Question: Sir, when all men are equal, then why are some people given extra importance and addressed with words like Mr. President etc.?
Answer: All men are equal only at the level of their core, center, essence. Otherwise, people are very different and unequal.
At the core, not only are all men the same, but even rivers, mountains, animals, vacuüm, space, time have the same essence. So, only a mind that lives very close to the core – a spiritual mind – has the right to assert that all is same, or equal. Only a mind that genuinely perceives a mystical oneness in all existence is entitled to say that ‘all are equal’. All diversity that appears to be, is just a manifestation of the One – this is the true meaning of equality.
Unfortunately, the right to equality is talked of, and exploited, the most by those who only see differences when they look around. These are narrow and fragmented minds who deeply believe in their own separate identity from the rest of existence. The one who says ‘I am X’ or ‘I am Y’ surely believes in a self that is separate and divided from others. That is the basis of identities and identification. Such a mind lives by its ego, which it arrogantly calls as individuality. It deeply believes in differences and hence, inequality.
Now look at the contradiction. This minds says, ‘I am separate, and I relish my separateness’, and ‘All are equal’. If you pay attention, you will see that these two statements cannot really be made together. But the inattentive mind doesn’t go deep and doesn’t realise.
Modernity has given us a false sense of individuality- ego. And it has also given us egalitarian values- liberty, equality, fraternity. We do not realise that ego-individuality simply does not go with liberty or equality or fraternity.
That is why there is so much strife in the world today. All the systems- educational, political, social, legal, markets- are just protecting and promoting ego-individuality. A sense of separation. The feeling of ‘me’ness: my rights, my choices, my thoughts, my opinions, my life! Obviously such systems may pay lip service to equality, but will really only produce more and more division and strife.
Only spirituality- the ability to see the One in all- can give real equality and freedom and peace.
Question 2: Why do we always follow a short method to complete every task.
Answer: We have been taking shortcuts and yet the journey never ends.
Proof: No one is satisfied with the place he has reached.
May be these smart shortcuts are actually making the simple journey infinitely long?
Question 3: People never realize but they tend to hide their motive in name of care.
Answer: You know, that’s a master observation. If we can see what all happens in the name of care, concern and protection, we will understand the games of Maya.
Question 4: Is getting annoyed with somebody one of the games’ of Ego?
Answer 4: You asked about getting annoyed with or getting angry at somebody.
No state of mind or action tells much about anything. It is not of much importance. What is important is the root that leads to that particular action.
Krishna and Christ also got angry, the Sikh Gurus even fought battles. Even anger can be divine.
Question 5: Sir, is it true that we are born on this earth for some purpose only, so we should do such work so that the world remembers us?
Answer: The world remembers only two kinds of people:
These are the only two people the world remembers – Slaves and Criminals.
Do you still think it is worth it to try to be remembered by the world?
– Based on my interactions on various e-forums.
Dated: 16th January,’15