Acharya Prashant: Nobody will ever have enough money. Nobody will ever be able to say I do not need more clothes or better clothes. Nobody will ever say all my desires are now satisfied. That's not going to happen. Nobody will ever say the situations are all perfect. No. Those things will continuously remain.
As a young person, you need to figure out very clearly what is worth doing, what is important in life. Else you're traveling to the college and you're looking out of the bus window and you see something happening, something by chance, the usual trivia, and it will capture you and you'll find yourself thinking about it for 30 minutes. 30 minutes of life gone on nothing. And that's how most of us simply waste our entire life on nothing in particular. So what did you do your entire life? Nothing in particular. I was always occupied. I was always occupied. But what did you do? Nothing.
But okay, let's say you get a one week break. A Diwali break. Let's say 10 days break. And somebody asks you, ‘What did you actually do?’ Is that not an honest answer? Nothing in particular. And that's what happens when you have nothing really important to do. You do nothing, at least nothing in particular. And it's unimaginable the lengths of time that you can simply squander doing nothing in particular. Two months of summer holidays were spent doing nothing in particular. Nothing in particular.
My driver, I make it a point that he drives slowly so that sitting in the rear seat, I do not get disturbed. Why? Because commutes take long 1 hour and 2 hour and I want to read, that's a dedicated time. I get to complete my reading list. Else it's very possible to simply say I was traveling so I was doing nothing in particular and it's not that you are doing nothing at all.
When you are traveling, you're doing something. What are you doing? Staring out of the window, looking at something random, in between you just scroll through the feed Facebook or something. Type something random on Instagram. Google at some nice faces passing by. You don't know their names. The fellow will be in visual range for 2.2 seconds. And yet the fellow becomes so important. Two seconds you stare. And then for 2 minutes, you think. You know by the time the next pretty face comes, you have already forgotten the previous one and the world can be an unending succession of pretty faces. Two hours will fly away. You did your entire journey doing, nothing in particular. The name of the journey is life.
Now death has arrived and death asks so tell me how it was? What did you do? Well, nothing in particular, though I was always busy. Always busy. You'll never find anyone saying I have so much time, kindly assign me some task. I found somebody begging for work. work. No, everybody is running behind on schedule, right? If you happen to have a to-do list of any kind, you're always behind the list, are you not? So, everybody is occupied doing nothing in particular.
Have one thing worth living for. You'll forget when you board the bus, you'll forget when the destination has arrived. Somebody will have to prod you to get down. You'll be so immersed. That's a beautiful word. No, immersion. How do you like it? Immersion. How about that? Does that appeal to you? Immersion. Have you experienced that sometimes? Immersion? Huh? That alone is the way to live. If you're not immersed, you are scattered. How does it feel to be scattered? Have you experienced that? A state of being scattered inwardly. Have you? Have you?
Isn't immersion beautiful? Have you seen how time stops when you are immersed? And if you can have immersion in your everyday life that alone is the best meditation. Are you getting it? And if you can have that immersion, that is an antidote to all kinds of mental troubles. Otherwise there is the menace of depression, anxiety and all kinds of mental things especially among the young.
The one who has something to live for will never be mentally sick. And mental illness is a pointer that life is devoid of essence. I have no time to be anxious. How about that? Are you suffering from anxiety? What's the answer? I have no time to be anxious. Even anxiety requires time. I don't have time. How can I be anxious? Are you afraid? I have no space for fear. When fear comes, I say I'm sorry. No vacancy. Not that you aren't great. Obviously, you are great and powerful. The entire world kneels to you. You're wonderful. But as far as I'm concerned, no vacancy. Give all your inner space to something that is beautiful for you. Let there be no vacancy.