Social Issues

Your Worth does not come from Bearing Babies or Breast-Feeding || AP Neem Candies
Your Worth does not come from Bearing Babies or Breast-Feeding || AP Neem Candies
6 min

Acharya Prashant: You have said, “What kind of change our education system needs to have so that our coming generations live together in peace and fulfillment?” Live together with each other, right? You haven’t said they live together with animals. The trees, the rivers, the rabbits, and the lions. That

Why Do We Need the Society?
Why Do We Need the Society?
8 min
Society is not a curse; nothing is a curse. If you are aware that the milk is stale, can it harm you? No, because you wouldn’t drink it. Society cannot harm you if you are aware. So try to find things with clarity. This is not the time to complain about the rottenness or falseness in society. Be true, rise up, and let action happen.
The Sixth Mass Extinction has started!
The Sixth Mass Extinction has started!
4 min

To date, mass extinction has occurred five times on Earth. Mass extinction means the complete destruction of all living beings. Five times in history, the Earth's temperature increased beyond limits, and life on the planet came to an end.

And now, the sixth mass extinction has begun! The reason for

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
3 min
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Opened the first indigenous school for girls at the age of 21. He worked all his life against evils like child marriage, suppression of women's education, casteism, prohibition of widow remarriage, and infanticide. Babasaheb Ambedkar called him his guru and intellectual father.
Suicides in Educational Institutions
Suicides in Educational Institutions
7 min
From all the directions, the message that is coming to you is, there is this particular definition of success; and if you cannot measure up to it, then life is not worth living. So, some of our friends, unfortunately, take it very literally. They say, “If life is not worth living, why should we anyway continue living at all?” You could say, “They are more logical than the rest of us.”
Are We All Rapists?
Are We All Rapists?
10 min
Rape is a state of mind; the body only expresses it. A mind that cannot love will only rape. And we all rape. Is there anything you don’t rape? Look at how we consume rivers—are we not raping them? We are bothered only when the act becomes sexual and explicit. Laws or hanging a few people won’t stop rape. Till the mind of the individual does not change, rape will not stop.
Life is for Better Things || Neem Candies
Life is for Better Things || Neem Candies
1 min

That could be one necessary mark of a true feminist: she would not be dependent on anybody else for a single rupee, especially not on the male partner.

“Financial independence and then still having kids, is that something that can be counted under feminism as such?”

No, you see, these

There Is an Elephant in the Room (We Smoothly Ignore It)
There Is an Elephant in the Room (We Smoothly Ignore It)
23 min

Questioner 1 Thank you Acharya Ji for taking the time and giving us this opportunity to sit down with you and discuss climate change, veganism, and a lot of other questions that we have for you. With me I have on the panel today, Niharika Raizada Ji, a renowned actress,

What Is Desh Prem Divas?
What Is Desh Prem Divas?
8 min

Acharya Prashant: Before we say love for the country, we should know what is this thing called country. If we don’t know what is country then whom do we love? If we don’t know what country is then what do we call love as?

This is just a machine (pointing

Parents Insist on Horoscope and Find the Guy is 'Manglik'
Parents Insist on Horoscope and Find the Guy is 'Manglik'
15 min

Questioner: Good evening sir. I’m…. and I’m a PhD student here at IIT, Kanpur. Sir, I have a very personal question. Being a girl child, especially in India, comes with very different sets of consequences. Despite being given equal opportunities like education and skills, at the end where we’re supposed

Want More Pleasure?
Want More Pleasure?
9 min

Questioner: Acharyaji, my question is that the greed of getting more and more pleasure is increasing with time, and finally I’m finding myself getting stuck in the vicious circle of getting more and more pleasure. Sir, what are the ways that you could suggest to me to get out of

To Give Birth is to Take Debt
To Give Birth is to Take Debt
4 min

Acharya Prashant: Parents have first of all committed the mistake of bringing another person into this world of agony, longing, and suffering that they compensate for by investing themselves in raising the kid. That is why it is imperative for parents to bring education to the kids, give food to

Living for Others?
Living for Others?
16 min

Questioner: Some people say that you should live for yourself, and some people say that it gives you more happiness if you live for others. So, which of these approaches is the right one?

Acharya Prashant: So, she is asking whether to live for oneself or others, right? That’s the

Women in Revealing Dresses: Liberation or Titillation?
Women in Revealing Dresses: Liberation or Titillation?
9 min
To those who articulate that women should mind their clothes and dressings, the question arises: what kind of person are you, man or woman, if anything is able to disturb or provoke you so easily? The allegation is that when watching a woman dressed skimpily, it becomes a disturbance, a distraction, even a provocation. How will you insulate yourself, and how much will you insulate yourself from the world? And what are the limits to what you want to see and not see? Today, it is said that a woman’s legs or thighs provoke you. What prevents you from saying tomorrow that her ankles and fingernails provoke you? Would you then demand that she should cover up from head to toe?
Religious Fanatics and Bigots - Where Do They Come from?
Religious Fanatics and Bigots - Where Do They Come from?
17 min

Questioner: Sir, I am Saurabh Kumar from Rajdhani College, Delhi University. My question is that there is one or two days ago, there was Ram Navami. Some people were going and cheering Ram, Ram at the mosque and figuring out some flags at the mosque. And they are looking like

A Single Mother with a 4-year-Old Kid, Is She Helpless? || AP Neem Candies
A Single Mother with a 4-year-Old Kid, Is She Helpless? || AP Neem Candies
3 min

Acharya Prashant: Socially, we have been trained to visualize the happy family as a kid with his two arms being held by two people of opposite gender. That’s really not needed. The kid is already being held in the palm of his real Father. The real Father is not even

We forced the virus to come to us || AP Neem candies
We forced the virus to come to us || AP Neem candies
5 min

Acharya Prashant: What’s worse, there might be much more lethal and incurable viruses to come in the future.

We talk of the virus as the problem. In fact, if you go to social media to get a hang of how we are looking at the whole thing in a cultural

Is Texting Replacing Real Connections?
Is Texting Replacing Real Connections?
9 min
Technology cannot substitute real-life interactions, and planned statements or responses can never carry the authenticity of something spontaneous. It can become a habit to hide behind text. Do not let that become a habit—that habit simply means fear. Do not protect fear.
How to Face Cancel Culture?
How to Face Cancel Culture?
3 min
Cancel culture arises when one's fundamental identity is social. If you take your identity from society, you've given them the right to cancel it. Don’t let anyone control your centre. Be your own master. Be of the world and live yet, independently of the world. Let them cancel what they can! That’s what spirituality blesses you with—your real identity, which no one can dare cancel.
External growth is Passe, We now Need Internal Growth
External growth is Passe, We now Need Internal Growth
13 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, if we talk about the subject matter of economics, it was said by the father of economics, Adam Smith, that economics is a science of wealth where he puts money over men. So over the years as time passed and the scope was broadened, the economist Alfred

Is It Better to Let the Poor and the Sick Die?
Is It Better to Let the Poor and the Sick Die?
12 min

Questioner: We know that currently the Earth is overpopulated. People around me very loosely say that the people who are physically, mentally, or economically not so well off, they are better off dead. So, I want to ask, what is your take on this? And what do you think is

Duryodhana's Mental State in the Mahabharat Battlefield
Duryodhana's Mental State in the Mahabharat Battlefield
63 min
Time is already short, and you cannot waste something you already are short on. And Duryodhana lost out on it. And it's the most regrettable thing when you observe a life gone waste, that too a life like Duryodhana's. Duryodhana is a very dark example of that wasted opportunity, and he realizes that. He was not ‘Duryodhana’ from the beginning, he was named as Suyodhana- someone who would be glorious in war-someone who could win the internal war.
Things You DON'T Need to Have a Great Life
Things You DON'T Need to Have a Great Life
21 min

Questioner: I have something to say. There is a very famous line which is called─ the survival of the fittest. Now, I am an actor, and I’m also a medical practitioner. I studied cardiology, and as an actor, I have always advocated less makeup and simpler ways of life to

To What Extent Is Education Important?
To What Extent Is Education Important?
4 min
Formal education is important to the extent the body is important. The less the body-identification, the less is the importance of object-centric education. A person's attachment to material possessions, driven by societal values, leads to poverty and duality. Poverty, unlike the natural world, is man-made and rooted in the desire to accumulate. While education enables material progress, it doesn’t address deeper issues of self-identity and existence.
Role of Social Media in Redefining Indian Perspectives
Role of Social Media in Redefining Indian Perspectives
14 min
In the contemporary current intellectual discussions that happen in India, there is often a lack of, or at least an inadequate importance that is put upon the role that social media plays in our current consciousness. It's seen that they do discuss it, but they hand-wave it as a technology—that it is there and it has some influence. But we rarely see that in Indian discussions. We rarely dive into it—of what the problem it is creating or its benefits.
Acharya Prashant: The Only Male Spiritual Teacher for Women’s Empowerment
Acharya Prashant: The Only Male Spiritual Teacher for Women’s Empowerment
26 min
Real women empowerment isn't about simply making choices, but about making wise ones. If you do not know how to make decisions, autonomy in decision-making becomes a curse, doesn’t it? Today, many teens and college-going girls embrace a radical mindset: 'I’ll live life my own way, I decide for myself.' 'You only live once, my way or the highway,' and similar attitudes stem from the same center of ignorance as previous generations. Now, the exploiter is within, and this false sense of freedom leads to disastrous choices. True women empowerment demands wisdom, not just autonomy. Spiritual education is crucial, especially for girls.
Acharya Prashant Explains Why Feminism Needs Vedanta
Acharya Prashant Explains Why Feminism Needs Vedanta
11 min

Questioner (Q): We are very grateful and honoured to have you here and have this discussion with you. I have been watching your videos, and your thoughts on women’s empowerment. So, being a man, conditioned to this patriarchal Indian society, what sensitized you towards women's issues and what made you

To Overcome Fear of Rejection, Be Spiritual and Not a Social Slave
To Overcome Fear of Rejection, Be Spiritual and Not a Social Slave
12 min

Question: A simple rejection from anybody affects me completely. How to overcome this and what causes this disappointment?

Acharya Prashant: Rejection might be simple, but do you keep it simple? Do you allow it to remain simple? Do you know what ‘simple’ means? Simple means, direct. Simple means, it is

Anti-life education || Acharya Prashant, with IIM Calcutta (2022)
Anti-life education || Acharya Prashant, with IIM Calcutta (2022)
19 min

Questioner: Namaste Acharya ji. My question is that I see many institutions are fueling the concept of Maya. Because I have seen on many premier institutions having Upanishadic phrases as their mottos—Na hi jnyānen sadṛushan pavitramih vidyate , Téjasvi nāvadheetamastu , sā vidyā yā vimuktaye . But at its

Identifying the True Culprit Behind Rape and Murder
Identifying the True Culprit Behind Rape and Murder
48 min

Questioner: Sir, first of all, thank you for taking out your time for this discussion. A few days back, the nation somehow woke from its sleep, when a case happened in Hyderabad—a woman was brutally raped and murdered. People started asking for justice in their own ways; somebody for lynching,

The pull of the world versus the call of the Centre || Acharya Prashant, with students (2015)
The pull of the world versus the call of the Centre || Acharya Prashant, with students (2015)
7 min

Question: Why do we get easily influenced by others?

Speaker: Our entire constitution is like that. Our entire configuration is like that. Everything in nature just lives dependent on everything else. Your eyes do not mean anything if they do not look outwards. Right? Which direction do the eyes look

Morality makes the mischief of the world your personal suffering || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Morality makes the mischief of the world your personal suffering || Acharya Prashant (2015)
13 min

Question: At times morality is a prerequisite to real spiritual freedom.

Speaker: Yes it is a prerequisite, just as disease is a prerequisite to health.

Listener 1: Disease is a prerequisite to health?

Speaker: It is. What is a prerequisite? A prerequisite is something that you would go and acquire.

Being Body Conscious? But, You Are Not the Body
Being Body Conscious? But, You Are Not the Body
29 min

देहाभिमानपाशेन चिरं बद्धोऽसि पुत्रक । बोधोऽहं ज्ञानखंगेन तन्निष्कृत्य सुखी भव ॥

dehābhimānapāśena ciraṃ baddho'si putraka bodho'haṃ jñānakhaḍgena tanniṣkṛtya sukhī bhava

O son, you have become habitual of thinking “I am body” since long. Experience the Self and by this sword of knowledge cut that bondage and be happy.

~ Chapter

In the name of spirituality; entertainment, titillation and pleasure sells || (2016)
In the name of spirituality; entertainment, titillation and pleasure sells || (2016)
4 min

Questioner (Q): Do you believe in [Censored]?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is [Censored] I have not read any such thing. Do not quote this and that author here. We are talking real stuff, not entertainment. If you know, this particular author that you are talking of, for sure you will

Freedom from compulsive need for company || (2020)
Freedom from compulsive need for company || (2020)
8 min

Questioner (Q): Companionship in this journey, Satsang or a community, is difficult to find. When you seek out on this journey, it’s very very difficult to find people with whom you can talk about your experiences.

Acharya Prashant(AP): Yes, yes, yes.

Q: So, it becomes a very lonely conquest. And

Is non-violence about not fighting the false and evil? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Is non-violence about not fighting the false and evil? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
9 min

Question: The Sikh Gurus gave swords to the Khalsa to protect their religion. Gandhiji used non-violence to get freedom. Jainism too gives a lot of emphasis to non-violence. I don’t understand the concept of non-violence when freedom is at stake. Kindly give me clarity.

Acharya Prashant: Parmeshwari (the questioner) ,

Animal or spiritual? ||Neem Candies
Animal or spiritual? ||Neem Candies
1 min

I have often said that animals are in many ways better than human beings. Man had the potential to either rise above the animal or fall way below it. Man has continuously been making the wrong choice.

If you cannot build your cities and your social systems on spiritual foundations,

JeevanMukti - Your Highest Possibility || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
JeevanMukti - Your Highest Possibility || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2022)
9 min

Questioner (Q): I am seeing that the mind lives in a hierarchy. So, there are some social reformers and then there are some spiritual mystics. Is there any difference between them, if both of them are working from the right centre?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No, you cannot be a true

The stigma of impurity associated with menstrual days || Acharya Prashant (2019)
The stigma of impurity associated with menstrual days || Acharya Prashant (2019)
4 min

Question: Acharya Ji, my mother doesn’t allow me to enter the puja room (room for worship), or touch the deity during my menstrual days. This has been a practice ever since I was a kid.

Why is menstrual cycle considered impure? Why does the stigma continue to exist even today?

Market-driven comedy: Make fun, nothing is sacred || Acharya Prashant, Advait Mahotsav (2021)
Market-driven comedy: Make fun, nothing is sacred || Acharya Prashant, Advait Mahotsav (2021)
12 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, I watch stand-up sometimes to check what's going around, I see comedians using satire and sarcasm for India in their comedy. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix are hiring big content creators for promotions and making videos and they are shifting from their channels to the company's

Having kids is a personal matter? || Neem Candies
Having kids is a personal matter? || Neem Candies
1 min

A fellow reproducing blindly is a threat to the entire humanity. How is his family his personal matter? Somebody sets a bomb inside his home, and the bomb is powerful enough to bring down the entire building, not merely his apartment. Will you say, “It is his private matter. How

Do not stick to sick surroundings || (2018)
Do not stick to sick surroundings || (2018)
14 min

Questioner: Ever since I started listening to you, things started revealing themselves to me. Mind’s race of getting somewhere, achieving something has settled now. My mind is not curious about spiritual concepts anymore. But what I observe now is a new pattern. My mind is not interested in doing anything.

Come, see Ghosts!
Come, see Ghosts!
28 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, because we are standing here and our sense organs are allowing us to see only this side of the hill, we cannot see the other side. Similarly, perhaps there are many objects, many life forces that we are not available to, because of our limited perspective

If you want security in life
If you want security in life
5 min

Acharya Prashant (AP) : The Ego wants to hedge its bets. Because it is born in insecurity and gains its sustenance from insecurity, therefore insecurity is its very life-stuff. Now look what happens, if insecurity is the life-stuff of the Ego then what kind of security will it seek? It

Why is there so much violence in Prakriti? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Why is there so much violence in Prakriti? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
9 min

Question: Dear Master, if everything is consciousness, why does prakriti (nature) exist? Why for the survival of one specie one must take another life? Why this effort must be done to sustain the body, when we are not the body?

Acharya Prashant Ji: Shirin when you are not the body,

More is better? O.P. Jindal University (2022)
More is better? O.P. Jindal University (2022)
12 min

Questioner (Q): The very first thing that we learn in studying economics is that more is better, and we build the entire economic theory around it. More is better, so you should get more and more contentment as you get more and more in the material dimension. What would Vedanta

The way you define yourself determines your choices in life || B.H.U (2020)
The way you define yourself determines your choices in life || B.H.U (2020)
9 min

Questioner: I would like to join the army, but my family and friends are not very supportive. They say that when I could easily get a good job in Delhi or Bangalore, what is the point in risking my life as a soldier? What should I reply to them?


Only the society says the society is supreme || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Only the society says the society is supreme || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
3 min

Question: Sir, we are social beings. If we want to act freely, intelligently on our own, then rest of the society goes against us. Sir, is it morally correct to follow our intelligence or being conditioned according to the society is correct? I don’t think it is morally correct to…

My very unpopular opinion || Neem Candies
My very unpopular opinion || Neem Candies
1 min

Teach the kids that this planet cannot tolerate even one more human being now. We are already eight billion. At the current rate, we are projected to be eleven billion by 2050. We cannot even tolerate eight point one billion.

You do not merely want to have kids; you also

Right age for giving birth? || Neem Candies
Right age for giving birth? || Neem Candies
1 min

Law just says that there is a legal age—eighteen, twenty-one and such things. First of all, giving birth requires that there has to be mental maturity.

Unfortunately, 99% of the world’s population is not at all mentally mature enough to be parents. The funny thing is that the 1% who