
Can Nature Worship in the Vedas Hold Deeper Meaning Today?
Can Nature Worship in the Vedas Hold Deeper Meaning Today?
14 min
The higher meaning is desirelessness. You cannot worship something with a view to obtain favors from it. That's exploitation. That's consumption. So the real kind of nature worship that we talk of, let's say, in durga saptshati, that's different. That's where the relationship is not of bhog.
Forget Rituals, Embrace Wisdom: Krishna’s Powerful Words
Forget Rituals, Embrace Wisdom: Krishna’s Powerful Words
37 min
You can either have the Gita or you can have the entirety of religion as it is practised by the common man in the common culture. These cannot go together. Totally incompatible, they are.
Do Vegan Athletes Really Avoid Animal Cruelty?
Do Vegan Athletes Really Avoid Animal Cruelty?
6 min
If you can deal with human ignorance only then there is the chance, we will be more friendly, more compassionate towards animals. Otherwise, a sectoral approach, a fragmented approach will at most make you feel good about yourself. But in the bigger picture, it does no favor to the animals or to the environment.
Why do we suppress sexuality? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Why do we suppress sexuality? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
20 min

Questioner (Q) : Acharya Ji, I want to talk about sexuality. Are there ways in which a person can healthily express sexuality?

Acharya Prashant (AP) : Whatever we do is an expression. Breath is an expression, eating is an expression, these hand gestures they are an expression, and the way

Abortion: many perspectives || Acharya Prashant, with BITS Pilani (2022)
Abortion: many perspectives || Acharya Prashant, with BITS Pilani (2022)
39 min

Questioner (Q): My question is regarding abortion. Broadly, there are two schools of thought regarding abortion. The first one is, because it is the woman’s body, she is the one who gets to decide whether to abort or deliver the child. The second school of thought says that the woman

Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
27 min
In modern times, reading and respecting the Shastras is often seen in a derogatory light. An Asura disregards the scriptures, saying, “What I know is right. My own experience determines the Truth,” rejecting them because they will not allow him to do what he wants. We have come to a point where we are not merely ignoring but actually insulting the scriptures. If you're sincere about knowing life, why avoid a document with deep insights into it?
Letting Go of Habitual Affirmations: Is It Key to Spiritual Growth?
Letting Go of Habitual Affirmations: Is It Key to Spiritual Growth?
23 min
The purpose of all instruments of religion, methods of religion is to unblock. The truth is here, there, inside, outside, everywhere. But there is a blockage. That blockage is called the ego. The ego prevents the truth from coming to itself. So, religion is a device, a tool so that Truth can flow to the ego. The ego wants to defend itself against the truth because once the truth flows in, it dissolves the ego.
Who Is a Hindu?
Who Is a Hindu?
8 min
The one who is religion-less. A real Hindu does not have any religion. To go beyond all religions is to be a Hindu. There are religions that are on one plane, and then there is Sanatan Dharma, which is another dimension — the eternal religiousness. Liberation from religion is religiousness. Sanatan Dharma is awakened intelligence.
Is Vastu or Kundali Misleading Your Life Decisions?
Is Vastu or Kundali Misleading Your Life Decisions?
7 min
You look at this video camera, it's a product of human ingenuity. It is not a product of rituals or beliefs. And we should be grateful. Even the astrologers are using the latest technology without being grateful at all. Latest technology that astrology didn't give birth to. And yet astrology is exploiting the technology for its own furtherance. And it has been extremely conclusively proved, demonstrated that astrology is not a science at all. It's a belief system. Belief system with no material basis at all.
Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
1 min

In our country, most people marry because that is sometimes the only way of getting some good sex—good and assured sex. Otherwise, the fellow would either have to spend a lot of money or a lot of time, or both, and then still return empty-handed. Isn’t that so?

Now, if

ख़ुद से ये पूछा करो || नीम लड्डू
ख़ुद से ये पूछा करो || नीम लड्डू
2 min

किससे मिल रहे हो? किससे नहीं मिल रहे हो? कहाँ रोज़ पहुँच जाते हो? कहाँ से पैसे ला रहे हो? पहली बात – क्या ईमानदारी से काम रहे हो? दूसरी बात – जो कमा रहे हो, उसको खर्च कहाँ कर रहे हो? छः घण्टे से कोई खबरिया चैनल लगा कर

Choose Joy || Neem Candies
Choose Joy || Neem Candies
1 min

Be compassionate towards yourself, and have faith that freedom is possible and that life can be enjoyed really. Life need not be a melancholy song; it can be a symphony of ecstasy. That faith has to be there.

Do not surrender so easily to the forces of littleness. They will

Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
1 min

People talk of personal time as opposed to professional time, right? They forget that the profession that they have chosen has also been chosen by the person. So, even that which they are mistakenly calling as professional time is only personal time.

Our lives have only personal time. To be

Red roses or books? || Neem Candies
Red roses or books? || Neem Candies
1 min

Does the person you are with encourage you to read? You have to ask, “What does he bring for me, roses or books?”

Be very cautious of those who bring roses for you, especially red roses. Books are what we all need, and books are dangerous. Books are dangerous because

A Life Like Bhagat Singh's
A Life Like Bhagat Singh's
5 min
How occupied Bhagat Singh was. Even on the eve of his hanging, he was still reading the Bhagavad Gita. He said, "I still have a few hours. Let me spend these hours with the beloved. I have something very important to do." Or was he doing nothing in particular? Was he doing nothing in particular even in his last hours? No. He said, "Let me spend this time reading." And he was a voracious reader. At your age, he was so well read. Never had any time to waste.
What Is the Main Message of Bhagavad Gita?
What Is the Main Message of Bhagavad Gita?
14 min
You have to fight. The world is the battlefield. To be born is to be born as a warrior, to be born is to be born with weapons and armour. That is the message: you cannot run away. Shunning action is not possible.
What Sanatan Dharma Is Not
What Sanatan Dharma Is Not
10 min
Sanatan Dharma is not about following traditions in the name of Dharma. It is about constantly moving towards that which will take you beyond your mind: the Sanatan. All our beliefs and rituals might be religious, but they are not Sanatan because they are just mind stuff. Since both Sanatan Dharma and Vedanta discard mind stuff as trivial, one cannot be a Sanatani if one is not a Vedanti.
Big Fat Salary, Or Stable Job?
Big Fat Salary, Or Stable Job?
8 min
Work is the most important component of your life, it will take away all your time. You cannot approach work with these considerations: salary & stability. Discover your calling, not just a job, a calling. What is it that calls you as a lover? What kind of work that would be which you are ready to do even without being paid? If that work can be your life, then life is beautiful.
Does Jealousy Arise from Ego?
Does Jealousy Arise from Ego?
3 min
Jealousy comes from dependency. The person who is not dependent cannot feel jealousy. The one who is his own master has no reason to be jealous. To be jealous implies that someone has been accepted as a master, and there is a desire for that master to stay with them. If the master goes elsewhere, a certain pain arises, and this pain is what is called jealousy.
Western vs Indian Philosophy: Who Holds the Key to True Freedom?
Western vs Indian Philosophy: Who Holds the Key to True Freedom?
7 min
They don't contradict each other. You see, what the existentialists including Sartre were saying was that the nature of the human being is such that even if you want to suppress or disown consciousness, you will not succeed. So, man is condemned to be free.
Finding God Is Easy, Tolerating Him Is Difficult
Finding God Is Easy, Tolerating Him Is Difficult
19 min

Acharya Prashant: Suffering is a fire that burns down a lot. It brings along a certain purification. One of the poets gave the example of a snowball. Snowball that is cleansing itself in its own blood; by melting down. When a snowball starts melting, it starts becoming cleaner. And the

Why Do You Get Hurt So Easily?
Why Do You Get Hurt So Easily?
7 min
When you feel inferior, even a harmless touch can hurt you. No one can hurt you without your consent. It has nothing to do with the intention of the other person; it has much more to do with your self-concept. The deeper you go into yourself, the more you are devoted and surrendered to the Truth, the less significant this tendency to get hurt will become.
To help the other is to help oneself || Delhi University (2022)
To help the other is to help oneself || Delhi University (2022)
5 min

Questioner (Q): Sir, if we do something to make someone else happy by deceiving our own self, is it worth it?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No, you cannot make someone else happy by deceiving your own self. That kind of a thing cannot exist; that kind of a thing exists only

Suffering under peer pressure? || IIT Bombay (2022)
Suffering under peer pressure? || IIT Bombay (2022)
9 min

Questioner (Q): Man is typically a social animal who seeks to coexist with the society around him. I am a vegan but many people around me are not, and that creates a difficulty for me. I want to speak out my thoughts on animal cruelty and get into animal activism,

Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
Feeling Caged in Your Chattering Mind?
5 min
The mind chatters only about little and inconsequential things. First of all, the matter would be a petty one; secondly, irrespective of how long the chatter is, the matter can never be brought to an end; so it is inconsequential. The mind loves to engage itself with itself. The mind loves to roll in its own stuff. Give the mind a proper purpose. Let the entire body, your entire system, everything in your existence be focused, be channelized towards the right purpose in life.
How to Meet Others’ Expectations?
How to Meet Others’ Expectations?
6 min
People expect because they feel that something is missing from life. They expect from the world, from others, from situations, from luck, and also from themselves. The root of all these expectations is an inner feeling of lack of fulfillment. Meeting others’ expectations is a false treatment where you allow illusions to persist. If you love your dear ones, bring the Truth closer to them.
What is Friendship and Who is a Friend?
What is Friendship and Who is a Friend?
5 min
Friendship is nothing; friendship is a state of being in which you are concerned not with what you can get from the other person, but in the real advancement of the other person. And the real advancement is, discovering the Truth. So, a friend is a friend only if he brings you closer to the Truth; in whose presence you become less agitated, in whose presence a silence comes. Find out such friends, and then, there will be real magic.
How to Overcome Sadness?
How to Overcome Sadness?
6 min
Why do you have so much personal time? How are you available to grief? Your consciousness is too self-centered; it needs expansion. Even as you grieve over one death, billions of goats, rabbits, lambs, fish, cows, and chickens are slaughtered. Commit your time. Dedicate it to a higher purpose. We attach great sanctity to our personal lives. Give it up!
How to Bring Real Change in Oneself?
How to Bring Real Change in Oneself?
31 min
There are a million spiritual seekers who keep on practising observation and find that their lives are not changing at all. Just observing your daily life will often be of very little help. Observation of your own condition must be accompanied by exposure to something beyond yourself. Those who keep saying, 'Just observe and things will happen.' No, nothing happens just by observing. Love is needed. Love gives you the patience to wait. You require the depth of love that is prepared to wait till eternity.
How to Handle Insults?
How to Handle Insults?
20 min
Any kind of harm that comes to you can only come due to a lack of self-knowledge. If you do not know who you are, you will be forced to believe whatever others tell you about yourself. We don’t even realize how big a slavery that is! Every time you allow circumstances to rule you, you are actually acting like a dead object. You are alive only if you have something within that circumstances cannot touch.
Why Do We Celebrate Kumbh?
Why Do We Celebrate Kumbh?
7 min
The story, the myth, is elaborate, but one word that firmly dictates the narrative of the Kumbh saga is immortality. Immortality is to live deeply, not necessarily long. It is to go to one’s deepest desire, fulfill it, and extinguish it forever. Another Kumbh beckons us. Can we go beyond the ritualistic dip and honestly observe life as it is, within and around us?
J. Krishnamurti's 'The Observer Is the Observed' Explained by Acharya Prashant
J. Krishnamurti's 'The Observer Is the Observed' Explained by Acharya Prashant
8 min
'The observer is the observed; an honest observation dissolves them both.' Or, 'The observer is the observed, and both are false.' We lay a lot of emphasis on the world, assuming it to be the Truth. If the world is an entity independent of everything, then it has to be the Truth, right? Truth is that which is independent of everything.
Acharya Prashant Interviewed By Kip Andersen (#Christspiracy) || Religion And Animals
Acharya Prashant Interviewed By Kip Andersen (#Christspiracy) || Religion And Animals
7 min
Now, how does man relate with the world? How does man know what to do, how to approach, how to touch, how to live, how to eat, how to talk, how to connect? That, to me, is the essence of religion. Man’s relationship with himself and the world. That is religion, and that is also the essence of all organized religions.
Spirituality Is Neither Culture Nor Tradition
Spirituality Is Neither Culture Nor Tradition
4 min
Spirituality is neither a tradition nor a culture. Spirituality is not at all about following something or somebody. When it is said that you must follow the Guru, the Guru is the Truth, not a person not a man. Spirituality would never say, “Follow the words of a man.” Spirituality says, “Let the mind follow the Center, the Truth or you may call it the Heart or God.”
Is Meditation Really as Beneficial as People Claim?
Is Meditation Really as Beneficial as People Claim?
13 min
Meditation is a way of life. Meditation is the most beautiful love affair you can have. People talk of romance, why not romance the truth? Romance is your unending date with the truth. You see, when you are on a date, it’s not as if you are looking at the other person all the time. Especially if you are meeting that person frequently. It could be a working date then. “Fine let’s meet somewhere, let’s sit across a table, you have your own laptop, I have mine and we work.“ And that’s a date.
Knowing When To Exercise Patience And When To Pursue Goals Aggressively
Knowing When To Exercise Patience And When To Pursue Goals Aggressively
4 min
Choose the goal extremely wisely and then it does not matter whether you are failing or succeeding or what. Obviously, you do not want to keep failing continuously. So, you look at the process of living, the process through which you wanted to move towards whatever you chose. And then you make continuous improvements in the process. But all this talk of improvement and everything make sense only if, first of all, the goal is right.
Death: Destiny, Karma, And Divine Intervention
Death: Destiny, Karma, And Divine Intervention
11 min
There is no divine intervention. There is prakriti. Prakriti does not brook any intervention from any quarter. Just happened. If you look for a reason, there isn’t any. Randomness is the reason.
Thinking A Lot About Future?
Thinking A Lot About Future?
7 min
Fear, you have to remember, is biological. Fear, you have to remember, is to the body. Fear is not to you. Fear is a letter addressed to the consciousness. Do you open the other's letters and read them? Do you do that? So, the letter has been delivered. The letter is coming from Mr. Fear and it is addressed to the body. So what do you do with the letter? You keep it aside. Let the body read it; I won't read it. It's not mine.
The Means Is as Important as the End
The Means Is as Important as the End
3 min
And then there are those who actually really practically want liberation. Those who really and practically want liberation, find out the means to be liberated. The Guru is the means. Nanak sahab says, “Now that you know so much about God, the absolute, you must also know how the absolute is to be reached.”
Rapid Fire Round with Acharya Prashant
Rapid Fire Round with Acharya Prashant
10 min
Man and woman, classically, both are just Prakriti. So, both come under the umbrella name of woman which is the human state. In some sense, all of us are women. You are a woman in just the biological sense; I too am a woman in the mental sense. So, the word woman describes entire mankind; you could say, “Womankind.”
Can Multiple Sexual Partners Fulfill You?
Can Multiple Sexual Partners Fulfill You?
8 min
All your relationships are deeply your attempts to fill an inner void. Whether you relate sexually to one person or many — will sex give you what you truly want? The body is a shallow means to attain that which your consciousness craves. There are beautiful ways of relating to men and women; relate to them in higher ways.
Deadlines Make Me Anxious. How Can I De-Stress?
Deadlines Make Me Anxious. How Can I De-Stress?
6 min
Break it down. Just ask yourself, “How much is to be done right now,” and that’s all. Beyond that I don’t bother. You know, how the Upanishads put it? They say, “Yes, it’s infinite but it’s also very immediate; very, very far, but I also know that it’s also very immediate.” So, I’ll focus on the immediacy. Why horrify myself with the thought of the infinite? I would rather remain humble and think only of the immediate.
Living Without God: Principles For A Purposeful Life
Living Without God: Principles For A Purposeful Life
8 min
Any belief is stupid because all beliefs come from a lack of investigation, and a lack of investigation comes from deep fear and a feeling of insecurity. If you are insecure and afraid, then you will not dare to ask questions and investigate. And it is from that fear and insecurity that the concept of God has arisen. Now, God and reality are two different things. God and Truth are not the same thing. The mark of religiosity or true spirituality is an abiding faith in the truth.
Advait or Dvait?
Advait or Dvait?
4 min
It doesn’t matter whether you talk of *Advait* or *Dvait*. Do you finally admit that you cannot proceed any further with words? If your *Advait* says that I have come to the final truth, then your *Advait* is bogus. If your *Dvait* says that this is the ultimate expression, then your *Dvait,* too, is a fallacy. You may say *Advait,* you may say *Dvait,* you may even say *Trait,* or you may say anything of your choice. You are free to say whatever you want to, but all of that must surrender.
Should You Quit Social Media?
Should You Quit Social Media?
4 min
We go to social media and use it according to our tendencies. If someone tends to seek self-worth in the eyes of others, that tendency will manifest in some form or another. The same social media can also be a vehicle for precious knowledge. So, observe the tendency and ask yourself: "Am I truly gaining self-worth? Or am I just becoming more fearful or more addicted?"
Are All the Interesting People Found in Hell?
Are All the Interesting People Found in Hell?
7 min
No! They are not interesting people; they are sick people. It’s just that the very definition of the word 'interesting' has become distorted to their advantage. People in hell are as interesting as a stinking pile of trash is.
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
9 min
Swami Vivekananda was an ordinary man—Narendra, and he too had his ordinary pursuits. It was the magical touch of Paramhans, that turned him into Vivekananda. And he wasn't too eager either. Many times, he ran away from Ramakrishna. It is a gigantic task, it doesn't just happen on its own. If you leave the youth to how they are, it is not liberation that would happen.
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
Mind Alone Is Bondage And Liberation
29 min
The mind is the entire set, the whole universe of objects that the ‘I’ has a relationship with. Not the entire set of everything that is there in the universe. One does not have a relationship with everything. But whatsoever one develops a relationship with becomes mind. An object untouched by the self, the ego is just an object. But the moment the object is touched by ‘I’, it becomes vishay or mind. And, mind is an accumulation, a congregation of objects that it is in relationship with.
Your Worth does not come from Bearing Babies or Breast-Feeding || AP Neem Candies
Your Worth does not come from Bearing Babies or Breast-Feeding || AP Neem Candies
6 min

Acharya Prashant: You have said, “What kind of change our education system needs to have so that our coming generations live together in peace and fulfillment?” Live together with each other, right? You haven’t said they live together with animals. The trees, the rivers, the rabbits, and the lions. That

Is the world real, unreal, both, or neither? || Acharya Prashant, on Zen Koan (2019)
Is the world real, unreal, both, or neither? || Acharya Prashant, on Zen Koan (2019)
6 min


Shuzan held out his short staff and said,

“If you call this short staff, you oppose its reality.”

“If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact.”

“Now what do you wish to call this?”

Questioner: Acharya Ji, Pranaam! Please help me understand