
Your Anger contains a Secret || AP Neem Candies
Your Anger contains a Secret || AP Neem Candies
6 min

Acharya Prashant: If anger besets you, look at your entire life, the full spectrum. Nothing short of that would do. Anger is not a disease in itself; anger is an indicator. And, anger is a very powerful and gross indicator.

Anger becomes necessary so that you may see how bad

Is Anger Really the Problem?
Is Anger Really the Problem?
12 min
Anger is not a disease in itself. Anger is an indicator. If we could have anger without any side effects, how about that? Exciting? Anger becomes necessary so that you may see how bad your condition is. Anger is a message that the entire spectrum of twenty-four hours is going wrong. A message that you are not living rightly.
When You Are Sure of Yourself, You Feel Less Angry at Others
When You Are Sure of Yourself, You Feel Less Angry at Others
7 min
I am not talking of your confidence arising from skill or knowledge. I am talking of your confidence arising from the realization that no business is God. And that the Truth remains with you even if your business fails and the Truth does not get amplified even if your business prospers. Read more....
Why are You so Angry Over Yourself?
Why are You so Angry Over Yourself?
18 min

Acharya Prashant: Latha is saying, why does she get angry so often even over small matters? Especially with some people, she is unable to control anger and she says she tried to change her attitude but hasn’t been quite successful. She is saying, now, how to change myself. Because anger

How to Deal with a Short-Tempered Person?
How to Deal with a Short-Tempered Person?
4 min

Question: How to deal with a short-tempered person?

Acharya Prashant: Why are you only asking about how to deal with those who are very short tempered? There are different people in the world, some are short-tempered and some are long-tempered (laughs) .

People have different natures. If you’re aware, attentive,

How to Control Your Anger? || AP Neem Candies
How to Control Your Anger? || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: It's not about anger at all. Anger is a misplaced subject of discussion, and so much has been said about anger. People keep talking about therapies related to anger. Will keep talking of anger as some kind of affliction.

If somebody gets angry, he is called psychotic. Is

What is anger? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
What is anger? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
7 min

Questioner (Q): What is anger?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Something happens, you get angry. We are looking at that event very very closely. Something happens and you get angry. Let’s give the whole thing a shape, a name, a face.

A stranger comes to you and says, “You are stupid,” and

Use your hurt as your resource || Acharya Prashant (2021)
Use your hurt as your resource || Acharya Prashant (2021)
9 min

Questioner (Q): I see that I want to say a lot of things but I don’t, and I just be a coward. So, for example, I saw a man whip a bull with a stick but he was doing it behind the ears, under the chin where it really hurts,

Why does one get angry? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
Why does one get angry? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
1 min

Question: Moving from opinions to the realm of facts, I feel an intense need to look very closely at my mind’s desires but there is anger. What is this anger and why is it there? I want to understand it.

Speaker: Realization becomes anger in absence of action. You get

Can anger be spiritually useful?
Can anger be spiritually useful?
9 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, we use anger as a weapon and it's a weakness too. How to stop anger from becoming a weakness and why do we get angry?

Acharya Prashant: When desire is not fulfilled Parul (Questioner) then one gets angry, you know that. So, it's not about anger. It's

Common man: the wannabe criminal ||Neem Candies
Common man: the wannabe criminal ||Neem Candies
1 min

The common man aspires to be a criminal, a respectable criminal albeit. “I am a respectable government officer”—we very well know what all that implies. And we are not talking of Seshans and Khairnars here; we are talking of 99.99999% of the government officers.

The common man himself takes pleasure

How to deal with anger? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
How to deal with anger? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
25 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, in spite of keeping all watch and vigil, anger comes and leads to wrong actions on certain trigger points and situations. After that it is realized that a slip happened. What is the way?

Acharya Prashant (AP): There is nothing in existence that is unnecessary, totally

When one is angry at God || Acharya Prashant (2019)
When one is angry at God || Acharya Prashant (2019)
6 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, I have been at a stage in life where I would get angry at God. My understanding of God at that point was, that there is an external entity out there, overseeing everything, trying to protect the entire world.

Eventually, I could see that there are

Honest anger is wonderful || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Honest anger is wonderful || Acharya Prashant (2016)
3 min

Question: Sir, how can I stop myself from wanting to smash a car or motorcycle when I am about to smash?

Acharya Prashant: There is no need to stop yourself, you are already stopping yourself. I don’t think so you have ever smashed your bike against any car. So, when

Full of hate for the other? || Neem Candies
Full of hate for the other? || Neem Candies
1 min

He gets angry, so do you. Maybe the objects of anger are different. Maybe the intensity is different. He is lustful, so is he. Maybe the objects are different. Maybe the intensity is different. She is possessive, so is she. He is suspicious, so is he. He is ignorant, so

How to control your anger when somebody hurts you?
How to control your anger when somebody hurts you?
8 min

Questioner: How to control our anger? Should be reactive, somebody hurt us, or how to react in a way?

Acharya Prashant: There are two parts: One, how do we control or anger? Second, how do we react when somebody hurts us? You see in both these parts you are describing

Allow yourself to be an idiot || Neem Candies
Allow yourself to be an idiot || Neem Candies
1 min

You need to pass through the entire spectrum of living. You need to experience maddening anger. You need to experience the rising force of lust. You need to experience the terrible temptation to be dishonest. You need to go through all of this without suppressing it, without being equivocal about

3 min

Question: Sir, I asked you a question during Samvaad that how can I get rid of my anger. You said that we feel pleasure while getting angry. You said I need to think before getting angry that to whom am I showing anger. I need to think of relation with

Justified anger || Neem Candies
Justified anger || Neem Candies
1 min

How do we justify our anger? We justify our anger by feeling short-changed, cheated, or victimized; by continuing to assert that we are incomplete, while simultaneously bemoaning the incompleteness. If you have grudges within, if you feel a victim of situations, or past, or persons, and if you lend credence

When parents keep fighting || Neem Candies
When parents keep fighting || Neem Candies
1 min

If you are in a railway coach, and that too an enclosed cabin with two fellow passengers, and it’s just a journey, let’s say, ten hours long, and those two guys are constantly squabbling, what would it do to you? If you are very patient, you will try to sleep.

Feel like punishing yourself? || IIT Kharagpur (2022)
Feel like punishing yourself? || IIT Kharagpur (2022)
7 min

Questioner (Q): When I am not able to complete a task or meet a deadline, I feel the need to punish myself. I will maybe skip a meal, or if I have planned to do something with my friends, like going out or cycling or something, I will skip that;

Brahm-realisation, and the fear of distancing from one's family || Acharya Prashant (2018)
Brahm-realisation, and the fear of distancing from one's family || Acharya Prashant (2018)
13 min

Questioner: If I do deeply understand that the bliss of consciousness or Brahm is truly greater by manifolds, then what motivation would I have to perform the mundane duties, chasing worldly desires like wealth etc.? I cannot just sit doing nothing, thinking that my kids will have an education and

How to get rid of aggressiveness?
How to get rid of aggressiveness?
9 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): I was asked how to get out of aggressiveness. First of all, you have to totally forget that aggressiveness is the issue. All problems arise from ignorance, all problems including aggressiveness. And it is a part of ignorance to assume that aggression is an important problem or

Are you a complete idiot? ||Neem Candies
Are you a complete idiot? ||Neem Candies
1 min

Anger is not a disease in itself. Anger is an indicator. Anger is a very powerful and gross indicator. Anger becomes necessary so that you may see how bad your condition is.

Subtle signs of discomfort and bad living are always there, but one misses those signs. Because you miss

Being non-resistant to anger || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Being non-resistant to anger || Acharya Prashant (2016)
28 min

Question: Well how to be in a crowd but not get lost in maintaining yourself in a crowd?

Acharya Prashant: There is very little that you can do, when you are already in the middle of a crowd. Stimuli are raining upon you from all sides, responses are demanded. Every

Don’t disturb a fucking dog ||Neem Candies
Don’t disturb a fucking dog ||Neem Candies
1 min

Yes, we are animals. We are animals, and animals can get extremely violent if they discover their mates being stolen away.

There was one board I once read. It said, “How to be cautious of dogs?” It particularly warned against disturbing dogs on two or three occasions. One, when they

If you love non violence, then fight ||Neem Candies
If you love non violence, then fight ||Neem Candies
1 min

Do you see what is violence? To forget God, to forget the Truth. What is non-violence? To fight that which makes you forget the Truth.

So, non-violence actually means you have to fight. If you are not a fighter you cannot be non-violent. The false is to be fought, and

Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
5 min
The mind chatters only about little and inconsequential things. First of all, the matter would be a petty one; secondly, irrespective of how long the chatter is, the matter can never be brought to an end; so it is inconsequential. The mind loves to engage itself with itself. The mind loves to roll in its own stuff. Give the mind a proper purpose. Let the entire body, your entire system, everything in your existence be focused, be channelized towards the right purpose in life.
Thinking A Lot About Future?
Thinking A Lot About Future?
7 min
Fear, you have to remember, is biological. Fear, you have to remember, is to the body. Fear is not to you. Fear is a letter addressed to the consciousness. Do you open the other's letters and read them? Do you do that? So, the letter has been delivered. The letter is coming from Mr. Fear and it is addressed to the body. So what do you do with the letter? You keep it aside. Let the body read it; I won't read it. It's not mine.
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
29 min
The mind is the entire set, the whole universe of objects that the ‘I’ has a relationship with. Not the entire set of everything that is there in the universe. One does not have a relationship with everything. But whatsoever one develops a relationship with becomes mind. An object untouched by the self, the ego is just an object. But the moment the object is touched by ‘I’, it becomes vishay or mind. And, mind is an accumulation, a congregation of objects that it is in relationship with.
How To Get Rid Of Bad Habits?
How To Get Rid Of Bad Habits?
9 min
Don’t live out of habit, live out of wakefulness. Your action must not be habituated action; your thought must not be a pattern-based thought. Your thought, your action must come out of your understanding. Don’t depend on habit.
Is Your Mind Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy?
Is Your Mind Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy?
10 min
The mind is both your best friend and your worst enemy. It’s your friend when it operates with intelligence and attention, but when there is no attention, when there is no care or love, then intelligence does not function. And then, the mind is your worst enemy. A prisoner knows no joy, no freedom, no love. Your own sleep keeps you imprisoned. The moment you wake up, you are free.
What Does Equanimity Mean in Life?
What Does Equanimity Mean in Life?
12 min
When you know that you can not be harmed, then you let the change come to you. Then, you do not lose your inner poise in front of changing conditions. This is equanimity. For equanimity, you require a very good driver, a totally dependable driver. Our driver is the Ego. It does not allow the Absolute to drive us. The Ego is so arrogant that it goes and sits on the throne, the sacred place, that is reserved only for the Beloved, only for God. It has no right to be there. Dethrone it!
Hurt by Those Around You?
Hurt by Those Around You?
12 min
Hurt comes when you are not sure of yourself. You are saying you are all right with your habits, but not all right with people criticizing you. You feel hurt. If you feel hurt, that clearly tells you that you do not know what you do and why you do it. If you know that making the bed, for example, is the best thing you can do with your time in the morning, then why would you pay attention to someone objecting to it?
Can Guilt Be Useful?
Can Guilt Be Useful?
16 min
Guilt can either free you from your limitations or become a powerful defense of the ego. If you really love heights, guilt will assist you; but if you’re comfortable being pulled down, it will merely offer consolation. Far better than guilt is the realization of your actual state. Once you truly see what you’ve turned yourself into, transformation happens spontaneously.
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
17 min
You have ample gurus who come over and say, “You know, you do this and then you can do whatever you want to do.” Now the moment you hear this kind of philosophy that Yoga will help you do better whatever you want to do, I suppose one must run away. Because that’s exactly antithetical to Yoga. Yoga is not about doing whatever you want to do; it’s the ego that says that, not the dedicated, devoted, wise mind. That does not come from there.
Why Can't I Leave My Comfort Zone?
Why Can't I Leave My Comfort Zone?
8 min
The body will not allow you to do things where your physical sustenance gets threatened. 'What will happen to this body?’ is the fear. The one who can go without food and sleep in the streets under the open sky can never be enslaved. Have the guts to sleep in the fields, and learn to go without comforts—then the world cannot dominate you!
To Understand the Mind, Observe Without Concluding
To Understand the Mind, Observe Without Concluding
17 min
Just know that this is what is there in the mind. And that is the appropriate mental activity. The mind is the machine, well tuned, nicely designed for both analysis and observation. Use it for observation. You use it only for analysis and comparisons. Use it for observation. And if the observation is honest, then the object of observation will drop.
What Is Creativity?
What Is Creativity?
4 min
Creativity is the action of a fresh and free mind. With a fresh mind, whatever you do is creative. We have equated creativity with brilliance and dynamism, whereas it can be very ordinary. It’s like love—where something totally new comes from nowhere, where one is not overly concerned about results, and where one is not caught in mundane distractions. It's an expression of freedom and fearlessness.
How to be in a Peaceful State of Mind?
How to be in a Peaceful State of Mind?
14 min
Peace is your destiny, everybody's destiny but that destiny is a timeless destiny. You do not reach there after ten years, you are there right now. And because you are there right now, hence this drama of not being there can continue endlessly.
How to Handle Criticism?
How to Handle Criticism?
6 min
The trouble is, we do not use our eyes to look at ourselves. We depend on others' opinions, which are totally external. If you don’t know what you are doing, how will others know? General awareness can be taken from others, but not self-awareness. If somebody comes to you, listen to them, but do not allow their words to become your self-image.
How to Control the Mind?
How to Control the Mind?
13 min
Mind control is not about suppressing the mind; it is about supporting it to take the right route and reach the right destination. The mind does not really need control; it needs peace. But the mind is a little foolish. If the mind were not foolish, why would it leave its peaceful state, which is its natural state?
Relax and Let the Mind Observe Naturally
Relax and Let the Mind Observe Naturally
5 min
When you are relaxed, then there is no need to observe. Observation is not a need. It cannot happen because you are telling yourself to observe. It cannot happen out of some purpose. When you are internally relaxed, then a subtle observation is automatically happening.
Why Indians Address People as 'Ji'?
Why Indians Address People as 'Ji'?
5 min
In our daily lives, we find people using the word Ji as an affirmative statement or while addressing people. Though, it has just become as social norm, there is a profound meaning behind it that conveys of beauty and auspiciousness. It is a reminder that one is beyond the body and the mind; beyond all names and forms. And instead of being identified with the body and the mind, there is something better to be identified with—‘Sri’- a Sanskrit word standing for Ji in vernacular.
Is a Good Habit Really Good?
Is a Good Habit Really Good?
17 min
Whatever you call a ‘good habit’ is as dead as a ‘bad habit’ because any habit is a regular pattern followed without consciousness or understanding. Habits are for those who are half-asleep, as they prevent you from living fully and acting consciously. To break it, simply pause, observe, and ask yourself, 'Is this happening because I am aware and conscious, or is it just because of my patterns?'
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Understanding Guilt for True Self-Improvement
Understanding Guilt for True Self-Improvement
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Acharya Prashant: What does guilt say? Let’s first of all look at it. Guilt says, “I am better than how and what I did”, right? Guilt says, “I am better than my actions”, or “I am better than my thoughts. I am better than the account I gave of myself