Continuous realization and passive waiting || (2016)

Acharya Prashant

3 min
72 reads
Continuous realization and passive waiting || (2016)

Questioner (Q): Is there anything that I can do to have realization in this point of time apart from waiting? Or should I do something?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No, nothing.

In fact, already you have said something important. You have already realized that waiting is so important. But this waiting must be a very passive waiting; a very inactive waiting. You cannot actively wait. You cannot count minutes and hours and years. It has to be a very passive waiting. You are not even waiting, you must forget that you are waiting. That kind of waiting. Not the kind of waiting that you have on a railway platform.

Because active waiting is arrogance. You are in some sense wanting the other to comply by your wish. Wanting the train to arrive as per your wish—that is active waiting.

Passive waiting means that ‘I do not know whether you will come, I do not know whether you should come, I do not even know whether you exist, yet, I wait. And this waiting is no obligation upon you to arrive. I wait without bothering you to come. You may come, you may not come, I do not even know whether you exist, yet, I wait’.

That kind of waiting.

Very dormant, very sleepy waiting.

Q: I become negative again and again, and I have realized it. But it keeps on repeating. What to do about it?

AP: Nothing.

You see, this is the load of your living, this is the load of your past. You weigh a particular number, now, what can you do with it? Can you wish your kilograms away?

They came to you because you lived a particular kind of life. All that you can now do is not to live the way you were living. Thinking about your weight will not help you. So, all this that you experience - resistance, this, and that - is the kilograms that you have accumulated all your life. Now, thinking about that would hardly make it easier for you. Rather, get rid of the pattern that has brought you to that hefty condition.

Your patterns brought you there; give up those patterns.

Q: I have realized that I have put on weight...

AP: No, keep realizing.

There is nothing called realization in the sense of completion.

There is nothing called realization in the sense of accomplished realization.

Realization is an ongoing process.

Realization never happens completely; it never comes to an end.

You must keep realizing. Keep realizing.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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