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Being An Avatar is A Choice

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Based on Chapter 9 and 10 of Bhagavad Gita
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2 hours 57 minutes
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Worldwide Shrimad Bhagvad Gita has been acclaimed as one of the scriptures that stands the tallest in spirituality. The Bhagavad Gita is special because it is narrated in a very worldly, very practical setting. The outcome of the conversation would decide actively the fate of many million residents of the kingdom, not merely to get entered academically in some pages of another holy book. Though this scripture is centuries old, commentaries given by Acharya Prashant makes it convenient for today's generation to understand it in context of their daily life.

Why does the path of adhyātma or self-knowledge appear attractive as a possibility to some people? because this path is not at all intuitive. There is nothing in our tendencies, there is nothing in our pre-existing design, there is nothing in our biological design that encourages us or nudges us to look at the looker, to look at the mind itself.

Faith and belief are very different things. Faith is different from belief. Faith is different from trust. Faith is an entirely different thing. This course will explore the true meaning of faith, trust and belief.

How do you differentiate between an avatar and an ordinary human being? The ordinary human being himself carries the potential to be an avatar. You could probably call Shri Krishna an avatar because most of the times he was doing things that ordinary people would not choose to do.

How can one see Shri Krishna as timeless, formless, beginningless, endless? Is it a minute job? You snap your fingers and be done?

All attributes, like misery, happiness, good name, and even ill-fame, arise from the Lord. What then is the role of free will for a human being when everything is arising from the Lord himself?

How will you see that something is the source of everything when you are very confident of your concept that one thing is the source of another thing? Start with yourself. Who is your source? Do you really think you came from your parents?

It is said that the Lord supports the whole world by a portion of Himself. Then where does evil come from? How about the evil we see in people? Does it even exist or is it just an outcome of impure perception?

This course is based on Chapter 9 and10 of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.


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