃ brahmaivedaṃ viśvamidaṃ variṣṭham

All this is Brahman immortal, naught else; Brahman is in front of us, Brahman behind us, and to the south of us and to the north of us

Into that which is smaller than the atoms || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Into that which is smaller than the atoms || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
41 min

यदर्चिमद्यदणुभ्योणु च यस्मिन्ल्लोकाऽनिहिता लोकिनश्च ।

तदेतदक्षरं ब्रह्म स प्राणस्तदु वाङ्मनः तदेतत्सत्यं तदमृतं तद्वेद्धव्यं सोम्य विद्धि ॥

yadarcimadyadaṇubhyoṇu ca yasmiɱllokā'nihitā lokinaśca tadetadakṣaraṃ brahma sa prāṇastadu vāṅmanaḥ tadetatsatyaṃ tadamṛtaṃ tadveddhavyaṃ somya viddhi

That which is the Luminous, that which is smaller than the atoms, that in which are set the worlds and

Truth of things || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Truth of things || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
4 min

तदेतत्सत्यं यथा सुदीप्तात्पावकाद्विस्फुलिङ्गाः सहस्रशः प्रभवन्ते सरूपाः । तथाक्षराद्विविधाः सोम्य भावाः प्रजायन्ते तत्र चैवापि यन्ति ॥

tadetatsatyaṃ yathā sudīptātpāvakādvisphuliṅgāḥ sahasraśaḥ prabhavante sarūpāḥ tathākṣarādvividhāḥ somya bhāvāḥ prajāyante tatra caivāpi yanti

This is that, the truth of things: as from one kindled fire thousands of different sparks are born and all have the

The marks of the right seeking and the rewards of the right seeker || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The marks of the right seeking and the rewards of the right seeker || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
18 min

नायमात्मा बलहीनेन लभ्यो न च प्रमादात्तपसो वाप्यलिङ्गात् । एतैरुपायैर्यतते यस्तु विद्वांस्तस्यैष आत्मा विशते ब्रह्मधाम ॥

nāyamātmā balahīnena labhyo na ca pramādāttapaso vāpyaliṅgāt etairupāyairyatate yastu vidvāṃstasyaiṣa ātmā viśate brahmadhāma

This Self cannot be won by any who is without strength, nor with error in the seeking, nor by an askesis without

Only the Self chooses the Self || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Only the Self chooses the Self || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
20 min

नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभ्यो न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन । यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्यस्तस्यैष आत्मा विवृणुते तनूं स्वाम् ॥

nāyamātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā na bahunā śrutena yamevaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhyastasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanūṃ svām

This Self is not won by exegesis, nor by brainpower, nor by much learning of Scripture.

Mind and the diversity of things || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Mind and the diversity of things || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
30 min

सप्त प्राणाः प्रभवन्ति तस्मात्सप्तार्चिषः समिधस्सप्तहोमाः । सप्त इमे लोका येषु चरन्ति प्राणा गुहाशया निहिताः सप्त सप्त ॥

sapta prāṇāḥ prabhavanti tasmātsaptārciṣaḥ samidhassaptahomāḥ sapta ime lokā yeṣu caranti prāṇā guhāśayā nihitāḥ sapta sapta

The seven breaths are born from Him and the seven lights and kinds of fuel and the seven

Seek the one who is Truthful || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Seek the one who is Truthful || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
48 min

यदा पश्यः पश्यते रुक्मवर्णं कर्तारमीशं पुरुषं ब्रह्मयोनिम् । तदा विद्वान्पुण्यपापे विधूय निरञ्जनः परमं साम्यमुपैति ॥

yadā paśyaḥ paśyate rukmavarṇaṃ kartāramīśaṃ puruṣaṃ brahmayonim tadā vidvānpuṇyapāpe vidhūya nirañjanaḥ paramaṃ sāmyamupaiti

When the seer sees the golden-hued, the maker, the Lord, the Spirit who is one with Brahman, then he becomes the knower

Only the Truth wins || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Only the Truth wins || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
46 min

सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः । येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम् ॥

satyameva jayate nānṛtaṃ satyena panthā vitato devayānaḥ yenākramantyṛṣayo hyāptakāmā yatra tat satyasya paramaṃ nidhānam

It is Truth alone that conquers and not falsehood; by Truth was stretched out the path of the journey of

Vast, unthinkable, subtler than the subtle, farther than farness itself || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Vast, unthinkable, subtler than the subtle, farther than farness itself || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
43 min

बृहच्च तद्दिव्यमचिन्त्यरूपं सूक्ष्माच्च तत्सूक्ष्मतरं विभाति । दूरात्सुदूरे तदिहान्तिके च पश्यन्त्विहैव निहितं गुहायाम् ॥

bṛhacca taddivyamacintyarūpaṃ sūkṣmācca tatsūkṣmataraṃ vibhāti dūrātsudūre tadihāntike ca paśyantvihaiva nihitaṃ guhāyām

Vast is That, divine, its form unthinkable; it shines out subtler than the subtle: very far and farther than farness, it is here close to us,

Only Brahman knows Brahman || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Only Brahman knows Brahman || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
29 min

स यो ह वै तत् परमं ब्रह्म वेद ब्रह्मैव भवति नास्याब्रह्मवित्कुले भवति । तरति शोकं तरति पाप्मानं गुहाग्रन्थिभ्यो विमुक्तोऽमृतो भवति ॥

sa yo ha vai tat paramaṃ brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati nāsyābrahmavitkule bhavati tarati śokaṃ tarati pāpmānaṃ guhāgranthibhyo vimukto'mṛto bhavati

He, verily, who knows that Supreme Brahman becomes himself Brahman;

The most beautiful, the most terrifying || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The most beautiful, the most terrifying || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
3 min

तस्मादग्निः समिधो यस्य सूर्यः सोमात्पर्जन्य ओषधयः पृथिव्याम् । पुमान्रेतः सिञ्चति योषितायां बह्वीः प्रजाः पुरुषात्संप्रसूताः ॥

tasmādagniḥ samidho yasya sūryaḥ somātparjanya oṣadhayaḥ pṛthivyām pumānretaḥ siñcati yoṣitāyāṃ bahvīḥ prajāḥ puruṣātsaṃprasūtāḥ

From Him is fire, of which the sun is the fuel, then rain from the soma, herbs upon the earth, and the

The death of mind is the end of death perpetual || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The death of mind is the end of death perpetual || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
52 min

वेदान्तविज्ञानसुनिश्चितार्थाः संन्यासयोगाद्यतयः शुद्धसत्त्वाः । ते ब्रह्मलोकेषु परान्तकाले परामृताः परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे ॥

vedāntavijñānasuniścitārthāḥ saṁnyāsayogādyatayaḥ śuddhasattvāḥ te brahmalokeṣu parāntakāle parāmṛtāḥ parimucyanti sarve

Doers of askesis who have made sure of the aim of the whole knowledge of Vedanta, the inner being purified by the Yoga of renunciation, all in the hour of

The conqueror of desire is the master of the worlds || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The conqueror of desire is the master of the worlds || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
19 min

यं यं लोकं मनसा संविभाति विशुद्धसत्त्वः कामयते यांश्च कामान् । तं तं लोकं जयते तांश्च कामांस्तस्मादात्मज्ञं ह्यर्चयेत्भूतिकामः ॥

yaṃ yaṃ lokaṃ manasā saṃvibhāti viśuddhasattvaḥ kāmayate yāṃśca kāmān taṃ taṃ lokaṃ jayate tāṃśca kāmāṃstasmādātmajñaṃ hyarcayetbhūtikāmaḥ

Whatever world the man whose inner being is purified sheds the light of his mind upon,

Purify the doer and the deeds will be set right || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Purify the doer and the deeds will be set right || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
47 min

न चक्षुषा गृह्यते नापि वाचा नान्यैर्देवैस्तपसा कर्मण वा । ज्ञानप्रसादेन विशुद्धसत्त्वस्ततस्तु तं पश्यते निष्कलं ध्यायमानः ॥

na cakṣuṣā gṛhyate nāpi vācā nānyairdevaistapasā karmaṇa vā jñānaprasādena viśuddhasattvastatastu taṃ paśyate niṣkalaṃ dhyāyamānaḥ

Eye cannot seize, speech cannot grasp Him, nor these other godheads; not by austerity can he be held nor by

Where you miss Him is where you will find Him || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Where you miss Him is where you will find Him || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
34 min

मनोमयः प्राणशरीरनेता प्रतिष्ठितोऽन्ने हृदयं सन्निधाय । तद्विज्ञानेन परिपश्यन्ति धीरा आनन्दरूपममृतं यद् विभाति ॥

manomayaḥ prāṇaśarīranetā pratiṣṭhito'nne hṛdayaṃ sannidhāya tadvijñānena paripaśyanti dhīrā ānandarūpamamṛtaṃ yad vibhāti

The mental being, leader of the life and the body, has set the heart in matter, in matter He has taken His firm foundation. By its

The world as name and form || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The world as name and form || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
48 min

यथा नद्यः स्यन्दमानाः समुद्रेऽस्तं गच्छन्ति नामरूपे विहाय । तथा विद्वान्नामरूपाद्विमुक्तः परात्परं पुरुषमुपैति दिव्यम् ॥

yathā nadyaḥ syandamānāḥ samudre'staṃ gacchanti nāmarūpe vihāya tathā vidvānnāmarūpādvimuktaḥ parātparaṃ puruṣamupaiti divyam

As rivers in their flowing reach their home in the ocean and cast off their names and forms, even so one who knows is

Not many, not one, not zero || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Not many, not one, not zero || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
68 min

गताः कलाः पञ्चदश प्रतिष्ठा देवाश्च सर्वे प्रतिदेवतासु । कर्माणि विज्ञानमयश्च आत्मा परेऽव्यये सर्वे एकीभवन्ति ॥

gatāḥ kalāḥ pañcadaśa pratiṣṭhā devāśca sarve pratidevatāsu karmāṇi vijñānamayaśca ātmā pare'vyaye sarve ekībhavanti

The fifteen parts return into their foundations, and all the gods pass into their proper godheads, works and the Self of Knowledge,

Immortality is when there is just sky and skyness || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Immortality is when there is just sky and skyness || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
13 min

यस्मिन्द्यौः पृथिवी चान्तरिक्षमोतं मनः सह प्राणैश्च सर्वैः । तमेवैकं जानथ आत्मानमन्या वाचो विमुञ्चथामृतस्यैष सेतुः ॥

yasmindyauḥ pṛthivī cāntarikṣamotaṃ manaḥ saha prāṇaiśca sarvaiḥ tamevaikaṃ jānatha ātmānamanyā vāco vimuñcathāmṛtasyaiṣa setuḥ

He in whom are inwoven heaven and earth and the mid region, and mind with all the life currents, Him know to

The path to your Highest potential || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The path to your Highest potential || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
26 min

तदेतदृचाऽभ्युक्तं क्रियावन्तः श्रोत्रिया ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः स्वयं जुह्वत एकर्षिं श्रद्धयन्तः । तेषामेवैतां ब्रह्मविद्यां वदेत शिरोव्रतं विधिवद्यैस्तु चीर्णम् ॥

tadetadṛcā'bhyuktaṃ kriyāvantaḥ śrotriyā brahmaniṣṭhāḥ svayaṃ juhvata ekarṣiṃ śraddhayantaḥ teṣāmevaitāṃ brahmavidyāṃ vadeta śirovrataṃ vidhivadyaistu cīrṇam

This is That declared by the Rig Veda. Doers of works, versed in the Veda, men absorbed in the Brahman,

What lies at the end of the story of knowledge || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
What lies at the end of the story of knowledge || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
19 min

यः सर्वज्ञः सर्वविद्यस्यैष महिमा भुवि । दिव्येब्रह्मपुरे ह्येष व्योम्न्यात्मा प्रतिष्ठितः ॥

yaḥ sarvajñaḥ sarvavidyasyaiṣa mahimā bhuvi divyebrahmapure hyeṣa vyomnyātmā pratiṣṭhitaḥ

The Omniscient, the All-wise, whose is this might and majesty upon the earth, is this Self enthroned in the divine city of the Brahman, in his ethereal heaven.

~ Verse

The only thing worth keeping is the one that is unknown to you || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The only thing worth keeping is the one that is unknown to you || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
53 min

आविः संनिहितं गुहाचरन्नाम महत्पदमत्रैतत्समर्पितम् । एजत्प्राणन्निमिषच्च यदेतज्जानथ सदसद्वरेण्यं परं विज्ञानाद्यद्वरिष्ठं प्रजानाम् ॥

āviḥ saṃnihitaṃ guhācarannāma mahatpadamatraitatsamarpitam ejatprāṇannimiṣacca yadetajjānatha sadasadvareṇyaṃ paraṃ vijñānādyadvariṣṭhaṃ prajānām

Manifested, it is here set close within, moving in the secret heart. This is the mighty foundation and into it is consigned all that moves and breathes and

The knot of a mismarriage that is to be severed || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The knot of a mismarriage that is to be severed || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
20 min

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः । क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टे परावरे ॥

bhidyate hṛdayagranthiśchidyante sarvasaṃśayāḥ kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi tasmindṛṣṭe parāvare

The knot of the heartstrings is rent, cut away are all doubts, and a man’s works are spent and perish, when is seen That which is at once the being below and

Two birds, beautiful of wing || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Two birds, beautiful of wing || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
14 min

द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते । तयोरन्यः पिप्पलं स्वाद्वत्त्यनश्नन्नन्यो अभिचाकशीति ॥

dvā suparṇā sayujā sakhāyā samānaṃ vṛkṣaṃ pariṣasvajāte tayoranyaḥ pippalaṃ svādvattyanaśnannanyo abhicākaśīti

Two birds, beautiful of wing, close companions, cling to one common tree: of the two one eats the sweet fruit of the tree, the other eats

The ones glad with the fullness of Knowledge || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The ones glad with the fullness of Knowledge || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
18 min

संप्राप्यैनमृषयो ज्ञानतृप्ताः कृतात्मानो वीतरागाः प्रशान्ताः । ते सर्वगं सर्वतः प्राप्यधीरा युक्तात्मानः सर्वमेवाविशन्ति ॥

saṃprāpyainamṛṣayo jñānatṛptāḥ kṛtātmāno vītarāgāḥ praśāntāḥ te sarvagaṃ sarvataḥ prāpyadhīrā yuktātmānaḥ sarvamevāviśanti

Attaining to Him, seers glad with fullness of knowledge, perfected in the Self, all passions cast from them, tranquilised, these, the wise, come to the all-pervading

You and the body || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
You and the body || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
26 min

एतस्माज्जायते प्रणो मनः सर्वेन्द्रियाणि च । खं वायुर्ज्योतिरापः पृथिवी विश्वस्य धारिणी ॥

etasmājjāyate praṇo manaḥ sarvendriyāṇi ca khaṃ vāyurjyotirāpaḥ pṛthivī viśvasya dhāriṇī

Life and mind and the senses are born from Him, and the sky and the wind and light and the waters and earth upholding all that is.


The name of the unending love affair || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The name of the unending love affair || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
15 min

सत्येन लभ्यस्तपसा ह्येष आत्मा सम्यग्ज्ञानेन ब्रह्मचर्येण नित्यम् । अन्तःशरीरे ज्योतिर्मयो हि शुभ्रो यं पश्यन्ति यतयः क्षीणदोषाः ॥

satyena labhyastapasā hyeṣa ātmā samyagjñānena brahmacaryeṇa nityam antaḥśarīre jyotirmayo hi śubhro yaṃ paśyanti yatayaḥ kṣīṇadoṣāḥ

The Self can always be won by truth, by self-discipline, by integral knowledge, by a life of purity;

All that shines is but the shadow of His shining || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
All that shines is but the shadow of His shining || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
12 min

न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न चन्द्रतारकं नेमा विद्युतो भान्ति कुतोऽयमग्निः । तमेव भान्तमनुभाति सर्वं तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं विभाति ॥

na tatra sūryo bhāti na candratārakaṃ nemā vidyuto bhānti kuto'yamagniḥ tameva bhāntamanubhāti sarvaṃ tasya bhāsā sarvamidaṃ vibhāti

There the sun shines not and the moon has no splendor and the stars

Facts and figures || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Facts and figures || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
9 min

अग्नीर्मूर्धा चक्षुषी चन्द्रसूर्यौ दिशः श्रोत्रे वाग्विवृताश्च वेदाः । वायुः प्रणो हृदयं विश्वमस्य पद्भ्यां पृथिवी ह्येष सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा ॥

agnīrmūrdhā cakṣuṣī candrasūryau diśaḥ śrotre vāgvivṛtāśca vedāḥ vāyuḥ praṇo hṛdayaṃ viśvamasya padbhyāṃ pṛthivī hyeṣa sarvabhūtāntarātmā

Fire is the head of Him and His eyes are the sun and moon, the quarters His organs

Life is Consciousness alone || Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Life is Consciousness alone || Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
36 min

प्रणो ह्येष यः सर्वभूतैर्विभाति विजानन्विद्वान्भवते नातिवादी । आत्मक्रीड आत्मरतिः क्रियावानेष ब्रह्मविदां वरिष्ठः ॥

praṇo hyeṣa yaḥ sarvabhūtairvibhāti vijānanvidvānbhavate nātivādī ātmakrīḍa ātmaratiḥ kriyāvāneṣa brahmavidāṃ variṣṭhaḥ

This is the life in things that shines manifested by all these beings; a man of knowledge coming wholly to know this, draws back from creeds

Only the one who has stopped moves in freedom || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Only the one who has stopped moves in freedom || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
63 min

कामान्यः कामयते मन्यमानः स कामभिर्जायते तत्र तत्र । पर्याप्तकामस्य कृतात्मनस्विहैव सर्वे प्रविलीयन्ति कामाः ॥

kāmānyaḥ kāmayate manyamānaḥ sa kāmabhirjāyate tatra tatra paryāptakāmasya kṛtātmanasvihaiva sarve pravilīyanti kāmāḥ

He who cherishes desires and his mind dwells with his longings, is by his desires born again wherever they lead him, but the man

At the center, the divided stands united || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
At the center, the divided stands united || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
37 min

अरा इव रथनाभौ संहता यत्र नाड्यः स एषोऽन्तश्चरते बहुधा जायमानः । ओमित्येवं ध्यायथ आत्मानं स्वस्ति वः पाराय तमसः परस्तात् ॥

arā iva rathanābhau saṃhatā yatra nāḍyaḥ sa eṣo'ntaścarate bahudhā jāyamānaḥ omityevaṃ dhyāyatha ātmānaṃ svasti vaḥ pārāya tamasaḥ parastāt

Where the nerves are brought close together like the spokes in the

The highest acts come from the highest within || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The highest acts come from the highest within || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
17 min

तस्मादृचः साम यजूंषि दीक्षा यज्ञाश्च सर्वे क्रतवो दक्षिणाश्च । संवत्सरश्च यजमानश्च लोकाः सोमो यत्र पवते यत्र सूर्यः ॥

tasmādṛcaḥ sāma yajūṃṣi dīkṣā yajñāśca sarve kratavo dakṣiṇāśca saṃvatsaraśca yajamānaśca lokāḥ somo yatra pavate yatra sūryaḥ

From Him are the hymns of the Rig Veda, the Sama and the Yajur, initiation, and

What is desire? Who takes rebirth? How to renounce? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
What is desire? Who takes rebirth? How to renounce? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
10 min

“He who cherishes desires and his mind dwells with his longings is by his desires born again wherever they lead him but the man who has won all his desires and has found his soul for him, even here in this world vanish away all desires.” ~Mundaka Upanishad

Questioner (Q):

The mind that is to know the Self || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
The mind that is to know the Self || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
8 min

एषोऽणुरात्मा चेतसा वेदितव्यो यस्मिन्प्राणः पञ्चधा संविवेश । प्राणैश्चित्तं सर्वमोतं प्रजानां यस्मिन्विशुद्धे विभवत्येष आत्मा ॥

eṣo'ṇurātmā cetasā veditavyo yasminprāṇaḥ pañcadhā saṃviveśa prāṇaiścittaṃ sarvamotaṃ prajānāṃ yasminviśuddhe vibhavatyeṣa ātmā

This Self is subtle and has to be known by a thought-mind into which the life-force has made its fivefold entry: all the conscious

You need freedom from the cage, not lessons in flying || Acharya Prashant, on Vedanta (2021)
You need freedom from the cage, not lessons in flying || Acharya Prashant, on Vedanta (2021)
6 min

हिरण्मये परे कोशे विरजं ब्रह्म निष्कलम् । तच्छुभ्रं ज्योतिषं ज्योतिस्तद्यदात्मविदो विदुः ॥

hiraṇmaye pare kośe virajaṃ brahma niṣkalam tacchubhraṃ jyotiṣaṃ jyotistadyadātmavido viduḥ

In a supreme golden sheath the Brahman lies, stainless, without parts. A Splendor is That, It is the Light of Lights, It is That which the self-knowers know.

To keep the highest seat vacant is to invite the Absolute || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
To keep the highest seat vacant is to invite the Absolute || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
50 min

स वेदैतत्परमं ब्रह्म धाम यत्र विश्वं निहितं भाति शुभ्रम् । उपासते पुरुषं ये ह्यकामास्ते शुक्रमेतदतिवर्तन्ति धीराः ॥

sa vedaitatparamaṃ brahma dhāma yatra viśvaṃ nihitaṃ bhāti śubhram upāsate puruṣaṃ ye hyakāmāste śukrametadativartanti dhīrāḥ

He knows this supreme Brahman as the highest abiding place in which this radiant universe is placed and

That which the self-knowers know || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
That which the self-knowers know || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
25 min

हिरण्मये परे कोशे विरजं ब्रह्म निष्कलम् । तच्छुभ्रं ज्योतिषं ज्योतिस्तद्यदात्मविदो विदुः ॥

hiraṇmaye pare kośe virajaṃ brahma niṣkalam tacchubhraṃ jyotiṣaṃ jyotistadyadātmavido viduḥ

In a supreme golden sheath the Brahman lies, stainless, without parts. A Splendor is That, It is the Light of Lights, It is That which the self-knowers know.

Beyond the beyond || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
Beyond the beyond || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)
5 min

दिव्यो ह्यमूर्तः पुरुषः स बाह्याभ्यन्तरो ह्यजः । अप्राणो ह्यमनाः शुभ्रो ह्यक्षरात्परतः परः ॥

divyo hyamūrtaḥ puruṣaḥ sa bāhyābhyantaro hyajaḥ aprāṇo hyamanāḥ śubhro hyakṣarātparataḥ paraḥ

He, the divine, the formless Spirit, even He is the outward and the inward, and He the Unborn; He is beyond life, beyond mind, luminous, supreme

Sir, I Feel Addicted to You
Sir, I Feel Addicted to You
10 min
The ego seeks security from the world and even when it comes to the truth, it still wants to somehow uphold its security. It is all right if one wants to guarantee one's security against the world. But when it comes to truth and beauty, that's when one should just drop the defenses. It is all right to be immersed. It is all right even to be drowned. It is all right even to die. What is the point in conserving something that is anyway imperfect?
Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
27 min
In modern times, reading and respecting the Shastras is often seen in a derogatory light. An Asura disregards the scriptures, saying, “What I know is right. My own experience determines the Truth,” rejecting them because they will not allow him to do what he wants. We have come to a point where we are not merely ignoring but actually insulting the scriptures. If you're sincere about knowing life, why avoid a document with deep insights into it?
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