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Mundaka Upanishad (Volume 3)

Volume 3

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Embedded within the Atharva Veda, Mundaka Upanishad is one of the primary Upanishads. Its 64 verses expound the core wisdom of Vedic philosophy, providing the seeker with critical knowledge regarding the nature of reality, the mechanisms of the dualistic mind, and the practice that is required for true inner purification and a life dedicated to the Truth.

In this book, we come to the third and final section of the Mundaka Upanishad, where our journey with the ancient seers of India reaches its climax. The nameless sages of old have left us both an invitation and a challenge: Are we really satisfied with what we are? Are we ready to listen to the timeless call of our deepest desire? Do we have what it takes to take our potential to its fullest splendour and actualize the gift that lies dormant within us?

Throughout these commentaries, Acharya Prashant takes us to these questions and encourages us to enquire into them deeply. The verses are revived in the language of our time and deconstructed to us with exceptional lucidity. The subsequent conversations complement the reader with answers to questions from various levels of understanding.

Approach this book without bias, and you will find that the song of the Upanishads is still fresh and as relevant as it always has been. Their song is that of your highest potential, and that potential is of the Beyond.

Now is the time for you to choose it.

This book is recommended to be read in succession with Mundaka Upanishad volumes 1 and 2.


1. Two birds, beautiful of wing (Verses 3.1.1-3.1.2) 2. Seek the one who is Truthful (Verse 3.1.3) 3. Life is Consciousness alone (Verse 3.1.4) 4. The ways and name of the love affair unending (Verse 3.1.5) 5. Only the Truth wins (Verse 3.1.6) 6. Vast, unthinkable, subtler than the subtle, farther than farness itself (Verse 3.1.7)
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