
Is Secularism Possible Without Religion?
Is Secularism Possible Without Religion?
5 min
A secular person is one who does the right thing irrespective of his religious association. And if you want this, then you should be deeply religious. Because in secularism, you want equanimity, a certain detachment, respect towards divergent opinions, and non-violence; but who teaches these things? Religion. Therefore, if secularism is in strife with religiosity, it means both are misplaced. The religiosity is fake, and the secularism is shallow.
Letting Go of Habitual Affirmations: Is It Key to Spiritual Growth?
Letting Go of Habitual Affirmations: Is It Key to Spiritual Growth?
23 min
The purpose of all instruments of religion, methods of religion is to unblock. The truth is here, there, inside, outside, everywhere. But there is a blockage. That blockage is called the ego. The ego prevents the truth from coming to itself. So, religion is a device, a tool so that Truth can flow to the ego. The ego wants to defend itself against the truth because once the truth flows in, it dissolves the ego.
Who Is a Hindu?
Who Is a Hindu?
8 min
The one who is religion-less. A real Hindu does not have any religion. To go beyond all religions is to be a Hindu. There are religions that are on one plane, and then there is Sanatan Dharma, which is another dimension — the eternal religiousness. Liberation from religion is religiousness. Sanatan Dharma is awakened intelligence.
What Sanatan Dharma Is Not
What Sanatan Dharma Is Not
10 min
Sanatan Dharma is not about following traditions in the name of Dharma. It is about constantly moving towards that which will take you beyond your mind: the Sanatan. All our beliefs and rituals might be religious, but they are not Sanatan because they are just mind stuff. Since both Sanatan Dharma and Vedanta discard mind stuff as trivial, one cannot be a Sanatani if one is not a Vedanti.
Acharya Prashant Interviewed By Kip Andersen (#Christspiracy) || Religion And Animals
Acharya Prashant Interviewed By Kip Andersen (#Christspiracy) || Religion And Animals
7 min
Now, how does man relate with the world? How does man know what to do, how to approach, how to touch, how to live, how to eat, how to talk, how to connect? That, to me, is the essence of religion. Man’s relationship with himself and the world. That is religion, and that is also the essence of all organized religions.
Are You Spiritual or Religious? (The Difference Is Big)
Are You Spiritual or Religious? (The Difference Is Big)
10 min
If you are really a spiritual person, then you will find that the community that opposes you the most is not of atheists, it is of religious people. They will be the ones who would be opposing the really spiritual person the most, which is an unfortunate thing because the way religion was designed, it was designed to gradually make a person spiritual. Today, the situation is that these are not in sync or harmony with each other. Rather, these two have become greatly separated.
Is Religion Merely Superstition?
Is Religion Merely Superstition?
11 min
Religion concerns itself with ‘Ego and its liberation!’ That’s all. In the name of religion, if you are talking about planets and stars, about fruits and vegetables, wear this, don’t wear that, eat this, don’t eat that, the house should face this direction, and a thousand other things that you associate with it, then all that is some kind of tribal superstition. Religion has nothing to do with these things.
Is Religion Patriarchal? Exploring Its Impact on Women's Lives
Is Religion Patriarchal? Exploring Its Impact on Women's Lives
30 min
Vedānta is about the person gaining liberation from both of these—body identification and mental conditioning. So, ideally spirituality should be the woman’s best friend. But practically, evidence has been rather mixed; in fact, evidence has been that religion historically has been on the side of the oppressors when it comes to the women, oppressors of the women. The reason is that religion itself has not been well understood. Religion itself has been a victim of contamination, and when religion is contaminated then religion becomes a tool towards exploitation of women.
Religious Fanatics and Bigots - Where Do They Come from?
Religious Fanatics and Bigots - Where Do They Come from?
17 min

Questioner: Sir, I am Saurabh Kumar from Rajdhani College, Delhi University. My question is that there is one or two days ago, there was Ram Navami. Some people were going and cheering Ram, Ram at the mosque and figuring out some flags at the mosque. And they are looking like

Hell is Full of these People - You might Recognize Some of them || AP Neem Candies
Hell is Full of these People - You might Recognize Some of them || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: Hell is a place where you get a lot of sympathy, consolation, condolence, and commiseration. You're told that we agree that you are in a miserable state. Your neighbor comes to you, puts his hand on your shoulder, and with a grave face tells you that you are

Celebrate Diwali as a True Religion
Celebrate Diwali as a True Religion
21 min
Is ‘Diwali’ about going back home, indulging again in your set routines that you anyway follow, eating a lot of sweets and oil, then using small electric bulbs to light up your home, then bursting crackers, then unnecessarily saying ‘Happy Diwali’ to everybody, when there is, in fact, hardly anything happy about it? In the name of religion, all that we know is rituals, rituals, and rituals.
Mark of False Dharma According to Bhagavad Gita
Mark of False Dharma According to Bhagavad Gita
11 min
There is only one Dharma. And that is to attain liberation or peace, to gain freedom from your bondages, to gain freedom from your inner chaos and noise, to gain freedom from your inner falseness. Gaining freedom from inner falseness is more commonly known as Truth realization. It is a euphemism—a very decorated euphemism. It’s not really Truth that is really realized; it is falseness that is dropped.
Why Is Sanatan Dharma Needed?
Why Is Sanatan Dharma Needed?
10 min
We did not come to the cities so that we could please our ego all the more, that was not at all the objective, though that’s what we might be doing today. The objective was to have more peace in our external space, so that we can devote ourselves to higher pursuits in life. ‘Sanatana Dharma’ really is the authentic thing. Or else, tomorrow you too will become ancient like everybody who is gone and done and dusted.
Why Have Religions Emerged Only From a Few Places in the World?
Why Have Religions Emerged Only From a Few Places in the World?
8 min

Questioner: Namaste Sir. So, I have observed one thing: if we look at the major religions and spiritual traditions around the world that are well accepted, we see that they emerged from certain places only. For example, the Abrahamic religions—all of them happened in the Arab world and around Israel

Do Spiritual Scriptures Have Any Meaning?
Do Spiritual Scriptures Have Any Meaning?
4 min
In understanding, there are no meanings left. Understanding is the dissolution of all meanings. When you decode it, you decode it only to see that it is just coming to a certain end, a certain clarity. By itself, it means nothing. When Krishna says 'Nishkaam Karma', it means no expectations associated with actions. The right teaching can never be affirmative. It will only be a revelation of your falsenesses.
Shiva's Caste
Shiva's Caste
15 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, Juliana Hathovic has been listening to you for quite some years now and she has been very regular with what happens in the socio-spiritual domain in India.

She went through the recent statements by the Vice-chancellor of JNU on Shiva's caste. She just sent me a query

Deh Shiva bar mohe ihai (The spiritual battle within) || Acharya Prashant, on Guru Gobind Singh (2019)
Deh Shiva bar mohe ihai (The spiritual battle within) || Acharya Prashant, on Guru Gobind Singh (2019)
1 min

Verse: Deh Shiva bar mohe ihai

देह शिवा बर मोहे ईहे, शुभ कर्मन ते कभुं न टरूं न डरौं अरि सौं जब जाय लड़ौं, निश्चय कर अपनी जीत करौं, अरु सिख हों आपने ही मन कौ इह लालच हउ गुन तउ उचरों, जब आव की अउध निदान बनै अति ही

Do You Know the Most Dominant Religion Today?
Do You Know the Most Dominant Religion Today?
6 min

Acharya Prashant: Progress—that’s the religion of today. Everyone wants a good life; everyone wants comfort and everything. In fact, all the old religions have been defeated. Christianity has been defeated, Hinduism has been defeated, and they all have been defeated. This one religion has defeated everything.

Greed is today’s religion.

What is the significance of words like 'Om'? || Acharya prashant, with youth (2013)
What is the significance of words like 'Om'? || Acharya prashant, with youth (2013)
3 min

Question: What is the significance of the word ‘Om’?

Speaker: No significance at all. Zero! ‘Om’ or any other word does not matter because every word is merely a sound, a product of the human mind. What do you do? You take a sound and you attach a certain meaning

Religion is that which helps one find no way to Truth
Religion is that which helps one find no way to Truth
13 min

Question: Sir, I want to know what is religion – an ideology, a community or something else?

Shri Prashant: There are a few things that are very simple. But a lot many complications, noise has been introduced around it, thus making it very much polluted. As for example, Love. It

To fight the smallness around, I will now have to fight the big names || Acharya Prashant (2016)
To fight the smallness around, I will now have to fight the big names || Acharya Prashant (2016)
16 min

Shri Prashant: (Continuing conversation with one of the listeners) In fact, just a few days back I was saying to somebody, that the first leg of the battle I have been fighting has been with the commoners.

I have talked so much about the society, I have talked about what

In the name of spirituality; entertainment, titillation and pleasure sells || (2016)
In the name of spirituality; entertainment, titillation and pleasure sells || (2016)
4 min

Questioner (Q): Do you believe in [Censored]?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is [Censored] I have not read any such thing. Do not quote this and that author here. We are talking real stuff, not entertainment. If you know, this particular author that you are talking of, for sure you will

The relation between religion and spirituality || Acharya Prashant (2018)
The relation between religion and spirituality || Acharya Prashant (2018)
5 min

Questioner (Q): My sister believes in Christianity and she has also changed her religion. Now, she says that I am on the wrong path. What is the right path and how religion and spirituality are connected?

Acharya Prashant (AP): When the subtle becomes gross, rather the subtle is turned into

Religion cleans or contaminates? ||Neem Candies
Religion cleans or contaminates? ||Neem Candies
1 min

Once I said, your face is smeared with mud, and religion is like pure water meant to be thrown on your face so that you get cleaned up. But when that water hits your face, the water too gets muddy.

Falling on your face, the water has cleared away some

Is religion important? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
Is religion important? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
5 min

Question: Sir, going by your theory of, ‘search first, believe second’, I don’t think there is any religion left in the society. Do you think this phenomenon is an obstacle in the mental development in the society?

Speaker: I do not think that young people like you are very interested

Do religion and spirituality go together? || Acharya Prashant (2017)
Do religion and spirituality go together? || Acharya Prashant (2017)
10 min

Listener: (Reading a quote of Acharya Prashant from a quote-calendar)

What lies beyond mind? More mind. What is more mind? What and lies and mind. Questions, perceptions on the concept of the mind.

Acharya Prashant: Any question about beyondness would be a useless question because the question itself is coming

Neither Yoga, nor Japa, nor Mantra || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Neither Yoga, nor Japa, nor Mantra || Acharya Prashant (2016)
4 min

Question: Is there value in practicing Yoga, and meditation?

Acharya Prashant: No.

There is some physical value involved, and that is an important value. But unfortunately, the value that we are looking for is a Spiritual value. In that dimension, there is no value. It is very good if we

Man needs no God || Neem Candies
Man needs no God || Neem Candies
1 min

Man was never so powerful with respect to his environment as he is today. No virus can harm you; no bacteria can harm you; there are no plagues, no black deaths. You can produce as many objects as you want, you can order them at the click of a button;

Vulgar demonstrations in the name of spirituality || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Vulgar demonstrations in the name of spirituality || Acharya Prashant (2019)
8 min

Question: Acharya Ji, what is the significance of spiritual images?

Acharya Prashant Ji: Indira, do you see where this question is coming from? It is coming from the popular notion of Spirituality which has turned Spirituality into a body of exotic, unquestionable, esoteric knowledge, not as something that is raw,

Mantra, Maun, Listening and Awareness || (2016)
Mantra, Maun, Listening and Awareness || (2016)
3 min

Questioner: Sir, if I try to ensure to be aware of what is going on right now, it just takes me away from listening to you. Is there a fundamental mistake that I am making in understanding it?

Acharya Prashant: Not really a great mistake but still unless one reaches

Live to express Fullness, not to gain it || Acharya Prashant, on Shanti Mantra (2016)
Live to express Fullness, not to gain it || Acharya Prashant, on Shanti Mantra (2016)
29 min

Om! Puurnnam-Adah ||

That is that, full, complete, ultimate.

Puurnnam-Idam ||

This is that, full, complete, ultimate.


Full expresses itself, as fullness. Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya ||

From full, all fullness arises.

Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate || And full, remains full. Full complete ultimate. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

So, is it not wonderful

The difference between knowledge and intelligence || On Upanishad (2016)
The difference between knowledge and intelligence || On Upanishad (2016)
3 min

Questioner: Can I say that intelligence is greater than knowledge, or vice-versa?

Acharya Prashant: They are incomparable.

To say one is greater than the other, you have to bring them to the same plane, have the same unit, the same benchmarks, and the same scale to compare them. They are

Today's Buddha || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Ropar (2022)
Today's Buddha || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Ropar (2022)
11 min

Questioner (Q): Good afternoon to one and all present here, warm greetings. ‘Buddha Poornima’ marks the birth of Gautam Buddha and we are so lucky to celebrate this auspicious day with someone who is wisdom personified in today’s time—Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant needs no mention. From being an acclaimed Vedanta

About changing one's religion for love || Acharya Prashant (2014)
About changing one's religion for love || Acharya Prashant (2014)
9 min

Question: Can I change ‘my’ religion for the sake of someone I Love?

Acharya Prashant: What do you mean by religion?

If religion just means following a particular code of conduct, if it means that I am loyal to a particular book, if it means that such and such will

Does God exist?
Does God exist?
2 min

Question: What is God? Is it imagination or observation?

Answer: There was a group of people A who deeply believed in white. They worshipped white and denied black. They forgot the black background the white is written on. They declared that white is the absolute Truth.

There was a group

Does singing Bhajans help? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Does singing Bhajans help? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
5 min

Acharya Prashant: When you have no question to ask, sometimes it’s better to just sing a song.

Listener 1: What is your feeling about singing bhajans?

AP: Singing bhajans. Oh, Wonderful! When you have nothing else to say it is then that bhajan arise.

L1: I do feel a sense

The fundamental mistake we make || Acharya Prashant, with BITS Pilani (2022)
The fundamental mistake we make || Acharya Prashant, with BITS Pilani (2022)
4 min

Questioner: We recently celebrated our 75th Republic Day. In this context, I would like to know what were the mistakes made by our ancestors that led to the invasions and colonial rule by the Mughals, the British, and other foreign powers in the past thousand years. What can we learn

India is too religious to be spiritual || Acharya Prashant, with O.P. Jindal University (2022)
India is too religious to be spiritual || Acharya Prashant, with O.P. Jindal University (2022)
17 min

Questioner (Q): So, this has been a phenomenal journey. Thank you so much, Acharya Ji for reinforcing so many of the points that I struggle with as I communicate and teach my students. So, many of these questions that have been put to you, and you have answered them so

What stops the youth today? || Acharya Prashant, in conversation (2022)
What stops the youth today? || Acharya Prashant, in conversation (2022)
10 min

Questioner (Q): I was thinking about today's generation of youth in comparison to the Upanishadic Nachiketa. Nachiketa, where he is being offered all the great materials, sensual pleasures and as you said rightly while negating them he says ‘I'll get to them later but this is what I really want.’

Rishikesh of Shiva must stand for dissolution, not continuation in another name || Acharya Prashant
Rishikesh of Shiva must stand for dissolution, not continuation in another name || Acharya Prashant
23 min

Acharya Prashant: (to the listeners) So, what does Rishikesh mean to you?

L: I wanted to come here since I was 15. I came here few years ago, I just feel at home here, it’s a place somehow very conducive for what we are discussing here. I just enjoy being

Is there Dharma in your life? || Neem Candies
Is there Dharma in your life? || Neem Candies
1 min

What is it that Shri Rama stands for? He stands for detachment. He stands for fearlessness. He stands for compassion. He stands for Dharma.

Is there Dharma really in your life? And by Dharma I do not mean a creed or a cult, or observation of certain rituals, or the

No ritual is spiritual || Acharya Prashant (2014)
No ritual is spiritual || Acharya Prashant (2014)
11 min

Questioner (Q): Sir, could the people of India be enslaved for long because they were spiritual people?

Acharya Prashant (AP): If India was enslaved for so long, if the people here could be conquered and banished, and be made to live against their will, it was not because they were

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara || Acharya Prashant (2016)
2 min

Questioner (Q): ‘*Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara.*’ Can you explain this?

Acharya Prashant (AP): ‘Guru’ stands for that which calls, the force that which pulls you inwards from darkness into light. Now you worship ‘Brahama’, ‘Vishnu’, and ‘Mahesh’ and the various deities; this verse says that the Guru

The scriptures are all outdated. Shouldn't we revise and edit them? || (2021)
The scriptures are all outdated. Shouldn't we revise and edit them? || (2021)
25 min

Questioner (Q): As our views change with time, shouldn’t the holy texts be open to revision instead of just a new interpretation?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Wonderful. And I’m glad when a young person with all his enthusiastic irreverence, comes up with this kind of a question. The young friend has

When you are conscious of silence, it is noise || On Upanishad (2016)
When you are conscious of silence, it is noise || On Upanishad (2016)
3 min

Acharya Prashant (AP): What do we talk about?

Questioner (Q): Silence.

AP: We can talk a lot in Silence. Talking about Silence will always be a little round-about; beating around the bush. But in Silence, which is our nature, we can talk a lot.

We can even be silently noisy.

The Mystic has no religion, his religion is Truth || Acharya Prashant (2016)
The Mystic has no religion, his religion is Truth || Acharya Prashant (2016)
6 min

Questioner (Q): There is a nice story on a Master, who said that everything has some value, is good for something. Then someone asked him, “What is the good in atheism?” He said, “Everyone must be atheists. If you are in deep prayer and somebody comes to you for help,

What is Neti Neti? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
What is Neti Neti? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2014)
5 min

Listener 1: What do we understand by ‘Neti-Neti’?

Speaker: ‘Neti’ is a Sanskrit word. It is a very simple word. All it means is ‘Not this’. ‘Neti’ means I will not take something to be what it is not. ‘Neti’ means I will not assume something to be what it

What are tantric divine energy connections? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
What are tantric divine energy connections? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
3 min

Question: What are the divine energy connections between man and woman?

Acharya Prashant: All energy is the mind .

There is no other energy. Is there energy without matter? Is there energy without the world? When you have a lot of things to think of, then you only get muddling

Two things we need desperately || Neem Candies
Two things we need desperately || Neem Candies
1 min

We need two things: less people and less consumption, and both of them together. Even if one of them is missing, you are gone.

The US has not too many people, just 32 crores are there, and yet they are the biggest carbon emitters in the world because they consume.

If God is nameless, how to continuously recite His name? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
If God is nameless, how to continuously recite His name? || Acharya Prashant (2019)
7 min

Questioner: Pranaam Acharya Ji. Nitnem continuously says that the way to reach God is to continuously recite his name. But, as God is nameless and formless, is not Silence, what we need to practice? Please shed some light on name of the Lord.

Can physical recitation of mantras like ‘Ek