AP Books
The Naked Sky of Freedom

The Naked Sky of Freedom

Break free of the cage
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You need freedom from the cage, not lessons in flying!

The Naked Sky of Freedom is a collection of discourses on freedom, bondage, and related topics essential for deep spiritual enquiry and understanding. Acharya Prashant meets with diverse audiences ranging from young students to experienced spiritual seekers, and encourages us to explore the ways in which we have lost touch with our essential nature by becoming slaves to various external and internal masters.

This book is essential for seekers of all stages who yearn to realize true freedom and live life unchained. Come close to these words, and you will come to see that freedom need not be attained; just see what you are staying in the cage for, and step out into the vastness of the open sky.


1. What is freedom? 2. What does freedom mean to you? 3. What is unconditional freedom? 4. Freedom is here 5. Freedom from ego is freedom from fear 6. Agree with freedom for freedom is your nature
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