The only way to clean yourself is to immerse in the ocean of the Self || Acharya Prashant (2015)

Acharya Prashant

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The only way to clean yourself is to immerse in the ocean of the Self || Acharya Prashant (2015)

Speaker: Is there any freshness possible to somebody who is beyond corruption and fatigue? If you cannot get stale, how will you get fresh?

Who gets stale? The mind.

And who gets fresh? The mind.

The very usefulness of going to one extreme of duality is that it makes the other extreme possible. When you sleep in deep fatigue, you’re deeply tired and you go to sleep, you have guaranteed that you will wake up fresh. Is that not so? If you are feeling restless and you are having insomnia, it is great if you go and run for five kilometers. You come back, you fall asleep and you will wake up very fresh. Whereas if you push yourself to sleep, then you will keep waking up intermittently, and finally when you do get off the bed, you will keep feeling tired.

Deep tiredness ensures good freshness. So, freshness is nothing great. Freshness is nothing of the beyond. The freshness that you are taking of is just the opposite of tiredness. Real freshness you do not know. Your freshness is just a consequence of being fatigued. ***Real freshness is something transcendental. Real freshness is creativity . Real freshness is when you look at the world with fresh eyes. Real freshness is when you look at yourself freshly. Real freshness is to be reborn. That is Real freshness.***

Real freshness is not about not feeling tired in the limbs. Real freshness is not about not yawning or not feeling energetic or not feeling sleepy. What is all this? Even chemicals can bring you to this stage. Why are you calling it freshness? Or have you fallen in the trap of the advertisers who say that, “Use our toothpaste to get a fresh beginning to the morning”. That is their definition of freshness. Have you fallen for that definition, that fresh means nice odour from the mouth?

Freshness is something of the Atma . It is not something of the body. But in your world, freshness means taking a bath or going to the loo. Have you not heard people say that, “I am just going to get fresh”? Can there be a more stupid statement than this?

The Wise ones have said, “Atma Snanam, Maha Snanam”. That is the Real bath, when you bathe in the river of the Self. Only that is Real cleansing, only that really freshens you up, only then is the dirt of the world, of time and space, washed away. You wake up every morning and you are saying that, “One wakes up fresh after a dreamless sleep”. I am asking you, when will you really wake up? When will you really experience the real freshness of waking up? When will that happen? Or, will you be contended in just waking up, which relates to opening up of your eyes every morning? If that is what you call waking up, then a morning will come when you will not open your eyes. That is no waking up at all.

Real awakening is when you have awakened beyond time. Now mornings do not matter. Now your freshness does not depend on sleep. It is a non-dual freshness. Now you are fresh even when you are deeply tired. In the middle of all your fatigue and tiredness, there is something within you which is absolutely untouched and fresh. When will you get to that freshness?

Look at your definitions. Look at their unworthiness. Look at the trap that they are. Every word that you utter is a trap. What you call as ‘fresh’ is not fresh at all. What you call as ‘here’ is not here at all. What you call as ‘there’ is not there at all. What you call as ‘love’ is not love at all. What you call as ‘me’ is not me at all. What you call as ‘present’ is not present at all. Your language is a conspiracy against yourself. Why do you speak? Why do you even think? The more you speak and the more you think, the more you are walking into a self-made trap.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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