Question: Sir,if beauty is everywhere and everything is beautiful, then what is ugly? I want to share the scene of our class. The class was going on and I was sharing my opinions with the class. Mam thought that I was totally relying on my opinions so she declared me as the joker of the class. So, is joker beautiful or ugly?
Speaker: What is ugly? Whenever something happens in contradiction of your fundamental nature, it is ugly. That fundamental nature is what is called beautiful. The fundamental nature of man is what is called as beautiful. There are a few other characteristics that have been classically attributed to the fundamental nature; truth, joy, freedom, knowing. This is besides beauty. So, what is ugly? When you are acting in a way, when your mind is in a way which is in violation of truth, joy, freedom, knowing; then it is ugly. So, for example I am doing something in which I am not fully honest. This is in violation of truth. This can be called ugly.
I am doing something just out of hurt, I want to take revenge, I am not joyful, I am feeling hurt. Because I am feeling hurt, I want to take revenge. Then it is called ugly, because it is in violation of joy. Truth, joy, freedom, knowing.
I am doing something in bondage, I am doing something out of conditioned mind, a slaved mind. I am doing something without realizing what it is, then it is called ugly. Because it in violation of freedom. Truth, joy, freedom, knowing.
I am doing something out of total ignorance, I have not paid attention to it and I am just doing it or saying it. Then it is called ugly.Truth, joy, freedom, knowing.
Ugliness is trying to be what we are not. Ugliness is a kind of fakeness. Our essential nature is beautiful. Truth, joy, freedom, knowing. Whenever that essential nature is suppressed and something else is worn, that is ugly. You are trying to be something or somebody you really are not, that is ugliness. Rest is all beautiful.
Whenever you are simply yourself, you are beautiful, most beautiful.
That’s why in nature everything is beautiful, only man can be called ugly. Because in nature nothing tries to be, become or act in ways that are fake. Nothing tries to become something it is really not. Only man has a need to wear a mask. That mask is what is called ugliness. Because that mask hides truth, joy, freedom, knowing.
Right? So, I leave it upon you to enquire whether you were really yourself at that time or was it something else that was clouding your mind. Were you acting under influences? Whenever you act under influences, it is called ugly.
Excerpted from a ‘Shabd-Yog’ session. Edited for clarity.