Bounteous inheritance, unworthy heirs || Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant

1 min
97 reads
Bounteous inheritance, unworthy heirs || Neem Candies

Did you invent the mobile phone? Look at your brain and your intellect. Do you even deserve to hold the mobile phone in your palm? Look at how the common man lives: he is making use of cutting-edge technology, sometimes bleeding-edge technology, without knowing half a thing about technology.

We are just beneficiaries of a very long accumulative process; otherwise, the animals are better than most of us. Our religion comes from a few illuminated beings. Our science and technology, our literature, our arts, all of this comes from a few illuminated beings. Take those few beings away, and who are we? You will be left neither with language, nor with clothes, no spectacles, no technology, no car, no washing machine, no fridge.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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