Education and Career

Why Do We All Act so Blindly?
Why Do We All Act so Blindly?
18 min

Questioner: * I am Darshan, and my question is very simple yet complicated. So why do we not work? So even after knowing that if we work, we will get something that we are looking for. So, to take an example, I had the opportunity to interact with a lot

Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
Living a selfish life? || Neem Candies
1 min

People talk of personal time as opposed to professional time, right? They forget that the profession that they have chosen has also been chosen by the person. So, even that which they are mistakenly calling as professional time is only personal time.

Our lives have only personal time. To be

How To Avoid Distraction?
How To Avoid Distraction?
14 min
You say you want something, but you are distracted easily. Ask yourself, "Why am I attracted to anything?" Unless you find that, you are just a plaything in the hands of situations. If you really know, then knowing itself decides for you. Then there is no question of indecision or distraction because there are no options left.
Why Are You Power Hungry?
Why Are You Power Hungry?
13 min
Hunger for power comes from an inner restlessness. And a deep hunger for power indicates a deep disease. The man who is running after power is the poorest man of all, because real poverty lies within. If you must have power, you must have power over your own mind. 'Before I try to influence anybody else, can I please change my own ways?'
What is Real Leadership?
What is Real Leadership?
5 min
Leadership is doing what you must. A leader doesn’t care about followers. The common perception of leadership is nothing but ego- that I am superior, I am enlightened, I have something to give, and you all follow me. This is not leadership. The real leader is essentially self-centred. Followers may be there, but they are incidental.
The Key to Progress || Neem Candies
The Key to Progress || Neem Candies
1 min

A lot of progress, even in the material sense, happens only by inviting pain. That which we call as discipline, even in the loose sense, is nothing but an invitation to pain. Is there discipline without pain? You have to get up at some point in the morning—doesn’t that involve

Secrets of an Authentic Personality
Secrets of an Authentic Personality
5 min

A. Objective and Fear

Wherever there is an objective, there would be fear associated with it. You hope to get something, and you fear that you may not get it. Don’t you see that a man who is chasing goals has condemned himself to live in fear?

It is possible

On Education, Corporate Life and Career Progress
On Education, Corporate Life and Career Progress
32 min

Questioner: Good evening everyone, my name is Saurabh Sardana and you are watching the first episode of season 2, ‘Recast.’ I’m so glad to have you with me today, Acharya Prashant Ji. I’m pretty sure, that most of you that most of you sort of follow him on one of

Want More Pleasure?
Want More Pleasure?
9 min

Questioner: Acharyaji, my question is that the greed of getting more and more pleasure is increasing with time, and finally I’m finding myself getting stuck in the vicious circle of getting more and more pleasure. Sir, what are the ways that you could suggest to me to get out of

Identity, Ambition, and the Search for Fulfilment
Identity, Ambition, and the Search for Fulfilment
12 min

Questioner: Pranam sir, I am Ram Surendra Singh, a research scholar from the Mathematics Department. Sir, we all are dealing with physical matter here but if we see a periodic table, all the elements in there, and if someone knows how to play with those elements they can all create

Sir, Why This After IIT-IIM-UPSC?
Sir, Why This After IIT-IIM-UPSC?
9 min

Questioner: Acharya Ji, I think this question may be on behalf of many of us sitting in this auditorium. Every student sitting in this auditorium had a dream not of getting admission in Lakshminarayanan Institute of Technology (where the session is being held), but getting into IITs. Then, after IIT,

Why most People Fail in their Goals || AP Neem candies
Why most People Fail in their Goals || AP Neem candies
3 min

Acharya Prashant: If I am incomplete, then sitting where I am, what would be the quality of my actions, thoughts, and imagination? They, too, would be of an incomplete nature.

So, incompleteness is projecting more incompleteness for itself and then trying with all its might to reach more incompleteness. How

Be Committed, even to your Wrong Choices || AP Neem Candies
Be Committed, even to your Wrong Choices || AP Neem Candies
6 min

Acharya Prashant: Whatever you are doing, there has to be honesty in that. What is important is that you do not say one thing and do another thing. If you look at the great scientific discoveries or inventions, the scientist or the explorer would be busy in his chosen area

Leader and Follower: A Dance of Power or a Loss of Liberty?
Leader and Follower: A Dance of Power or a Loss of Liberty?
9 min
How can you lead others if you are still dependent on others? The leader must first and foremost be a person who has attained his inner completion. Only then he can be of genuine use to anybody. “If I need others, I will exploit others. If I do not need others then I can give something to others. If I do not need others then I am in a position to give something to them and that is a healthy relationship”.
How to Stop Thinking About the Future?
How to Stop Thinking About the Future?
20 min
You think that since you have dropped a lot of material stuff behind, you can live at ease without any worry but that's not how it is. One central belief that does not allow man to live freely and fully – “I will be my own master. My intellect will decide the next step.” If you keep thinking about what you need to do next via the intellectual route, then you still haven’t dropped your misplaced belief, in your power to take care of yourself.
Hard Work vs Luck
Hard Work vs Luck
8 min
Whatsoever affects you but happens without your choice, or without your will is luck. If you are master of your mind, then luck can have no effect upon you. Because battles are won or lost in the mind. When you are really-really enjoying, then you will find that you are doing so much of hard work without even realizing that you are working hard. Don’t work hard, enjoy what you are doing, and then a lot of hard work will happen on its own.
How to Do Career Planning?
How to Do Career Planning?
7 min
You've heard there's competition and you must plan to survive, but without understanding 'career' or knowing that a mind that is always competing becomes diseased. This fear is also implanted by others. It isn't yours, yet you've imbibed it. Understand the mind, the world. Then you will know what is worth doing.
Want to Beat the Competition?
Want to Beat the Competition?
13 min
Every human being wants to feel special, and therefore we want to believe that our own conditions are extraordinary. Competitiveness is there in our genes. We bring competitiveness to the corporate world, to the world of trade, business, governance, education, etc. from the jungle. If you go to the jungle—the place we all come from—what do you find there? Continuous competition. And if you listen to Darwin, he says evolution itself is a result of competition.
Why Is Our Attention-Span Declining?
Why Is Our Attention-Span Declining?
9 min
It is primarily not about the span of attention. The important thing is not really for how long you can hold your attention on an object. The important thing is, what is the quality of the object you are attending to, and the nature of the human consciousness is such that, only very specific type of objects can really hold your attention for long.
Things You DON'T Need to Have a Great Life
Things You DON'T Need to Have a Great Life
21 min

Questioner: I have something to say. There is a very famous line which is called─ the survival of the fittest. Now, I am an actor, and I’m also a medical practitioner. I studied cardiology, and as an actor, I have always advocated less makeup and simpler ways of life to

Sir, Are You Successful?
Sir, Are You Successful?
6 min

Questioner: Good afternoon and Jai Hind sir. My question to you is that people define success by different terms like influence, happiness, fame, name, etc. So, sir when did you start considering yourself success?

Acharya Prashant: First of all, thanks for inviting me here. I don't consider myself a success

Can Vedanta Address the Problem of Economic Recession?
Can Vedanta Address the Problem of Economic Recession?
10 min

Questioner: Good evening, sir. I'm Gauri. Sir, I would like to ask a question regarding the global recession. Sir, as we know the global recession has risen from 4.7% in 2021 to 8.8% in 2022. Because of this, we are facing a cost-of-living crisis in many countries. Thus, as a

Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
Vivekachudamani: Dissolve the Mind by Concentrating It in the Supreme Self
11 min
When Shankaracharya says “Dissolve the mind by concentrating it in the Supreme Self” , what he is saying is that your mind is anyway always concentrated and the type of concentration that you have will not help. This verse just tells you that whatsoever you are concentrating on is going to disappoint you. The mind is always concentrated in all the worldly and miscellaneous things. It is beyond the mind to concentrate on the Truth. Because the Truth is not an object. So, concentration doesn't help, it is not a matter of concentrating, it is a matter of seeing the futility of concentration.
Shades of Comparison: Unpacking Its Impact
Shades of Comparison: Unpacking Its Impact
11 min

Questioner: Hello sir, my name is Pradeep. I am a third year student from IIT, Hyderabad. So, my question is — In spite of being told that we shouldn't compare ourselves with others, it's told, that everyone is different and they have their own journey, but still, we tend to

Smart Work vs Hard Work - Which Is Better?
Smart Work vs Hard Work - Which Is Better?
6 min
Smart work means being a little cunning, chalu (street smart), knowing shortcuts, and having connections in the right places. That’s what the world means by ‘smart work’. Unfortunately, choosing between hard work and smart work is like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea. Whichever way you go, you are doomed. Hard work and smart work—what does hard work mean? Hard work means I do not know what I am doing, why I am doing it, or who is doing it, but I have been told that doing is important, so I am just doing and doing; that is hard work.
Stop Time Management, Start Value Management
Stop Time Management, Start Value Management
12 min
Time management is actually value management. If you know the value of something, you will give time to it. If you’re not giving time to something, it means you’re placing higher value on something else. Your time profile is a clear reflection of your mental and value profile. If you want to know who you are, write down where your typical day goes. The time distribution will reveal who you truly are. You are where you are spending your time—that's your identity, your name, your personality.
Financially Weak? Aspirations vs. Financial Constraints
Financially Weak? Aspirations vs. Financial Constraints
23 min
There are far more important things in life to give importance to, and also if you are leading a truthful life then you can’t be too short of money. You will do something, right? Otherwise, you will gain weight. And if you are a little intelligent, a little creative, why would you not earn anything? You would earn something and that would keep you going. Fear about one’s financial future is proportional to one’s disbelief in one’s own worth. Otherwise, one says, “We will see when we come to that, will be able to manage something. We are not so very unskilled or stupid or useless, we will do something, we will manage.
Sustainability Needs a Convergence of Economics and Spirituality
Sustainability Needs a Convergence of Economics and Spirituality
5 min

Acharya Prashant: People feel that because human intelligence knows no limits and human desire knows no limits, therefore the human race is going to keep expanding endlessly. They are taking inspiration from history. They keep saying that if you look at history, man has kept ceaselessly inventing; if you look

Understanding Conditioning: The Invisible Forces at Play
Understanding Conditioning: The Invisible Forces at Play
13 min

Question: We generally say, “Let me do this task and then I will be in awareness.” Why do we defer awareness? Why do we keep on postponing awareness?

Why are there forces, psychological and physiological, that work against awareness? If one must live in awareness, then why is maya against

Irrespective of what we want, we all want That same one thing || Acharya Prashant (2015)
Irrespective of what we want, we all want That same one thing || Acharya Prashant (2015)
17 min

Question: Sir, in the market place, everywhere, are they not selling just the ‘Identities’? For example, if we talk about a newspaper, one kind newspaper is read by one kind of intellectual people. They relate to it, they have an identity through which they relate to the newspaper.

Similarly if

What is meant by being vulnerable? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
What is meant by being vulnerable? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
11 min

Question: Sir, what is meant by being vulnerable?

Speaker: The word ‘vulnerability’ is not a very likable word. ‘Vulnerability’ to us is a consequence of the fact that there are forces outside of us that are hostile, aggressive and inimical, because we need to protect and defend ourselves against these

Our education fills us up with external knowledge,leaving us ignorant of ourselves
Our education fills us up with external knowledge,leaving us ignorant of ourselves
12 min

Question: Sir, what made you to leave your corporate job, and start this whole different line of work?

Speaker: There was a lot that was asking to be changed. Leaving the corporate was not really an objective. I wanted to do something, and if it could have been nicely done

How to drop the personality? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
How to drop the personality? || Acharya Prashant (2014)
21 min

Questioner: What are the practical ways by which we can move towards dropping personality?

Speaker: No! Going by the discussion we have had so far, look at the semantics of your question – “What are the practical ways in which we can move towards dropping personality?”

The solution is here,

You are the personification of the only Real; why then must you chase an ideal? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
You are the personification of the only Real; why then must you chase an ideal? || Acharya Prashant (2015)
18 min

Questioner: Sir, it is also not incidental that man has, throughout history, connected other worldliness with Truth or God, I mean this is the way that things have been propounded, right, in all the religions, in all the images…

Speaker: Not really, are we saying that *Dattatrey*a is outside the

A spiritual man is a really ambitious man || Acharya Prashant (2015)
A spiritual man is a really ambitious man || Acharya Prashant (2015)
10 min

Question: Sir, I understand that the work we are doing these days will help us. But, mostly I get the feeling that everyone in Advait has become too ambitious. They say do this, get that done. The office seems so much like a corporate.

Speaker: You do not know ambition;

How to obtain a satisfactory future? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
How to obtain a satisfactory future? || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
11 min

Questioner (Q): In this present college scenario, there is one thing, which is the academics which I focus on, and there is an equivalent pool of activities which will help me develop my personality, in the sense that if I get better in a specific activity, it might help me

Like food like life || Neem Candies
Like food like life || Neem Candies
1 min

There are cuisines around the world where animals are eaten alive. You like to have an octopus, a living octopus on your plate, and then you take the octopus and you take it in.

You have to address the entire value system. You have to ask man: Who are you?

How to avoid getting influenced by others?
How to avoid getting influenced by others?
8 min

Acharya Prashant: The question is from Simone from the Netherlands and it says, "I get easily get influenced by others. How do I learn to stand my ground?"

The mind is a crying vacancy. It is an undue emptiness. It is an unclean half-filled emptiness. The mind will always need

Don’t challenge Maya without being prepared || IIT Bombay (2022)
Don’t challenge Maya without being prepared || IIT Bombay (2022)
7 min

Questioner (Q): Acharya Ji, you often talk about the importance of time, and that is something that bothers me in the context of my career. I don’t know if I should continue in my current job or not. I took the job for very ordinary reasons: money and position in

The Profit beyond profits
The Profit beyond profits
2 min

Questioner: Talking about the theme that we have today – The Profit beyond profits. In management, we learn about how to maximize profit. And, you talk about going beyond profits. So what does going beyond profits mean?

Acharya Prashant: See, when we talk of material profits, profits in the commercial,

Without purpose, how will one act? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Without purpose, how will one act? || Acharya Prashant (2016)
4 min

Question: If one is living without purpose, how does one act?

Acharya Prashant: Let’s see, from where the question is coming. It only shows that so far we have acted only with?

Listener: Purpose.

AP : Purpose.

To act with purpose is to act in exploitation.To act in purpose is

An ambitious mind will remain in conflict || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
An ambitious mind will remain in conflict || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)
7 min

Speaker: The question can be broadly put as, ‘why is it so that our happiness comes at the cost of others?’ Why is it always a zero-sum game: if I win, you lose, if I am happy then you are sad? Why is it always like this?

This is the

Ambition and sexuality ||Neem Candies
Ambition and sexuality ||Neem Candies
1 min

Man is the only animal that is always sexually active. Why? Because man is the only animal who is always ambitious. Because you are constantly a seeker, because you are constantly feeling that hollow, because you are constantly feeling inferior, so you are always seeking something from the world. Always.

Loss of time is the biggest loss || Neem Candies
Loss of time is the biggest loss || Neem Candies
1 min

You have to be cautious towards the investment of all your resources. But among all the resources, the prime one is time.

Be careful about everything that you spend. The other things that you spend can be regained—money lost can probably be regained—but there is one resource that is not

Do you want to progress? || Neem Candies
Do you want to progress? || Neem Candies
1 min

Man wants progress, and progress means an ascension, an elevation. It is as if man wants to be elevated to some high sky. That’s what you say, right? “I am rising up, I am progressing.” What is the intention of this tendency to keep progressing? The intention is to progress

How to get a dynamic personality?
How to get a dynamic personality?
10 min

Q: How can I get a dynamic personality?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Is there anybody here who is not all, not at all concerned with the word ‘personality’? I don’t suppose there is anybody here, so just again, as I said, it is not only his question. This is not only

Change of profession or change of mind?
Change of profession or change of mind?
2 min

Question: Dear Sir,

All desires, all wants are motivated by the ego and hence desire too is an extension of the self. Now my question is that if we are our thoughts only, then how does one move from what one does not like, let us say his present occupation,

Who is an honorable man?
Who is an honorable man?
3 min

Question: What is the definition of ‘an honorable man’? Is being honorable good or bad?

Speaker: सम्मान=सम्यक्+मान

सम्यक मानने का अर्थ है समझना ।

तो जो समझ सकता है, वो सम्माननीय। जो नासमझ है उसका कोई सम्मान नहीं।

तुम भी यदि किसी का सम्मान करना चाहो, तो उसे समझो। यही

Ideals and Intelligence
Ideals and Intelligence
8 min

Student: Sir, what is an Ideal?

Acharya Prashant: You tell me. What is Idealism?

S: It is a prescription by the society in regard to how we should be.

AP: For an idealism to exist there must be an ideal and for an ideal, there should be an idea. Let’s

This is how the devil corrupts you || Neem Candies
This is how the devil corrupts you || Neem Candies
1 min

You have been entrusted with time not so that you while it away.

Somebody once asked the Satan, “How do you corrupt a being?”

He says, “It’s easy. I just whisper into his ears: your time is your time.”

And that’s the assumption we all have bought into: “I have