What does not change? || With youth (2014)

Acharya Prashant

3 min
16 reads
What does not change? || With youth (2014)

Questioner: Sir, in one of the videos on how to invest time, you were saying that there is one thing that remains unchanged throughout, from childhood to adulthood, till the old age, it remains unchanged. What is one thing that doesn’t change?

Acharya Prashant: The one who is watching the change. The one who is watching everything change, he cannot change. You are standing on a platform and train after train is passing you by. Trains are changing, the compartments in front of you are changing, time is changing.

What is not changing?

The observer.

The one who is witnessing, he is not changing. But remember that One is not available to everybody. Rare is the individual who has been able to find that witness. Not everybody is able to find it.

And if you are able to find it, it’s a beautiful event in life, an extremely beautiful thing. Why? Because that means that you have now discovered something which situations cannot touch or change, which time cannot destroy because it is unchanging, in that sense you have become immortal, you cannot die, because time cannot touch you anymore.

Immortality does not mean that you will live ten-thousand years. Immortality means, ‘I have found something that time does not touch or change and time is situations, events, one after the other. So, event after event, one event after another event, there is something within me that just watches, that does not participate, that does not change. I do not get carried away, because that’s that awareness. I just do not get carried away.'

‘So, one moment there are forty people around me and I am so boisterous. The other moment there is no one around me and how am I feeling? Sad and lonely. No, I don’t get carried away. In both situations, whether I am surrounded by forty people or I am all on my own, there is something which is as it was, it doesn’t change. Yes, outwardly there is change. If I am with forty people, I’ll be talking, I’ll be interacting, shaking hands, offering something to drink. So, all the external things would be going on, but that little ‘bit’, that silent point within that does not change. Same, when with forty people and same when alone.'

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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