Dussehra: How to win at life || Neem Candies

Acharya Prashant

1 min
110 reads
Dussehra: How to win at life || Neem Candies

If you are fighting a battle, if you are involved in something, and somewhere along the way that thing, the process, the result of action starts hurting you, it only means that you started from a position of inadequacy, incompleteness in the very first place.

Fight for the right cause and let it consume you fully. That is the only way of living life. Fight for the right one and devote yourself totally to him. That is the only way of living and fighting.

Give yourself up so totally that you cannot now be blamed for having reserved anything for your personal self. Don’t cut corners; don’t hold back. Devote the last ounce of yourself, your energy, your flesh, everything. That is the only way to ensure that you never are defeated.

No means is bigger than the end. Peace is the beginning and the end.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant.