Maria Rilke

Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
Popular reasons to marry || Neem Candies
1 min

In our country, most people marry because that is sometimes the only way of getting some good sex—good and assured sex. Otherwise, the fellow would either have to spend a lot of money or a lot of time, or both, and then still return empty-handed. Isn’t that so?

Now, if

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Thinking A Lot About Future?
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Fear, you have to remember, is biological. Fear, you have to remember, is to the body. Fear is not to you. Fear is a letter addressed to the consciousness. Do you open the other's letters and read them? Do you do that? So, the letter has been delivered. The letter is coming from Mr. Fear and it is addressed to the body. So what do you do with the letter? You keep it aside. Let the body read it; I won't read it. It's not mine.
Are You Against Marriage?
Are You Against Marriage?
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We are all born married to our desires, despair, and desperation. A woman or a man is not responsible for making us feel bonded or suffocated. It is the feeling of attachment, loneliness, and dependency that troubles you. Get rid of these, and then, if someone comes into your life, it’s alright. If you feel like marrying them, do it; if not, don’t.
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Live-in Relationship or Marriage?
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There is not much difference between a live-in relationship and marriage. When you are living with somebody, that person gains enormous power to affect your life in all kinds of ways, and you too gain that power. You cannot do justice to that responsibility if you are not a spiritually evolved person. Be very, very conscious of your personal space. It is sacred; not everybody must be allowed to enter it.
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Why Can't I Leave My Comfort Zone?
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Secrets of an Authentic Personality
Secrets of an Authentic Personality
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A. Objective and Fear

Wherever there is an objective, there would be fear associated with it. You hope to get something, and you fear that you may not get it. Don’t you see that a man who is chasing goals has condemned himself to live in fear?

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Freedom from Ego is Freedom from Fear
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Wasting Life on an Unworthy Person?
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Why Do You Want to Get Married?
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Inviting Fear || AP Neem Candies
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Man Bows Only to Fear, or to Beauty || AP Neem Candies
Man Bows Only to Fear, or to Beauty || AP Neem Candies
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How to Correct a Bad Decision?
1 min
Do not focus on the decision. Rather, look at the decision-maker. The decision is not bad, humbly accept that the decision-maker is bad. Without this acceptance, the series of bad decisions will continue. When one realizes that the decision-makers' mind has been full of beliefs, past, and fear, then there is radical transformation in one’s being. The old, frozen, conditioned decision-maker simply evaporates.
Why Do You Want to Get Married?
Why Do You Want to Get Married?
6 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, Pranaam! Currently there is a lot of pressure on me to get married. I am completely confused about this decision; I am not mentally prepared for it right now. I feel incompleteness in my life, and I want to settle things in my life.

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Why Do We Crave Holidays?
5 min
The mind is fed up of its daily, boring, routine, fettered and frustrated life. But it has no faith or courage to break away from this life. It is very necessary for it to keep looking towards the future. Some special day must always lie ahead: New Year, Valentine’s, Holi, your birthday, Diwali and so on. This cycle keeps up the illusion that something great is coming.
Procrastination vs Having a Good Time
Procrastination vs Having a Good Time
7 min

Questioner: Sir, you have said that “right action is its own reward; the wrong action is its own punishment.” Basis your quote, the common man must choose right action and be naturally aversive to the wrong action but that does not happen. Kindly, throw some light on it.

Acharya Prashant

One Mistake, and You Are Gone || AP Neem Candies
One Mistake, and You Are Gone || AP Neem Candies
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Acharya Prashant: If material attracts you, sooner than later, women too would be a dominant factor in your life. And if you are chained to women, then sooner than later you will have to go after material also. That is why people start earning more aggressively and more helplessly after

How to Choose the Right Partner?
How to Choose the Right Partner?
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Be very, very alert about cohabitation. Just don’t start living with anybody. Be very, very conscious of your personal space. It is sacred; not everybody must be allowed to enter it. I am not merely talking of the body; the mind is much, much more sacred than the body. The purity and such things of the body probably do not matter so much, but the mind must be kept virgin. Be very cautious.
What is Spirituality?
What is Spirituality?
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Being spiritual is simply about not being stupid. Spirituality is not at all organised religion. It is not about customs or rituals or beliefs. Spirituality is an awakened state of mind in which the mind really understands. So, mind has only two options: spirituality or stupidity.The mind when conditioned and away from origin (essence), is bound to be stupid. Only a spiritual man really lives, loves and enjoys. Others die without living.
Is Marriage Your Real Problem?
Is Marriage Your Real Problem?
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Don’t unnecessarily hassle your spouse. He or she is probably as clueless as you are. He needs your support. She needs your light. Take care of yourself, and then you will be able to take care of everybody.
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies
When the Partner Cheats || AP Neem Candies
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Human beings spend five years, seven years in courtship, knowing fully well that the objective is just one, but neither the man nor the woman—assuming it’s a man-woman relationship—would dare confess it to the other. Especially not in India. Read more....
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
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Love is serious, hard work. And love is not really fun. You need to learn to have fun in hard work. And that’s love. In love, you start loving the hard work and the hardship that comes your way. Read more....
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
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There is nothing wrong in marriage if it is based on the foundation of wisdom and an awakened state. The institution of marriage becomes a problem because it emerges out of a mind seeking security leading to permanent enslavement. Marriage, when entered out of ignorance, can become an irreversible trap that dictates one’s life. Marriage is beautiful and wonderful if it is based on wisdom because then it redeems and gives one wings to fly, breaking oneself from the clutches of patterns and security.
The Madness called Man
The Madness called Man
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How do you, ask the chief of police, patrol a city, where the butcher shops are guarded by vultures, where bulls get pregnant, cows are barren, and calves give milk three times a day, where mice are the boatmen, and tomcats row the boats, where frogs keep snakes as watchdogs,

Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
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Cheating a partner happens on three planes. Physical plane where the foundation of relationship has just been fulfilling one’s bodily needs, emotional plane where a partner is supposed to please other partner and on spiritual plane where a partner’s attention is withdrawn from the Higher Self to one’s own lower self. It’s quite rare that relationships are based on a higher plane where both the partners have come together to push each other to get close to ‘Something’. The thing is although we have moved out of the jungle, but within we are animals.
A Spiritual Method for the Courageous Ones!
A Spiritual Method for the Courageous Ones!
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Questioner: So, do you teach any Sādhanā through which your disciples and followers can access this inner Witness through which they can constantly de-attach themselves from the world which they are experiencing.

Acharya Prashant: Know what you are doing currently, first of all, that’s what is needed. Anything begins when

The Fear of One's Own Existence
The Fear of One's Own Existence
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Acharya Prashant: We need a mind that is not eager to react. That does not mean that it does not act. It acts beautifully, but it does not react. In fact, these two things go together: the ability to act beautifully, and the lack of tendency to react. The more

Awaken the Poet within, else Life remains Asleep
Awaken the Poet within, else Life remains Asleep
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Questioner: My question is, why is creativity, like poetry, dying these days? And poetry is a part of literature. And how much contribution of literature is there on the way to Adhyatma?

Acharya Prashant: See, the more you will lose touch with yourself, the more material your world will get.

Acharya Prashant on Osho
Acharya Prashant on Osho
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Osho’s defining characteristic was courage. He was a man of deep intellect, prolifically well-read, a genius in devising new methods of meditation, yet above all his other qualities, his courage is his hallmark. Born in a middle-class family in a small city in the deprivation and resourcelessness of pre-independence India, he built himself up all on his own. Books would be his companions. Even as a teenager, he would travel across cities, to various libraries and sources, to look for books and knowledge.
How to Overcome Challenges in Decision Making?
How to Overcome Challenges in Decision Making?
4 min
We are actually afraid that the decision will prove to be ‘wrong’. Is it the decision-making that terrifies us or the thought that my decision may turn out to be wrong? My real fear is that ‘I do not know what is right and wrong. Because all my life I have lived according to the criterion provided by others. I have no understanding of how to live intelligently and how to decide for myself. Another reason that we feel afraid in decision making is that we feel accountable, we feel a certain obligation, we feel that if our decision is wrong, what answers we will provide to others? We are not really afraid of the event as such. Rather, we are afraid that what kind of face will we show to others?
To What Extent Is Education Important?
To What Extent Is Education Important?
4 min
Formal education is important to the extent the body is important. The less the body-identification, the less is the importance of object-centric education. A person's attachment to material possessions, driven by societal values, leads to poverty and duality. Poverty, unlike the natural world, is man-made and rooted in the desire to accumulate. While education enables material progress, it doesn’t address deeper issues of self-identity and existence.
Let Life Be a Celebration of Intelligence
Let Life Be a Celebration of Intelligence
5 min
Eating, walking, sleeping, working, dying – these alone surely cannot mean being alive. Life is much more than the physical and mental processes. Machines can walk, eat, work. The programmed analysis that computers do is no different from what we call thinking. Machines have no role in their formation, just as we have no role in our birth. And machines can be programmed to self-terminate after a certain time, just as we die.
Fear and Faith: Finding Strength in Uncertain Times
Fear and Faith: Finding Strength in Uncertain Times
35 min
Faith, is to be all right without a reason. Faith is to feel secure without being dependent. Faith is to feel healthy without checking whether you are really healthy. Faith is to have a certain inner certainty without the need to be proven or validated by anybody, including yourself. So, faith is to be just okay. You are just okay and you have nothing – ostensibly, externally.
Managing Expectations in Relationships: A Path to Harmony
Managing Expectations in Relationships: A Path to Harmony
10 min

Question: Acharya Ji, before marriage, every relationship that I had has been very natural. I never did anything to be good with them. But once I got married, it is not coming that natural. My expectation from relationships seems to have risen.

Please guide.

Acharya Prashant:

Where there is desire,

Fake Depression Is Worse Than Actual Depression
Fake Depression Is Worse Than Actual Depression
18 min

Questioner: Pranam Acharya ji. I am Ritu Tiwari. I am an alumnus of this college. My question is related to defamation of mental health problems. I’ll give you three examples – first comes from a recent murder case that happened in the capital of our country where a man named

Stay Unperturbed by Others
Stay Unperturbed by Others
7 min

Questioner: Pranaam Acharya Ji. Why do I get nervous in situations where I have to express myself or when I have to talk to people?

Acharya Prashant: What do you talk to people about?

Questioner: Public speaking.

Acharya Prashant: What do you speak about?

Questioner: Anything related to school work,

Why to Get Married: Is It Your Choice or a Scripted Expectation?
Why to Get Married: Is It Your Choice or a Scripted Expectation?
14 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, recently I had a small argument with my parents regarding marriage. They have been pushing me for the last seven years, trying to somehow convince me to get married. I’ve got kind of really sick of it. I’m trying to push it, saying that I don't need

Man’s Evolutionary Instincts for Love and Sex
Man’s Evolutionary Instincts for Love and Sex
7 min

Acharya Prashant: You are in front of food and you see how your body wants to lunge towards food. And do you know why the body wants to lunge towards food? Especially, let’s say, sweetmeats or high-calorie items? Why? – Because evolution taught it to, because the survival of the

How to get rid of fear and panic? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2015)
How to get rid of fear and panic? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2015)
9 min

Questioner: How to control fear and panic?

Acharya Prashant: Obviously panic is a state when you feel…

(The questioner interrupts and completes his question)

Q : How to control fear and panic, and move towards our objectives?

AP: Ah! Now you have made it very difficult for me!

You are

Fear can be answered only with Faith || Acharya Prashant(2014)
Fear can be answered only with Faith || Acharya Prashant(2014)
6 min

Speaker: Mind has so much stored, that it does not even know how much is stored. There are two portions to the storage. There are two parts of this godown. One part is – where you know that you have something stored. And the other part is – where you

Fear has its domain, but there is a vast world outside it || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Fear has its domain, but there is a vast world outside it || Acharya Prashant (2015)
7 min

Question: For a mind that is always fearful, what would saadhana (practice) be?

Speaker: Does fear remain the same, if it is no more an object to be loathed, an object that is spiteful, that must be gotten rid of?

Listener 1: One does not remain fearful.

Speaker: So what

How can enlightenment be one objective thing?
How can enlightenment be one objective thing?
5 min

Question: Sir, how does a mind that is enlightened look at life? What happens to its thoughts? Does its wiring change in response to fear? Does it change its response to emotions?

Answer: Assuming sufficiently good understanding of the brain and sufficiently developed scientific processes, anything can surely be done

Meditativeness is a way of being
Meditativeness is a way of being
3 min

Question: Dear Sir, we have been talking about how to use the ‘higher’ desire of brahman as a broom to clean up all the desires and then to burn the broom itself. Do you think I should simply sit back and read without this burning desire, this lust for knowledge,

How to get rid of insecurity? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
How to get rid of insecurity? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
2 min

Acharya Prashant: Anuj is asking, ‘*What is insecurity? Why do we experience it? And essentially how to get rid of it?*’

Insecurity is fear. Go into the word ‘secure’. ‘Secure’ means that which cannot go away, which cannot be taken way. It is secure; it cannot go; it cannot be

Anything done in awareness is good
Anything done in awareness is good
2 min

Question: Dear Sir, when I review the discussions that take place in the clarity sessions, most of them are beyond my ordinary imaginations. The experiences or the words mentioned in these sessions sound very pure and pious but very difficult to attain. Why is it so?

Answer: The Sunday discussions

Fearless living || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Fearless living || Acharya Prashant (2015)
36 min

Acharya Prashant: We have heard of the beggar, who used to sit at the main crossing in the city. He had been begging since many years, rather decades. He had been begging since so long that it could be said that he had been begging all his life. People had

To know what you already know
To know what you already know
2 min

Question: I read somewhere that when a person dies, the stream, of which it was a manifestation, still goes on. What is the process of this stream and how does it manifest itself?

Sir, is there life after death? What sort of knowledge passes on at the time of enlightenment?

Can there be a method to attain enlightenment?
Can there be a method to attain enlightenment?
3 min

Question: I have been reading Buddha and Kabir for long, and both are my favorite. While reading them I realized that both had different methods to get enlightenment.

Buddha said, “Renounce the world and be a monk.”

While Kabir said, “Don’t renounce the world, be in this world, face