
How To Express Love?
How To Express Love?
15 min
Love and realization are things that roar aloud. They are extremely intimate, yet if they are there, there is no way you can hide them. These are not things that you can ever prevent from getting expressed. So, don’t even try. This expression means living it. Every thought is an expression, every action is an expression. You just express. By blocking it, you are blocking the thing itself. You don’t allow it to be expressed, and it’s gone.
Why Did Sufi Poets Like Kabir Emphasize Love in Bhakti?
Why Did Sufi Poets Like Kabir Emphasize Love in Bhakti?
5 min
The saints don't display affection at all. Affection actually means disease. Affection means disease. The saints have no affection. The saints have love and love has nothing to do with affection. Affection and affliction go together. It is not affection that characterizes a saint. It is love that characterizes him. Affection and dryness, they go together. Together always. And affection and love, they never go together. So you have to be very clear about what accompanies what.
Message For the Youngsters
Message For the Youngsters
13 min
There has to be a love for freedom. Especially as a young person, one should remain young all his life. You see, but you know, at least when you are in your 20s or 30s, you need to have a burning desire to to live as a sovereign entity. And when that is there, then anything that comes your way would be rightfully utilized, including crutches.
Is Self-Love About Being Happy?
Is Self-Love About Being Happy?
8 min
Making yourself happy isn't self-love. Self-love is gifting yourself the highest possible. If you do not know what to give yourself, at least abstain from giving yourself toxic and harmful things. Real love is always tough. Self-love is an exercise in reduction, not accumulation. When you work to make your life beautiful, you are truly loving yourself.
The Joy of Being Drenched in Love
The Joy of Being Drenched in Love
13 min
Usually our love is about one special thing or person. But Kabir Sahab is saying, "Hari bhai ban rai—the entire jungle has turned green. I see greenery not merely in one tree, but in the entire jungle.” That’s the difference between common love and Kabir Sahab’s love. In your love, there is just one green tree; in Kabir Sahab’s love, the entire world has turned green: there is nothing dry anywhere anymore.
Why Does One Desire Liberation while the Other does not?
Why Does One Desire Liberation while the Other does not?
5 min

Questioner: Why is there a difference of intensity and love for mukti (liberation) between different human beings?

Acharya Prashant: The differences that you are talking of all relate to time; therefore, they all will be resolved in due course of time. Time gave rise to all those differences, and those

Are You in a Right Relationship?
Are You in a Right Relationship?
12 min
There are only two kinds of relationships that are right in this world. If you connect with someone at a higher level of consciousness, hold their hand so they can uplift you. If you connect with someone at a lower level of consciousness, hold their hand to uplift them. Any other kind of relationship is junk.
Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
Is Sex and Meditation Just an Escape of Ego?
8 min
The ego says that my first priority is to remain, exist, and after that comes everything else. Even the Truth must be subservient to my first priority. So, liberation is alright as long as it is a second of liberation. Peace is alright as long as it is five minutes of peace. But if silence threatens to take over the entire life, if peace starts dominating noise to the extent that the noise might be completely annihilated, then the ego rejects. The ego wants Truth, but only a modicum of Truth. The ego wants peace, but only a sliver of peace.
Love or Knowledge: Which is More Powerful for Liberation?
Love or Knowledge: Which is More Powerful for Liberation?
4 min

Acharya Prashant: Love is the fire that melts down the bondage that is you. Knowledge is merely the light in which you can see your bondages. Even if you are able to look at your chains in the light of knowledge, that does not rid you of the chains. In

Why Others Can't Fulfill Your Expectations
Why Others Can't Fulfill Your Expectations
6 min
The movies tell us that unless there is a special person in your life, you are really missing out on something big and you are seized by FOMO. What is FOMO? Fear of missing out. "Oh my god! Everybody has that. I am the only one left behind. I must also have a partner, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a husband, a wife, something. Hey, go grab somebody." So you go out and grab some Johnny next door. He was busy washing his sandals, and you went up to him and threw your most seductive smile and then he too was infected by FOMO. He said, "Now that I have the opportunity, why shouldn't I capitalize?" And thus, came about the relationship. And you call it a holy bond made in heaven. Why do we do that?
Can There Be Self-Love Without Self-Knowledge? || AP Neem Candies
Can There Be Self-Love Without Self-Knowledge? || AP Neem Candies
5 min

Acharya Prashant: Pleasing oneself is not at all an example of self-love; if at all, it is an example of lack of self-knowledge. You cannot have self-love without self-knowledge; it is a great misconception that must be cleared very very thoroughly, very very finely. Making yourself happy is not at

Please Remain without Love || AP Neem Candies
Please Remain without Love || AP Neem Candies
3 min

Acharya Prashant: Do not think that all the care that one takes to appease his body, all the lust, and all the bodily vanity is for nothing. It is a very, very calculated thing. Lust is needed so that you never get liberated. One requires one episode after the other

Do you Know what to Love? || AP Neem Candies
Do you Know what to Love? || AP Neem Candies
6 min

Acharya Prashant: Do you love the flesh called the eyes or do you love the sparkle in the eyes? Do you love these hollows called the eyes or do you love the light that shines through these hollows? Do you love the window or do you love the sun shining

Afraid of Being Judged by Others?
Afraid of Being Judged by Others?
8 min
Put your heart fully into your work, and your mind will no longer be in the audience. When there is no heart in your work, then your mind wanders in the world. Love your work, and you will forget the world. Your problem is not that you are too concerned with people’s opinions. Your problem is that there is no heart in your work.
The Joy of Being Drenched in Love
The Joy of Being Drenched in Love
13 min

Love clouds have gathered, it is raining down on me; my entire soul is soaked in it, all around there is greenery.

~ Kabir Sahab

Questioner: Could you please elaborate on the meaning of this poem?

Acharya Prashant: Just sing what Kabir Sahib is saying. Just sing! I may keep

Do Attractive Girls Get More Love?
Do Attractive Girls Get More Love?
6 min
If the girl is physically attractive, the boy will feel physical attraction. Where does love come into the equation? Love is harder towards someone attractive because physical attractiveness overpowers everything else. If someone comes for your body, it’s not love. A wise woman laughs when a suitor praises her beauty.
Career Crossroads: Finding the Right Path Forward
Career Crossroads: Finding the Right Path Forward
11 min

Questioner: A lot of students that I talk to, it’ s the fear of the society, it’ s the fear of the unknown, it’ s fear of the expectations that they are carrying, that pushes them to become an engineer and then they figure out that probably this is not

Love is Enough. Hari Om!
Love is Enough. Hari Om!
5 min

Acharya Prashant: The disappearance of sound into silence, as it happens in Om , is analogous to the disappearance of the arrow mind into the Brahman target. What is Om ? Sounds finely dissolving into, tapering off into silence. That's how it happens.

And then figuratively, we say that Om

Great love; Greater Love || AP Neem Candies
Great love; Greater Love || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: We want something, right? We want the Ultimate. There’s nobody who wants to stop at something small. We want something as big as possible, right? That’s the nature of desire, correct? It doesn’t want to stop anywhere. Probably it can stop only when it gets something immeasurable, infinite.

Loneliness and Love
Loneliness and Love
13 min

Questioner: I have a question on an excerpt from you.

“Aloneness is not about being free of others and living without others. Aloneness is to live without oneself. Aloneness does not have much to do with the so-called others; aloneness has everything to do with the one called oneself.”


Embrace the Dangers of Love
Embrace the Dangers of Love
16 min

Acharya Prashant: Most people are not liberated by suffering, instead they are pushed into deeper suffering by suffering. One wrong relationship does not kindle wisdom in a person to stay cautious of any more wrong relationships. Instead, what we see happening is that one wrong relationship breeds a hundred more

Only for Those Seriously Suffering in Relationships
Only for Those Seriously Suffering in Relationships
20 min

Acharya Prashant: The question is from Sonali, “I got married after six years of relationship and five years of married life now. Due to contrasting personalities, my husband and I fight a lot. In April, we had a very big conflict and the police got involved. Now we are living

This Is the Love We All Live For || AP Neem Candies
This Is the Love We All Live For || AP Neem Candies
11 min

Acharya Prashant: Everybody in his own personal way is seeking fulfillment and that is love. If you are young you may seek fulfillment in somebody's body, if you are middle-aged you may seek fulfillment in wealth and prestige, if you are old you may seek fulfillment in security and property

Janmashtami Special: Now, Arjun, Fight! || AP Neem Candies
Janmashtami Special: Now, Arjun, Fight! || AP Neem Candies
7 min

Acharya Prashant: Where Arjun was standing, Krishna could see that the right action for him was to fight.

Remember that it is already a battleground. Remember that Krishna himself has tried the utmost to avert war. He himself has gone as a messenger to the court of Duryodhana and tried

Discipline and Dedication - Are They Really Virtues? || AP Neem Candies
Discipline and Dedication - Are They Really Virtues? || AP Neem Candies
7 min

Acharya Prashant: I might be a very violent man. And my goal is to blast a building off. To learn how to do it, I have to live through stern discipline. I will have to build my body, I will have to learn several skills. I may have the discipline

Worse Than a Dog, Higher Than a God || AP Neem Candies
Worse Than a Dog, Higher Than a God || AP Neem Candies
4 min
If dogs were to write a holy text, would they say that “We are inferior to humans”? If chickens were to write a Bible of their own, would they say that “We exist so that we may be slaughtered in factories and packed”? Read more....
Don't Chase, She Is Yours (What Is It that Slips Away?) || AP Neem Candies
Don't Chase, She Is Yours (What Is It that Slips Away?) || AP Neem Candies
4 min

Acharya Prashant: Observing the daily ordinary actions of the mind, that is the only way. Observing it as an impartial observer. There is no other method that is going to work because all other methods are ‘isolations.’ The method does something to life . The method excludes life; the method

Are You Looking for Love?
Are You Looking for Love?
6 min
As long as you are trying to locate love outside of you in the world, as long as you are trying to find a lovely object somewhere out there, it would remain a reason for disappointment. Love is not something that you discover in another person, thought, idea or object. Love is something that you carry with yourself, wherever you go.
Waiting for the Right Partner?
Waiting for the Right Partner?
16 min
Companionship is not the final thing. The final thing is something else. The companion has to be a medium towards that thing, otherwise the companion is toxic. When you say love is essential, then you get into love of the totally wrong kind because you have taken love as the final thing. Then attraction, sensuousness and attachment become the names of love. So, love is not essential. What is essential is being attracted to someone who elevates you. If your love is of that kind, wonderful.
Let the Words Take You to Silence – Baba Bulle Shah
Let the Words Take You to Silence – Baba Bulle Shah
23 min
There is such great fun in leaving yourself behind and turning a servant to the Truth. It’s almost like Krishna advising Arjuna, “Talk in everlasting words and dedicate them all to Me—*mām ekaṃ śaraṇaṃ vraja, sarva-dharmān parityajya*.” And at numerous places in the *Bhagavad Gita*, he says, “Arjuna, you are not fighting for yourself, you are fighting for Me. As long as you fight for yourself, if you win, you suffer, and if you lose, you suffer. And when you fight for Me, then you are a victor even before the fight begins.”
What Is My Destiny? How Do I Achieve It?
What Is My Destiny? How Do I Achieve It?
6 min
Destiny is the inviolable thing. You cannot get rid of it. You have to reach there. So, better choose in favour of your destiny. Now, destiny is something that can, at most, keep waiting till eternity. But you can never dismiss it. So, make a choice in the favour of destiny. Bow down to your destiny, surrender to your destiny. If it has to happen, why keep postponing it? Because that postponement is just suffering. Destiny is love. Destiny is what each of us craves, is crazy for.
How Can a 20-Year-Old Find the Purpose of Life?
How Can a 20-Year-Old Find the Purpose of Life?
13 min

Questioner 1: There's one thing that I feel that should be discussed is the true purpose of life. We all talk about it a lot. We all hear it a lot. But what do you think is the true purpose of life, and how does someone who is 20 years

What Is the Main Concept of Bhagavad Gita?
What Is the Main Concept of Bhagavad Gita?
26 min
So, when you have to decide what to do, when you are in a mess like Arjun, respond to the call of love, respond to the call of freedom. Go in that direction where truth lies even if it costs you a lot, even if it seems unreasonable, even if it scares and terrifies you, even if you cannot explain to others or even yourself, “Why are you moving in such a way or in such a direction? Still move in that way. Read more....
Why Is the Guru-Disciple Relationship So Special?
Why Is the Guru-Disciple Relationship So Special?
17 min
The principle of maya is founded on free choice. That's the very condition behind her existence, which is that, “I will disappear only when I choose to.” Grace is not something that happens coincidentally, randomly. Grace is a function of your own willingness. They say, “it may rain but you have to keep your umbrella aside.” The willingness to at least receive, be a recipient has to be there. Otherwise, you will remain dry and untouched.
What Is Meant by ‘Leaving the World’?
What Is Meant by ‘Leaving the World’?
10 min

Acharya Prashant: Leaving what is not, That is all right, but that leaving is not done with an objective to get joy. Had the thing been so transactional that you could leave one thing and as an exchange offer get another thing, then everybody would have taken the deal. Were

They Are Not in You Out of Love; Kick Them Out
They Are Not in You Out of Love; Kick Them Out
5 min
The word for that is ‘Nirmam’ — you are not mine. It is instructive that the word ‘Nirmam’ has a pejorative meaning in layman language. There it means cruel, but Nirmam actually is a beautiful word. Nirmam means not mine. You’re not mine, why must I shelter you? You’re not mine—no. You are no well wisher. You are no lover. I will be nirmam. If this is cruelty, you need this kind of cruelty. It is a very life-affirmative cruelty. Read more....
The Loyal Ones who Get Cheated || AP Neem Candies
The Loyal Ones who Get Cheated || AP Neem Candies
3 min
Whenever you get cheated in love, don't blame anybody else. Ask yourself, did you not have anything better to do with your life that you went and clung to a person? Read more....
Looking for Love?
Looking for Love?
6 min
As long as you are trying to locate love outside of you in the world, as long as you are trying to find a lovely object somewhere out there, it would remain a reason for disappointment.
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
MARRY or Not? [Your Choice Made Simple]
25 min
Love is serious, hard work. And love is not really fun. You need to learn to have fun in hard work. And that’s love. In love, you start loving the hard work and the hardship that comes your way. Read more....
How to Remain Non-Violent?
How to Remain Non-Violent?
6 min
Spirituality is about belonging to existence. Not belonging to a narrow household, or caste or ideology. All these are boundaries. So, wherever there are boundaries, there is violence. Wherever there are boundaries, there is also the fear of being small, powerless, limited. The really non-violent one is at home, everywhere and in every situation. Non-violence is not about following duties. Non-violence is an action in clarity and love. That alone is non-violence.
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
Marriage Isn’t the Problem, the Mind's Search for Security Is
5 min
There is nothing wrong in marriage if it is based on the foundation of wisdom and an awakened state. The institution of marriage becomes a problem because it emerges out of a mind seeking security leading to permanent enslavement. Marriage, when entered out of ignorance, can become an irreversible trap that dictates one’s life. Marriage is beautiful and wonderful if it is based on wisdom because then it redeems and gives one wings to fly, breaking oneself from the clutches of patterns and security.
Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
Your Partner Cheats on You in Three Ways
15 min
Cheating a partner happens on three planes. Physical plane where the foundation of relationship has just been fulfilling one’s bodily needs, emotional plane where a partner is supposed to please other partner and on spiritual plane where a partner’s attention is withdrawn from the Higher Self to one’s own lower self. It’s quite rare that relationships are based on a higher plane where both the partners have come together to push each other to get close to ‘Something’. The thing is although we have moved out of the jungle, but within we are animals.
How to Surrender?
How to Surrender?
5 min

Acharya Prashant: So, you are asking, ‘How to surrender’?

If I say you can surrender by jumping from that hill top, you won’t take the advice, right? It would be foolish advice if I say that. If I say, you can surrender by jumping into leaping flames, that is again

Kabir Sahab Asks: ‘If You Are in Love, Then Why Are You Asleep?’
Kabir Sahab Asks: ‘If You Are in Love, Then Why Are You Asleep?’
8 min
Those who are in love with awakening create methods against sleep, don’t they? What does this student want? He wants awakening. So, he is creating a method whereby he would not fall asleep. It is such a simple method and an effective one: the head must stay still and then it would not hurt. But the moment your head swings, especially if it swings downwards, it would appear as if somebody has just pulled your hair. And how hard would the pull be? As hard is your downward swing. So, the more deeply you are asleep, the more unconscious you have become, the harder will be the pull, and so you will be compelled to stay awake. Do you get this?
All About Emotions
All About Emotions
14 min

Questioner 1: Namaskar Acharya Ji! My question is, how should I control my emotions, so that they don’t become too extreme in positive as well as in negative situations. Actually, it happens to me every time that whenever I achieve my goal, I feel so happy. But if I fail,

He Does What He Can, You Do What You Can
He Does What He Can, You Do What You Can
9 min
That’s the thing about responsibility. If you cannot accept that you are responsible for your own suffering, then say, “Yes, the other is responsible for my suffering but I am responsible to reform, transform, elevate the other. I will have to agree that the other is causing me suffering but just as he is responsible for my suffering, now I will be responsible for his transformation. Read more....
Sir, From Where Do You Get This Wisdom?
Sir, From Where Do You Get This Wisdom?
6 min
The fact is that Vedant is obviously wonderful. I live by it. I definitely see that Vedant is the basis of all great philosophies of East and West. It is the foundation of everything that is beautiful. Vedant brings me to a deep peace and silence. But it is Saint Kabir precisely among all the Saints who reduces me to tears. Read more....
What Does It Mean to Love, and Love Oneself?
What Does It Mean to Love, and Love Oneself?
10 min

Acharya Prashant: This phrase — “Loving oneself is meaningful only in the context of man”. For nothing else in existence is this meaningful at all. Love is distance and duality. Love is the very meaning and purpose of duality. It is such a paradoxical thing about love that love is

Desire, Love and Maturity
Desire, Love and Maturity
7 min
Maturity is when you can transcend your body, and by the body, I mean the bodily compulsions. That includes your thoughts, your feelings, and everything because they are all bodily. You very well know how chemicals in the body translate into thoughts and feelings. Read more...
Deeper Your Empathy, Deeper Is Your Self-Love
Deeper Your Empathy, Deeper Is Your Self-Love
5 min
Who is most like you? You, yourself. So, be empathetic to yourself first. Then, who is most like you? Your mother, father, siblings; show empathy to them. Then, your neighbors, extended family, and finally, be empathetic to all. Lacking compassion for other conscious beings will only harm you. Kill the animal, and in some way the animal is liberated of its misery, at least in the physical sense. But you, having eaten the animal, will suffer. The flesh keeps you alive, and tomorrow awaits—a dark tomorrow as your punishment.