Media and Public Interaction

Here is the comprehensive list of articles published by prestigious top media houses and renowned national dailies, based on Acharya Prashant's teachings.
TOP 5 Spiritual Gurus in India
Ahmedabad Mirror
July 18, 2024

TOP 5 Spiritual Gurus in India

Ahmedabad Mirror highlights Acharya Prashant as the leading spiritual guru on YouTube, with over 50 million subscribers and 2.75 billion views. He offers the largest online Bhagavad Gita course, engaging 30,000 students, and recently conducted the most extensive online Gita-based exam. Other influential gurus include Sadhguru, Swami Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and BK Shivani, each with significant followings and contributions to spirituality.
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Acharya Prashant - Most Important Social Reformer Alive
Mid Day
July 16, 2024

Acharya Prashant - Most Important Social Reformer Alive

Acharya Prashant, the world's most followed spiritual leader, confronts climate change misinformation head-on, recently calling out Elon Musk on LinkedIn. With over 75 million followers, Acharya Prashant uses his influence to highlight the urgent need for climate action, emphasising overpopulation as a key driver. His teachings, rooted in Vedanta, inspire millions to adopt sustainable living practices and ethical consumption. Read more about this on Mid Day.
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Acharya Prashant - Taking Elite Philosophy to the Last Man
Lokmat Times
July 16, 2024

Acharya Prashant - Taking Elite Philosophy to the Last Man

Acharya Prashant is making waves by transforming high-level philosophical teachings into accessible wisdom for everyone. His innovative approach bridges ancient Vedanta with contemporary life, empowering individuals across all walks of life. Read more about his transformative work in Lokmat Times.
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Acharya Prashant - Modern Genius of Ancient Wisdom
ED Times
July 15, 2024

Acharya Prashant - Modern Genius of Ancient Wisdom

Acharya Prashant, celebrated as a modern genius of ancient wisdom, integrates timeless teachings from the Bhagavad Gita with contemporary issues. This ED Times article delves into his unique approach, exploring how his insights inspire millions to embrace ethical living and spiritual growth in today’s fast-paced world.
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Acharya Prashant - The Spiritual Social Media Magnet with 50 Million Followers
APN News
July 15, 2024

Acharya Prashant - The Spiritual Social Media Magnet with 50 Million Followers

Acharya Prashant’s YouTube channel reaches a milestone of 50 million subscribers, making it the largest spiritual channel in Asia. His teachings on spirituality, climate change, women empowerment, and animal welfare inspire millions towards conscious living and meaningful change. Read more about his remarkable journey in this article by APN News.
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आचार्य प्रशांत-विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस पर देश की आबादी और उसके प्रभाव
राजस्थान पत्रिका
11 जुलाई 2024

आचार्य प्रशांत-विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस पर देश की आबादी और उसके प्रभाव

देश की आबादी खतरनाक रफ्तार से बढ़ती चली जा रही है। आचार्य प्रशांत ने राजस्थान पत्रिका में विचारोत्तेजक लेख में समझाते हैं कि आबादी बढ़ने से महंगाई, बेरोजगारी और भ्रष्टाचार जैसी समस्याएं लगातार बढ़ रही हैं। उन्होंने सरकार को इस पर नियंत्रण लगाने की दिशा में ठोस कदम उठाने की आवश्यकता पर जोर दिया है। पढ़िए आचार्य प्रशांत का विस्तृत विश्लेषण और समाधान प्रस्ताव।
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Acharya Prashant’s Spiritual Channel Surpasses 50 Million Subscribers
BW Wellbeingworld
July 10, 2024

Acharya Prashant’s Spiritual Channel Surpasses 50 Million Subscribers

Acharya Prashant’s YouTube channel has reached 50 million subscribers, making it Asia’s largest spiritual channel. His teachings tackle critical issues such as climate change, women empowerment, and animal welfare, inspiring millions towards conscious living. Discover more about his impactful journey in this article by BW Wellbeing.
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Acharya Prashant's Journey to YouTube Stardom
July 5, 2024

Acharya Prashant's Journey to YouTube Stardom

Acharya Prashant's Hindi YouTube channel surpasses 50 million subscribers, establishing him as the top spiritual leader globally on YouTube, reports India He directs a significant Bhagavad Gita Teaching Program and advocates for animal rights and societal reform through his foundation.
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Acharya Prashant becomes most followed spiritual leader globally on YouTube
July 5, 2024

Acharya Prashant becomes most followed spiritual leader globally on YouTube

Acharya Prashant rises as YouTube's top spiritual icon with 50 million subscribers, global Bhagavad Gita teachings, and the world's largest spiritual exam on the Gita. Read more about his achievements on Inshorts.
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आचार्य प्रशांत यूट्यूब के शीर्ष आध्यात्मिक शिक्षक 50 मिलियन सब्सक्राइबर्स के साथ
Dainik Bhaskar
4 जुलाई 2024

आचार्य प्रशांत यूट्यूब के शीर्ष आध्यात्मिक शिक्षक 50 मिलियन सब्सक्राइबर्स के साथ

दैनिक भास्कर में प्रकाशित लेख आचार्य प्रशांत के अनुसार यूट्यूब के शीर्ष आध्यात्मिक शिक्षक के रूप में उभरे हैं, जिनके 50 मिलियन सब्सक्राइबर्स हैं। उन्होंने जलवायु परिवर्तन, पशु क्रूरता, महिला सशक्तिकरण और अन्य आध्यात्मिक शिक्षाओं जैसे विषयों में कई युवाओं का मार्गदर्शन किया है। उनके विचार और शिक्षाएं नई पीढ़ी को प्रेरित कर रही हैं और समाज में सकारात्मक बदलाव ला रही हैं।
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