All internal voices are from fragments of the mind, the Total calls only in Silence || Acharya Prashant (2015)

Acharya Prashant

4 min
81 reads
All internal voices are from fragments of the mind, the Total calls only in Silence || Acharya Prashant (2015)

Question: How to find the right action when the mind is saying aloud: “You should not do this,” or “You have to do this.” One part of the mind is saying, “You have to do this ,” other part is saying, “It is okay, you can do that .”

There always seems to be a choice and the voice of the Heart remains faint and therefore unheard.

Acharya Prashant: See, the right action has no voice. Maybe I said that the voice of the Heart is very faint. It is actually more faint than faint. It is no voice at all. Whenever there is a voice, it is the voice of the mind.

*The right* action *happens voicelessly. It comes from nowhere, it goes into nowhere. You don’t even know that you have acted.*

In fact, if somebody tells you, “You have made a choice just now,” you would be a little surprised. You would say, “But was there a choice? Have I really made a choice?”

Whenever the mind is divided into two parts or ten parts and the parts are going in this direction or that direction, neither of the directions is your direction. It is the direction of that particular part. Right?

See, you are being pulled in ten directions, one of the pullers become strong enough to overpower the other nine and carry you towards himself, drag you, pull you towards himself. Does that mean that, that puller is you? Does that mean that going in that particular direction is your freedom? It does not mean that!

Similarly, if one of the forces pulling you is too weak, too faint, and it is not able to exercise any control over you, does it mean that, this really is the force of the Heart? As you said that the voice of the Heart is faint. So, that means, whenever there is a faint pull, that must be the real you. It’s not really so!

None of the divisions of the mind represents the essence of the mind. It can be a large force; it can be a small force. So, when you come to this dilemma, “What to do? The mind is being pulled in this direction and that direction; it is not imperative for you to act. You have the freedom to not to go to either direction. You have the freedom to just stay put. Why must you move? Let both the pullers tire down by themselves. Let them keep trying and become exhausted. And then you will spontaneously know which direction to go. The movement will happen on its own. You will not need to decide or choose.

Isn’t it obvious? There is one entity that is pulling to the right. There is one entity that is pulling to the left. And then there is a third entity that is deciding whether to go to the right or go to the left. Even the third one is divided into two parts: one is biased towards the right, one is biased towards the left. Where are you in all this?

And even the decision maker is under the influence of lobbying. This one is lobbying for his interest, the other force is lobbying for its own interest.

When all this circus is going on, whatever comes out from this circus will be a joke.

(Laughingly) So, let the joke stay as a joke. You don’t need to become a character in all that. Let the forces play out. Let them get tired. Let their power come down a little.

And then you can see when movement happens on its own.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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