The Loyal Ones who Get Cheated || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant

3 min
48 reads
The Loyal Ones who Get Cheated || AP Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant: What is your concept of loyalty? What do you mean by loyalty? There is the loyalty of the material kind, which is nothing but barter, trade. My employer pays me so much, so I must deliver him such and such services, or if I have committed so much in a business agreement then I must uphold my part of the commitment. This is nothing but a material transaction.

And then there is the inner loyalty. I understand if you are outwardly committed to somebody because that somebody is providing something material to you, that is part and parcel of the agreement. That is okay, but how do you get inwardly committed to somebody? How do you manage to say that you are committed to Rahul or Sheena or Raj or Farrukh? How? Who is this person you are committed to? And then when you receive a jolt, like the questioner seems to have received, you come up and complain and cry, "Oh, I trusted this person so much and he ditched me." Why did you trust in the first place?

By offering your fidelity to just about any random person, first of all, you are guilty of infidelity. This is really blasphemy of the lowest kind. You make some Tom, Dick, Harry the center of your universe and, accordingly, you raise expectations from that person. Is that person, first of all, capable of and worthy of fulfilling your expectations? Obviously, he is not. He is just one general fellow like everybody else, an average human being. He will do what all average human beings do. And when his acts and transgressions come to light then you put up such a sorry face, "Oh see, my trust has not been honored."

You trust an elephant to fly and instead of flying it gives you five kilograms of elephant shit. You are looking upwards; soon it would be flying. The thing raises its tail. You feel it is a takeoff signal, and soon all the ambrosia from the heavens descends upon you, and then you come running to Acharya Ji. But your darling was an elephant. What else could he have done?

What's worse? There is something within you that still pulls you to the elephant. What is even worse is that you not only are pulled towards the elephant, you still secretly hope that the elephant will fly. The elephant is not to be blamed. Blame that within you which gets attracted to all kinds of animals. Whenever you get cheated in love, don't blame anybody else. Ask yourself, did you not have anything better to do with your life that you went and clung to a person?

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant.