What is consciousness: physical or nonphysical?

Acharya Prashant

4 min
427 reads
What is consciousness: physical or nonphysical?

Questioner: Acharya Ji, whenever you’ve been asked what is consciousness, you’ve simply said that all that is mind-stuff is consciousness. A question that is not relevant to me personally. But still, I thought like material stuff is visible, it can be touched. So, that is one thing. The other thing is the Ātman ; which is beyond knowledge and all. This consciousness thing is somewhere in between. So, I mean many people have asked this foolish question. Where does consciousness reside and everything? I’m not trying to ask that but, still like what is it? What constitutes it. How does it work?

Acharya Prashant: See, how does this material body come to be conscious; is a great mystery. There is no answer to that. You can not similarly answer the question; How does this material body come to become unconscious? Or, how does the Prāṇa leave the body? Ramana Maharishi used to explain this by saying that there is a 'Jada-Chetan Granthi ' somewhere in the body, where the ‘Jadata * ’ which is the ‘material body’ meets ‘consciousness–pure consciousness.’ And he used to say that, “That * Granthi , that knot is the cause of all human suffering. So, you have to sever this knot, you have to cut that knot somewhere.”

But that was one symbolic way of just pointing towards something about which nothing concrete can be said. And that’s not a great disadvantage because nothing concrete need be said.

We do not really need to know, ‘how we came to be conscious, or how does this material body start showing conscious characteristics?’ That is not very topical. What we need to know is, how does this consciousness acquire suffering? And, how can it be liberated from suffering? That’s the moot question. Obviously, consciousness does have a material component to it. You could say that the material component of consciousness resides in the brain. Or, you could say somewhere else in the body. Science would say ‘brain’.

If something happens to your brain, that affects your consciousness. That is obvious. So, at one end, consciousness is material or at least has a material base or at least has a material pole. On the other hand, consciousness shows characteristics that are not at all material. In fact, consciousness seems to be suffering from material contact. So, that mystery is what is consciousness, that mystery is what is Man. A kind of sandwich between freedom and material. Our consciousness is part transcendental and part physical. It suffers from this ‘in-betweenness'. It is neither fully transcendental nor fully physical and that’s suffering. Now, this suffering can be overcome in two ways, one– Die. Which means become fully material. Or drink. When you drink, again consciousness loses its transcendental heights and sinks down almost into something very chemical, very material. Drug yourself down. That is another way to alleviate suffering. Are you getting it? And, somehow, unfortunately, these have been taken as the easy ways. There are chemical drugs and there are mental drugs. There are all kinds of intoxicants around. You can take them in, get high, get inebriated and allow yourself at least a momentary freedom from the experience of suffering. The other way to get rid of suffering is to leave material very far behind.

In-betweenness is the problem. You have to either go that side or go this side. You have to either move fully towards the Sky or you must accept sinking down into the earth. Spirituality is about taking the former route, the former option. Rise up! Leave the material behind. It is possible. That’s the spiritual approach.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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