Answer the questioner, not the question || Acharya Prashant (2016)

Acharya Prashant

5 min
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Answer the questioner, not the question || Acharya Prashant (2016)

Questioner (Q): In daily routine life, sometimes we say we should speak the truth, and truth only, and avoid speaking lies. But once you are speaking the truth, you are more relaxed and you don’t have to think every time what the lie was. So, should we speak the truth all the time?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No No, see, first of all, what you are calling truth is just facts. You are asking whether you should be stating facts to someone all the time.

Q: If the people usually lie all the time…

AP: When somebody asks you, he or she expects facts, right? If the fellow is really looking for the facts and you do not give to him facts then it is a disservice. But, there are times when both of you are just playing roles, the fellow is asking you something but not at all sincerely expecting a sincere answer. Now if you are giving a sincere answer, you are destroying the role play. Are you getting it?

There are times when the other fellow really wants the facts and then it is your duty to provide the fact, and then there are times when all the other fellow wants is some answer. And now if you are intent upon giving the facts, you are spoiling the occasion. Are you getting it?

Why do you want to spoil the occasion? You must have the presence to know what the other one is really asking for.

When you ask me a question, I do not give you the same reply as I would to some other questioner asking the same question. I have to look at what you are really asking for. Are you asking for the fact? Is your inquiry deeper than the fact? Or, are you someone who is just looking for consolations? There are people who come looking for consolations. I don’t feel obliged to give them even the facts. They come looking for consolations, I give them a joke, entertain them.

You have come asking for little, you have displayed your capacity only for the little. The size of your container is this (small) much. Now, even if all the cloud in the world rain upon you, they would only be wasting their water. So, why must I rain the truth upon you? You have come with the intention of only this much (little), I’ll only give you this much. Why must I spoil the occasion? Why must I unnecessarily create a flood? In giving you so much (so little), I wasted billions of tons of water.

The scriptures are very clear on this. The Truth is only for those, who really really are qualified for it. And if you are not qualified for it, you must not get it even if you beg for it.

That is why such rigorous conditions have been put. You go and you first clear this test, you prove your worth in this criteria, you do this, you do that, you spend years first becoming capable of receiving the Truth. And only then the Guru will initiate you. Otherwise, the Guru will keep turning you away, "Go back you don’t deserve the Truth yet." Similarly, there are so many people who just don’t deserve even facts, you are not morality bound to keep serving what they aren’t even looking for.

You give Truth to someone who is not looking for Truth, he will slaughter you. You give facts to someone who is not looking for facts he’ll call you are a liar. That doesn’t mean you have to have an instinct for self-preservation. That only means that you’ll be taking the fun out of the game.

She has come to you and she is all decked up like a doll, and asks “Do you think I am fat?” You must be an absolute idiot to say, “Yes.” Of course, she doesn’t want to hear the facts. Who are you to provide facts and spoil the occasion? Please say, “No, of course not, you are the slimmest one.” Are you getting it?

Spirituality is not ethics. Spirituality is not morality. Spirituality is not for those who are searching for a code of conduct. That is why society doesn’t like spiritual people. They do not abide by its ethical codes. Sometimes they would, and that is just a coincidence. Many a time they won’t.

This article has been created by volunteers of the PrashantAdvait Foundation from transcriptions of sessions by Acharya Prashant
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