
What is patriotism? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
What is patriotism? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
12 min

Questioner (Q): Sir, how to differentiate between these two things – being patriotic, and to not to identify with an identity?

If we say that we are patriotic to our country, this means that we are involved with an identity that is – being an Indian. So how to differentiate

The Foundation of the Indian nation
The Foundation of the Indian nation
9 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, in few days, Republic Day, that is, the 26th of January, will be celebrated and the work that Foundation is doing is very closely linked with “The Youngsters”. So, I wish to ask you in what ways the youngsters of today have lost love for the

Non-violence is to fight that which makes you forget the Truth || On Advait Vedanta (2019)
Non-violence is to fight that which makes you forget the Truth || On Advait Vedanta (2019)
8 min

Questioner: The Sikh Gurus gave swords to the Khalsa to protect their religion. Gandhi Ji used non-violence to get freedom for the Indians. Jainism, too, gives a lot of emphasis to non-violence. I don’t understand the concept of non-violence in this context. Kindly give me clarity.

Acharya Prashant: Non-violence is

What is secularism? How to become secular? || Acharya Prashant (2018)
What is secularism? How to become secular? || Acharya Prashant (2018)
5 min

Question: Acharya Ji, please tell us how we can keep a fine divide between the religious and the secular, and grow holistically as an individual and as a society?

Acharya Prashant Ji: There is no divide between the religious and the secular. True religion is about eliminating all divisions.


What Makes India a Nation?
What Makes India a Nation?
9 min

Questioner (Q): Sir, in what ways the youngsters of today have lost the love for the nation?

Acharya Prashant (AP): You cannot love someone or something you know very little of. The nation at its root represents a community of people united through certain values. For someone to

Why does man make countries? What is patriotism? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
Why does man make countries? What is patriotism? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
12 min

Listener: Sir, can you give your views on nationalism and patriotism?

Speaker: See, man always requires something to separate him from others. In this separation is the protection of his ego. If I were just the same as you, how will you say that I am ‘I’ and you are

How Did Bhagavad Gita Help Subhash Chandra Bose?
How Did Bhagavad Gita Help Subhash Chandra Bose?
10 min
There is no revolution possible without wisdom literature. The quest for independence of freedom fighters was actually a manifestation of their inner quest for liberation. What kind of revolution can one do if it's the body that's always at the top of your mind? You require a Gita to tell you that this body is perishable and would anyway go. Gita only teaches you, "Endure and fight."
Forget Rituals, Embrace Wisdom: Krishna’s Powerful Words
Forget Rituals, Embrace Wisdom: Krishna’s Powerful Words
37 min
You can either have the Gita or you can have the entirety of religion as it is practised by the common man in the common culture. These cannot go together. Totally incompatible, they are.
Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
Why Do We Insult Our Scriptures?
27 min
In modern times, reading and respecting the Shastras is often seen in a derogatory light. An Asura disregards the scriptures, saying, “What I know is right. My own experience determines the Truth,” rejecting them because they will not allow him to do what he wants. We have come to a point where we are not merely ignoring but actually insulting the scriptures. If you're sincere about knowing life, why avoid a document with deep insights into it?
Is Vastu or Kundali Misleading Your Life Decisions?
Is Vastu or Kundali Misleading Your Life Decisions?
7 min
You look at this video camera, it's a product of human ingenuity. It is not a product of rituals or beliefs. And we should be grateful. Even the astrologers are using the latest technology without being grateful at all. Latest technology that astrology didn't give birth to. And yet astrology is exploiting the technology for its own furtherance. And it has been extremely conclusively proved, demonstrated that astrology is not a science at all. It's a belief system. Belief system with no material basis at all.
A Life Like Bhagat Singh's
A Life Like Bhagat Singh's
5 min
How occupied Bhagat Singh was. Even on the eve of his hanging, he was still reading the Bhagavad Gita. He said, "I still have a few hours. Let me spend these hours with the beloved. I have something very important to do." Or was he doing nothing in particular? Was he doing nothing in particular even in his last hours? No. He said, "Let me spend this time reading." And he was a voracious reader. At your age, he was so well read. Never had any time to waste.
What Is the Main Message of Bhagavad Gita?
What Is the Main Message of Bhagavad Gita?
14 min
You have to fight. The world is the battlefield. To be born is to be born as a warrior, to be born is to be born with weapons and armour. That is the message: you cannot run away. Shunning action is not possible.
Spirituality Is Neither Culture Nor Tradition
Spirituality Is Neither Culture Nor Tradition
4 min
Spirituality is neither a tradition nor a culture. Spirituality is not at all about following something or somebody. When it is said that you must follow the Guru, the Guru is the Truth, not a person not a man. Spirituality would never say, “Follow the words of a man.” Spirituality says, “Let the mind follow the Center, the Truth or you may call it the Heart or God.”
Living Without God: Principles For A Purposeful Life
Living Without God: Principles For A Purposeful Life
8 min
Any belief is stupid because all beliefs come from a lack of investigation, and a lack of investigation comes from deep fear and a feeling of insecurity. If you are insecure and afraid, then you will not dare to ask questions and investigate. And it is from that fear and insecurity that the concept of God has arisen. Now, God and reality are two different things. God and Truth are not the same thing. The mark of religiosity or true spirituality is an abiding faith in the truth.
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
The Making of a Rare Vivekananda: The Role of Ramakrishna
9 min
Swami Vivekananda was an ordinary man—Narendra, and he too had his ordinary pursuits. It was the magical touch of Paramhans, that turned him into Vivekananda. And he wasn't too eager either. Many times, he ran away from Ramakrishna. It is a gigantic task, it doesn't just happen on its own. If you leave the youth to how they are, it is not liberation that would happen.
How Not to React?
How Not to React?
6 min
The things that happen within you — anger, lust, disappointment, greed — are conditioned chemical reactions. It is the mark of a wise person not to be driven by one’s own reactions. Chemicals are reactive; consciousness can wait. Let the elements do what they are doing — 'I am not wedded to the limitations of this chemical godown.' This is what the knowers have called ‘detachment'. They have also called it ‘witnessing'.
Shraddh: How To Satisfy Your Ancestors?
Shraddh: How To Satisfy Your Ancestors?
13 min
Liberate yourself of ignorance and help the entire planet. That should be the meaning of Shraddh. Instead, Shraddh has become an entire elaborate ceremony of superstition. This is that souls are floating in some other universe, and they come down, and they are hungry, and they are this, and there is talk of crows and sparrows and all kinds of crude superstition. That is not at all to be called as religious.
Gita Is Not This
Gita Is Not This
7 min
To qualify an entrance exam, and work towards it, without thinking of the results, that’s not what Karma Yoga is. Karma Yoga is not about setting tangible worldly targets and going after them. It’s a moment-to-moment thing in which you are very conscious whether the objective of your action is personal ingratiation or larger welfare. You are acting all the time, you are not acting merely when you act towards a distant and a larger cause.
Why Isn't the Gita for Everyone?
Why Isn't the Gita for Everyone?
8 min
It depends on the pain you are willing to take. Sometimes Duryodhanas have to be turned into Arjunas. It’s just that, it’s relatively easier with an Arjuna. But what to do when even Arjunas are not present to receive the Gita? As long as somebody has anything, anything that resembles consciousness, as long as somebody has even the faintest remnant of consciousness left, Gita can be brought to that person but it will be tough, difficult.
Astrology: Science or Superstition?
Astrology: Science or Superstition?
10 min
Anybody who believes in astrology cannot be rational. All you have is a set of beliefs—the belief that this thing will happen. There is no logic in it, only fear and insecurity. Science is based on verifiable and falsifiable experiments, whereas astrology is not subject to verification; hence, it is just a story. It's a story that is making big money for a lot of storytellers.
What is Yagya?
What is Yagya?
11 min
In the name of yagya, if you continue to burn wood, you are doing no good to anybody. Yagya must be understood in its true spirit. Shri Krishna says, “Do not act for yourself or for your personal gain. Act for a higher cause; higher than yourself, beyond yourself. Do that action that takes you to your Niyati, which is your end. Yagya is that which dissolves you; that which reduces you.”
Can the Materialistic Man Be Spiritual?
Can the Materialistic Man Be Spiritual?
4 min
Whatsoever is precious will be non-dualistic, and if it is non-dualistic, it cannot have an object. Totally, if you are anything, then you are spiritual. The totality itself is spirituality. The emphasis, then, will not be on materialistic totally. The totality is important. Being total means you are total—not divided, not limited, not small.
Where Is the Kurukshetra of Your Life?
Where Is the Kurukshetra of Your Life?
5 min
Arjuna’s hell was in his daily tasks, and so is yours. Arjuna could sense the evil in what appeared normal to others; you must also be able to sense that there is something extremely fishy in what seems normal to others. Your house, your workplace, your society—these are your Kurukshetra. That’s where you have to fight your Mahabharata. That’s where you need Shri Krishna and the Gita.
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
Yoga - The Biggest 'Spiritual' Myth Today
17 min
You have ample gurus who come over and say, “You know, you do this and then you can do whatever you want to do.” Now the moment you hear this kind of philosophy that Yoga will help you do better whatever you want to do, I suppose one must run away. Because that’s exactly antithetical to Yoga. Yoga is not about doing whatever you want to do; it’s the ego that says that, not the dedicated, devoted, wise mind. That does not come from there.
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What does “Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya...” mean?
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Shri Krishna is saying, “As long as you are the actor, please forget Yoga. Yoga is not for you.” Yoga is freedom from the false actor. The Yogi is the one who has realized that Yoga cannot be attained through any method. A yogi is healthy and alright with himself.
The Many Images of Krishna: Their Utility and Limits
The Many Images of Krishna: Their Utility and Limits
9 min
If you're obsessed with the lover-boy image of Krishna, then you will miss Krishna when he does not come as a charming lover. And he will not always come as a charming lover. If you are obsessed with Krishna, the male, then you will miss Krishna when he comes as a woman. Because, in your imagination, Krishna is the one wearing the peacock feather with the flute at his lips, appearing in attire that belonged to those ages, enjoying milk and butter, speaking Sanskrit.
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Is Krishna Available Only to Arjuna?
14 min
Remember, it is not as if Krishna did not try with Duryodhana. Krishna goes to Duryodhana and what does Duryodhana do? He tries to arrest him. Krishna goes as the messenger of peace and Duryodhana says no, no, no! The action of Love is still taking place. He is not saying that I will leave Duryodhana to his fate. He says it is my responsibility to teach even Duryodhana. But when Duryodhana proves it beyond doubt, that he is incorrigible, then Krishna says, “Fine, now that the battle is destined, let the blows rain.”
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What Are the Four Ways to Krishna Darshan?
13 min
The first way, the topmost one, is the Sahaja way (natural way). Krishna prescribes no method there. He says, “Arjuna, just come to Me and be seated in Me, be affirmed in Me, pretty steadfastly. Just do it. Simply, obviously, instantly.” That is the Sahaja way. “Do it directly, Arjuna. If you really are sincere, and if you really have love for Me, then do it right now, right here, right away. What are you waiting for? What do you require a method for? Nothing is needed. You have the intention, you really want it, you aren’t fooling yourself. I am here, come and be settled in Me and that’s it.”
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What Is Prayer? Acharya Prashant on Guru Nanak
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Real Humility - It Will Surprise You || AP Neem Candies
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Acharya Prashant: A mind free of stories about itself, is a humble mind. The story could say everything. The story does not always say, “I am the king of the world.” Often the story says, “I am the most wretched person on this earth.” Nevertheless, irrespective of its content, a