All attitudes are dangerous, whether 'positive' or 'negative' || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)

Acharya Prashant

6 min
91 reads
All attitudes are dangerous, whether 'positive' or 'negative' || Acharya Prashant, with youth (2013)

Question: What is the difference between ‘right attitude’ and ‘wrong attitude’? If external forces ask one to change his or her attitude, then how does one know or decide that what is ‘right attitude’ or ‘wrong attitude’?

Speaker: What is the attitude? Attitude means mentality. Attitude is a predetermined, frozen set of beliefs. Attitude means, “I already know.” Attitude says, “I already know.” Attitude says, “I have beliefs about this, and this is it.” Attitude says, “Even before I know the reality, I have made up my mind.”

You talked of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ attitude. (Pointing at a blackboard at his back) I write a variable A over here and I say, “Tell me whether A is positive or negative.”

Listener 1: Positive.

Speaker: Positive. Because you have a positive attitude, so it is positive for you. And those who have a negative attitude, for them it is negative. Wonderful!

I write over here another variable, in a language not known to you. Those of you who have a positive attitude, will say, “You know, some tremendously good things about me are written here. It is written that I am beautiful, handsome, glorious, intelligent.” Those of you who have a negative attitude, will say, “You know what is written here about me? I am shit, and I am going to be flushed away.”


Now, is one party better than the other party? All those who have a positive attitude, are they any better than those who have a negative attitude? None of them really understands anything. How can they understand when their mind is already full of attitude?

Attitude is the enemy of understanding.

With attitude we can never understand. Because attitude says, “I already know.” And when you already know , how can you know? When you say, “I already know,” how can you know? Are you getting it?

Listeners: Yes, Sir.

Speaker: There is nothing called ‘positive attitude’ or ‘negative attitude’. All attitudes are enemy of understanding and reality. Within attitude, you approach reality with a fixed, frozen mindset. Right? You say, “I already know.” Where is the need to investigate then? When one already knows, then who wants to investigate? “Who wants to investigate? I already have an attitude.”

An intelligent man lives a life free of attitude. He has no attitude, he lives in the moment. And that is why he lives in reality. His life is a very practical life. It is only a stupid man who lives a life full of attitude. And that is why he lives a fake life, a life full of dreams and ideals. He is not in touch with reality. He lives a very impractical life.

So whenever someone tells you, “Have a positive attitude,” and “Be positive,” and the rest of it, look into it. You are intelligent. You have brain. Investigate it.

When you approach a problem of Mathematics, do you approach it with a predetermined answer in mind? No. You approach it, as it is. Right? You do not impose your answers on it. Do you impose an answer before solving a question? No. If you already have an answer in mind, can you ever solve that equation?

Listeners: No, Sir.

Speaker: When I was preparing for the IIT JEE exam, one of the things that my Physics teacher used to tell me was, “You solve all these questions from various books, but while writing the IIT JEE exam, if you come across a question that looks like a previously solved one, please forget that previously solved question. Do not recall the memory of that previously solved question. Otherwise, you will never be able to solve this new one.” It sounds counter intuitive.

Please understand what he was trying to say. He was trying to say that if you keep that previously solved question in mind, which looks like this new question, then you will approach this question in the same way you approached that question. But no question is similar. You do not get repeated questions in JEE. You have to approach questions with a fresh mind, and not with the attitude that- ‘I already know’.

In fact, it was told that it becomes doubly difficult to solve a new question, if you have done a similar kind of question earlier. We often think that if we solve questions of a particular kind, then it will be easier for us in the examination. Our Physics teacher taught us that this is not the case. The case is just opposite. If one remembers the previously solved question, then one is not able to solve the new question, because the memory of previous question interferes with the understanding of the new question. Attitude is just like that.

I have an attitude that these two classes, these two sections, are the worst among all sections. The students here are troublemakers, moron, dim-witted, and they cannot understand anything. Now if I walk in with this attitude, will I be able to understand what you are trying to say? Will I understand your questions?

Listeners: No, Sir.

Speaker: You may ask a very nice, sharp question. But what will be my attitude?

Listeners: They are not good.

Speaker: They are not good. I already know. And then I will be making a fool of myself, and of course, you. On the other hand, if someone tells me that these are the two best sections, and these students are gems, will I be able to answer your questions in the same manner that I am answering now?

Listeners: No, Sir.

Speaker: My answers, even if they come, they will be useless, because I will speak with an attitude that they already know. So why make them understand things. They are bright students, they already know.

There is nobody here who is not carrying attitude of some kind or the other. Do not live a life full of attitude. When you look at a thing, look at it freshly. Do not look at it with a pre-existing attitude. When you meet a person, meet him afresh, not with an attitude that I already know him.

When you come to a situation, come to it afresh, not with an attitude that I already know. All the time responds to it such and such man. Yes?

Neither ‘positive’ nor ‘negative’, just ‘real’. Just intelligence.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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