Anything done in awareness is good

Acharya Prashant

2 min
61 reads
Anything done in awareness is good

Question: Dear Sir, when I review the discussions that take place in the clarity sessions, most of them are beyond my ordinary imaginations. The experiences or the words mentioned in these sessions sound very pure and pious but very difficult to attain. Why is it so?

Answer: The Sunday discussions are simple and easy flowing. Those who are present enjoy them and participate enthusiastically. There are frequent bouts of laughter, and would you believe that often we sing together? So much so that sometimes the 4-hour session becomes a 7-hour session.

You are right that it appears almost unattainable from that distance. But the question is not of attainment but of understanding.

Nothing is always good. The right thing changes from situation to situation. There is a time to heal, there is a time to kill. It is just that whatever you do must be done with a clear understanding of the situation, and not with a bias towards anything.

Anything done in awareness is good.

We live in the numbness of unawareness. There is a lot in our minds, in our beings, that is not fit, not healthy. Had we not been numb, we would have felt the pain of the disease. When you begin to develop awareness, at first you feel this pain. It is natural. No need to worry about it. If you are feeling a kind of suffering, it only means that you are now also more open to feel joy.

Carry on with sharp enquiry. Carry on in deep awareness.

-Based on my interactions on various e-media.

Dated: 28th October,’11

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant.